When are the Broadwell chips and 800 series GTX cards projected to be out? I'll be building around Dec/Jan and I still have no idea when these are predicted to show up.
Has that actually been confirmed by Intel?It is forward - compatible with broadwell. It isn't backward compatible with z87 chipset socket. It's like socket 2011 and 2011-3 all over again.
Node my new NAS. Splash put into storage and the i7 moved into the Prodigy for my friend to use over the summer/to sell if I end up selling it.
So in the Watch Dogs performance thread some people have been mumbling that the i5 2500k is dead. As a 2500k owner I'd be interested to know if these statements hold any truth. Please tell me my 2500k is still kicking ass and will keep doing that for quite some time!
When are the Broadwell chips and 800 series GTX cards projected to be out? I'll be building around Dec/Jan and I still have no idea when these are predicted to show up.
So in the Watch Dogs performance thread some people have been mumbling that the i5 2500k is dead. As a 2500k owner I'd be interested to know if these statements hold any truth. Please tell me my 2500k is still kicking ass and will keep doing that for quite some time!
So in the Watch Dogs performance thread some people have been mumbling that the i5 2500k is dead. As a 2500k owner I'd be interested to know if these statements hold any truth. Please tell me my 2500k is still kicking ass and will keep doing that for quite some time!
That thread is really fucking stupid.So in the Watch Dogs performance thread some people have been mumbling that the i5 2500k is dead. As a 2500k owner I'd be interested to know if these statements hold any truth. Please tell me my 2500k is still kicking ass and will keep doing that for quite some time!
Buy another (same if possible) 3x2GB kit so you maintain triple channelguys, why do you ignore me : |
short story
looking to upgrade ram
i have 3x2GB DDR3 triple channel corsair sticks and 3 free slots
is it ok if i buy a 4GB stick (crucial scan suggests i do that) or should i replace everything ?
On PC, usually you don't really care about the performance, because the idea is that if it's not [running] fast enough, you buy a bigger GPU.
All together.
Size comparison
3/4 view.
Now to start the parts shuffle.
Black --> White
Blue --> Black
Buy another (same if possible) 3x2GB kit so you maintain triple channel
Is there a way to have the memory paging file on my second harddrive and not my SSD? I am still getting low memory errors and I am suspecting that it is because I have it practically disabled due to me not wanting to wear down my SSD. I've never had this issue before in my old computer with a HDD and I do the exact same thing as I did on that.
Put it on SSD and stop pointlessly worrying about ssd wear
edit: Google for ssd endurance test because for some weird reason that website is banned.
PC GAF, I have an old Phenom II X4 955 (3.2 GHz) that I was going to use in a small build for my sister's boyfriend, and was wondering if anyone would be able to approximate what card would have the best performance without being bottle-necked by the 955. I found a refurb 7870 on Newegg for $150, but I can probably find cheaper if the 7870 would be wasted on this CPU. Thanks.
So in the Watch Dogs performance thread some people have been mumbling that the i5 2500k is dead. As a 2500k owner I'd be interested to know if these statements hold any truth. Please tell me my 2500k is still kicking ass and will keep doing that for quite some time!
That heatsink looks like some kind of final boss in a game
Absolutely worth it.If you don't mind me asking, was there a particular reason to move from the Compact Splash? It looks like a neat case but if it's noisy I'd pass![]()
Also because it's quite expensive, did you find it worth it? I'm wanting a small case to sometimes take to a lan but otherwise be as quiet as I can make it.
edit: oh nevermind, despite the website having them available, OCN says they're sold out :/
Absolutely worth it.
I'm putting it away because I'm lending my i7 to a friend and my splash isn't 'done' (still need parts for my full loop thus the hard drives sit loose inside) and the first run cases have paint that is easily scratched.
It's certainly a niche product but as you can see in the pics - way smaller than anything out there.
That said. Something like the Node or other small case might be better for LAN, unless you feel like taking the chances transporting a fully watercooled computer... It's also steel so pretty heavy.
Help me PC Gaf!
I'm building what would presumably be a mid-range gaming PC as a gift for my 14 yo nephew. For the GPU i want to get either an FX-8320 or an I5 4670K. I would also like to include an 128GB SSD, but i'm on a tight budget and already went a good deal higher than i expected. Obviously the I5 costs a good deal more, so if i get that then the SSD is out of the question. For a PC that would mostly be used for gaming, should i rather take the I5 4670K, or the FX-8320 plus the SSD? Obviously the SSD won't mitigate any difference in processing power, but would faster loading times be a good trade off for whatever difference there is between these two processors?
Mine is one of the first run (which were $100 cheaper) and part of the expense is buying the 'story'. I think of it as owning a piece of artisanal craft. I've had lots of contact with the designer and the case that I own was one of the ones that had full customization options.IMO that case is way too expensive. It's pretty though
Help me PC Gaf!
I'm building what would presumably be a mid-range gaming PC as a gift for my 14 yo nephew. For the GPU i want to get either an FX-8320 or an I5 4670K. I would also like to include an 128GB SSD, but i'm on a tight budget and already went a good deal higher than i expected. Obviously the I5 costs a good deal more, so if i get that then the SSD is out of the question. For a PC that would mostly be used for gaming, should i rather take the I5 4670K, or the FX-8320 plus the SSD? Obviously the SSD won't mitigate any difference in processing power, but would faster loading times be a good trade off for whatever difference there is between these two processors?
Mine is one of the first run (which were $100 cheaper) and part of the expense is buying the 'story'. I think of it as owning a piece of artisanal craft. I've had lots of contact with the designer and the case that I own was one of the ones that had full customization options.
In the end yeah a lot of cash. But it gives me something to talk about other than my kids![]()
Watch_Dogs isn't even properly out yet and people are still calling it unoptimized.
There's a launch day patch for the game and driver update for both AMD and Nvidia still in store. So please save the vitriol until then. I get that people want to discuss it, but come on. Does nobody else feel that performance thread is a little premature?
Watch_Dogs isn't even properly out yet and people are still calling it unoptimized.
There's a launch day patch for the game and driver update for both AMD and Nvidia still in store. So please save the vitriol until then. I get that people want to discuss it, but come on. Does nobody else feel that performance thread is a little premature?
Watch_Dogs isn't even properly out yet and people are still calling it unoptimized.
There's a launch day patch for the game and driver update for both AMD and Nvidia still in store. So please save the vitriol until then. I get that people want to discuss it, but come on. Does nobody else feel that performance thread is a little premature?
Hi Gaf! I really need your help!
I'm having some slowdown problems playing Diablo 3 with my current setup...
When the screen is full with mobs and players using their skills, my fps drops to 20-10 even 2 fps...
But when i'm sitting in a place, or playing alone, it stays at 60-50 fps
I want to upgrade my PC so I can play it without any slowdown at all, no matter how many mobs/players are playing with me...
I have:
Phenom X4 965 BE 3.4ghz
Geforce GTX 680 2gb
8gb DDR 3 1333 Kingston
Corsair GS 700 Powersupply
120gb SSD Corsair
2TB Seagate HD
Windows 8.1 (I had the same slowdown problem with 7)
Long story. Only the first 50 were able to be ordered customized. Of that 50, 20 were made by one manufacturer but it ended up taking too long/cases arrived damaged so he had to move to a different manufacturer for the rest.So the maker doesn't customize per order anymore?
Hi Gaf! I really need your help!
I'm having some slowdown problems playing Diablo 3 with my current setup...
When the screen is full with mobs and players using their skills, my fps drops to 20-10 even 2 fps...
But when i'm sitting in a place, or playing alone, it stays at 60-50 fps
I want to upgrade my PC so I can play it without any slowdown at all, no matter how many mobs/players are playing with me...
I have:
Phenom X4 965 BE 3.4ghz
Geforce GTX 680 2gb
8gb DDR 3 1333 Kingston
Corsair GS 700 Powersupply
120gb SSD Corsair
2TB Seagate HD
Windows 8.1 (I had the same slowdown problem with 7)
IIRC Diablo 3 has slowdowns like that in most setups.
I remember general advice for Diablo 3 was to instal it on SSD if it's not there already.
Long story. Only the first 50 were able to be ordered customized. Of that 50, 20 were made by one manufacturer but it ended up taking too long/cases arrived damaged so he had to move to a different manufacturer for the rest.
So to help pay for the problems with the original 50 another batch of 50 were ordered but instead of each individual case being customizable (colour, io, fillport, etc) the options were limited (three colours instead of any, limited availablilty on the different models). The second run was more expensive but way better built and powder coat painted instead of spray painted and other such stuff.
The case isn't perfect. But what it was designed to do (cpu+Gpu water loop in the smallest possible formfactor) it does very well - to the point that air cooling performance is sacrificed.
Yep. And that's the whole point of the caseOk I see. It's pretty neat to be able to actually have a water system for such a small PC
Should I spring the extra cash to get a i7 or stick with a i5. Now that the consols have multiple cores, will more games take advantage of an i7? Also on intel the k means over overclockable?
What's the best SSD? Should I rock a hybrid to save on money? If I'm going air cooled what the best paste to use?
If you already have windows 7 it isn't really worth upgrading right now. Pcpartspicker is ok but yeah still worth manually searching.Adding a few questions to my pervious unanswered questions. I have Windows 7 is it necessary to upgrade to 8? Also, is PCPartPicker the place to go to find the cheapest deals or should I do some leg work and manually look at Newegg, amazon and tiger direct?
A card like that will be fine.
Refurb 7870 isn't that good a deal. Brand new R9 270 for $155 plus free games http://www.ncixus.com/products/?usa...=CGAX-R927614&manufacture=Club3D&promoid=1069
Help PLZ.
This is the build I'm going with minus the CPU, I'll be waiting for the new ones.
but it says most cases I chose are not compatible cause they do not have front USB ports. is it due to the the z97 motherboard? can anyone tell me if this is a good case or can find a better one.
PCPartPicker part list: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3Qejf
Price breakdown by merchant: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3Qejf/by_merchant/
Benchmarks: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3Qejf/benchmarks/
CPU: Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($223.98 @ SuperBiiz)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($29.94 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: MSI Z97-GAMING 5 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($158.99 @ Mac Mall)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($59.23 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: Sapphire Radeon R9 290X 4GB Tri-X Video Card ($549.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Case: Corsair Graphite Series 230T Grey ATX Mid Tower Case ($69.99 @ NCIX US)
Power Supply: EVGA SuperNOVA NEX750B BRONZE 750W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($69.99 @ NCIX US)
Total: $1162.11
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-05-25 13:55 EDT-0400)
Case is fine. It's probably just because most cases are now starting to have only USB3.0 ports on the front and no USB2.0, which is likely flagging PCPartPicker as not having any ports. The board has front USB3.0 support so no worriesHelp PLZ.
This is the build I'm going with minus the CPU, I'll be waiting for the new ones.
but it says most cases I chose are not compatible cause they do not have front USB ports. is it due to the the z97 motherboard? can anyone tell me if this is a good case or can find a better one.
PCPartPicker part list: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3Qejf
Price breakdown by merchant: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3Qejf/by_merchant/
Benchmarks: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3Qejf/benchmarks/
CPU: Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($223.98 @ SuperBiiz)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($29.94 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: MSI Z97-GAMING 5 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($158.99 @ Mac Mall)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($59.23 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: Sapphire Radeon R9 290X 4GB Tri-X Video Card ($549.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Case: Corsair Graphite Series 230T Grey ATX Mid Tower Case ($69.99 @ NCIX US)
Power Supply: EVGA SuperNOVA NEX750B BRONZE 750W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($69.99 @ NCIX US)
Total: $1162.11
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-05-25 13:55 EDT-0400)
Thanks. I got some more details so I've had to change some things around. We're trying to keep the budget around $550, but he needs a monitor and keyboard as well. He said he's not really looking to max anything out, so I'm thinking this 19" 1600x900 paired with an R7 250 will be alright. I might change some things around and go up to a 260X, but I don't think it's necessary at that resolution.
At that budget would this card be worth considering, sapphire 7950 for $165 in the buy sell thread.It's really not worth dropping below a 260X.