Is far cry 3 amd or nvidia game? and why the r9 280x isn't keeping up with the new games?
Every one of your posts I've seen have been at odds with your username. Until now.I don't really care about high refresh rates or adaptive-sync tech but an LCD with backlight strobing is something I'm going to have to get very soon. I just need one that has decent colors and viewing angles to be released.
P'much.Sometimes I want a non TN panel. And then I crank down my settings in BF4 and play at 100+ FPS, then I forget about the aforementioned statement.
Well, it runs like shit on most things. But, it's generally just fine with a 280x. It is a very processor dependent game, these results were with a 7970 (same thing as 280x):So why it run like shit with R9 280x?
It's Friday so you know what that means..........
Oh hai:
wait wut...trying to take my shine? pls:
all one big family:
Witcher 3 pls
And what do you mean it's not keeping up with new games...?
Well, it runs like shit on most things. But, it's generally just fine with a 280x. It is a very processor dependent game, these results were with a 7970 (same thing as 280x):
Every one of your posts I've seen have been at odds with your username. Until now.
I hate you and your endless discretionary income. @_@ So jealous.
When I try Bf3/bf4 or Far cry 3 it keep dropping below 50 and stay at 45-46 fps at ultra with 720p even at high.... is it the card problem or just the game isn't optimize?
Live through me. It's cheaper.
I know FC had some optimization problems for a awhile, but the BF performance sounds odd. Especially at 720p with that card. You have a clean install of your current drivers? Have you tried running the game with some kind of monitoring overlay (Afterburner)? Maybe it's throttling for some reason some where.
I just tried a bit of Crysis 3 for stress test for my new PC (4670K+280X). Aw man, it turns into a jet engine. The video card's fans go up to 2400 RPM. I guess I should've expected that... I'm disappointed that I can't get really get close to a "perceived" 60fps with everything on very high and with SMAA 1X, no taxing MSAA or anything. I can't even see shit either with all the effects the game throws in my face, but that's neither here nor there.I guess there's no helping the fan noise, is there.
Which games do you people play at 144hz, exactly? CS:GO?I'm gonna be comfy couch gaming at 60fps forevah.
When I try Bf3/bf4 or Far cry 3 it keep dropping below 50 and stay at 45-46 fps at ultra with 720p even at high.... is it the card problem or just the game isn't optimize?
the number in the right are CPU ?
I just tried a bit of Crysis 3 for stress test for my new PC (4670K+280X). Aw man, it turns into a jet engine. The video card's fans go up to 2400 RPM. I guess I should've expected that... I'm disappointed that I can't get really get close to a "perceived" 60fps with everything on very high and with SMAA 1X, no taxing MSAA or anything. I can't even see shit either with all the effects the game throws in my face, but that's neither here nor there.I guess there's no helping the fan noise, is there.
Which games do you people play at 144hz, exactly? CS:GO?I'm gonna be comfy couch gaming at 60fps forevah.
nah it's I5 3470...Do you have amd cpu or old core 2 quad ?
which isn't that bad but which intel processors have 4.5GHz....Yeah CPU clock speed.
I mean I'm not getting a high refresh rate monitor for the refresh rate, just for the blur reduction that comes with backlight strobing support.
I'm not suddenly going to start turning settings down and sacrificing IQ to go past 60 FPS. I just want each frame to be ☆perfect☆ like on my plasma.
You probably know this already, but I'm pointing it out just in case - most of those high refresh rate monitors will only strobe when driven at 100+Hz. The current Benqs are the exception, with strobing available down to 60.
If you want a quiet GPU, you could look at a NZXT Kraken or similar.
All games are better at higher refresh rates. You don't need matching frame rate to see a benefit.
Damm and I was hopping of getting the 60fps with my PC.... I can hear the sound of the fan but not like jet engine... even at 80c and 100% speed fan
nah it's I5 3470...
which isn't that bad but which intel processors have 4.5GHz....
Nah man Crysis 3 isn't well optimized and Crytek throws everything but the kitchen sink at you, which I figured looking at benchmarks beforehand. I'm not past the first level but it doesn't even look that great to be honest.
Thanks. Seems my CPU is keeping at a cool 32°.
Liquid cooled stuff is just a bit too exotic for me.
Nah man Crysis 3 isn't well optimized and Crytek throws everything but the kitchen sink at you, which I figured looking at benchmarks beforehand. I'm not past the first level but it doesn't even look that great to be honest. I've also been replaying Mirror's Edge and that game is just still fucking gorgeous today with the resolution, framerate and image quality cranked all the way up.
You're only getting 4.5 with overclocking btw.
I'm interested in AIO liquid coolers, but do they not still tend to have pump noise issues?
I've been on the G-Sync bandwagon for a while now... lovely tech; can't wait to use it.
But after seeing The Witcher 3 - sequel to one of my favorite games of all time - I'm starting to lean a bit more toward going 4K.
Either way, the game is going to decimate hardware.
Alright, switched out for the GTX 750 Ti
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks
CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor ($139.99 @ Newegg)
Motherboard: Asus M5A97 LE R2.0 ATX AM3+ Motherboard ($79.99 @ Amazon)
Memory: Crucial Ballistix Sport 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($139.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($49.99 @ Amazon)
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB Video Card ($119.99 @ Newegg)
Case: Corsair Carbide Series 300R Windowed ATX Mid Tower Case ($65.99 @ NCIX US)
Power Supply: Corsair CX 500W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($59.99 @ Amazon)
Total: $655.93
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-06-06 18:49 EDT-0400)
Any other suggestions or criticisms? It's for my brother who will be doing primarily video editing using Adobe Premier and After Effects with maybe some gaming on the side.
So are there good enough GPU sales on black friday that are worth waiting for? There aren't any games between now and then I want to upgrade my 6950 for, so I'm hoping I can get a 780 or 290 for $450 or under.
Usually not worth waiting for.Anyone?
Nope. Black Friday you'll find deals on everything EXCEPT motherboards, processors, and video cards. Never ever ever worth it. Most of the deals that do come up on everything else you can find weekly anyway.Anyone?
It's shit. I have two portrait panels flanking my one horizontal panel here at work, but it's all work related stuff and GAF, so colors aren't important. The big issue is that it's a total pain in the ass to not run up against the limited viewing angles of TN on these. You have to have them oriented just right, and even then you still get weird color stuff. Too much up/down real estate.Does anyone have three portrait 16x9 monitors?
Whats it like for daily use? What about playing games at a different resolution and aspect ratio than the three displays provide? Can you just run a letterboxed 16x9 game stretched across the three panels when there are compatibility or performance issues rendering at 3240 x 1920?
I'm just exploring options at the moment and adding two more of these 24in panels and a stand is actually relatively affordable compared to some of the epic 30inchers out there.
Yep. Sk3tch is dead. All hail King Smokey.We need to rename the ridiculous build in the op after Smokey.
Well, you still have the middle of the road option. If the game can run at >60Hz, and your hardware can lock the game at an intermediate rate like 75Hz, the Benqs will let you strobe with that. And if I'm not mistaken, all the G-Sync displays are supposed to have ULMB minimum rate at 85Hz instead of the current 100Hz minimum of the Nvidia Lightboost tech.Yeah, I know. That's why I'm not looking for Gsync/Async, as I understand it, no monitor supports strobing with variable refresh just yet.
Strobing at 60Hz will probably give me an enormous headache anyway, so I'm not sure I'm interested in that either.
He has a 290. There isn't much outside of the big graphics hogs and games that naturally run as fast as a WoW addict (Ubisoft) that can't hit 8.3ms frame times.Well, you still have the middle of the road option. If the game can run at >60Hz, and your hardware can lock the game at an intermediate rate like 75Hz, the Benqs will let you strobe with that. And if I'm not mistaken, all the G-Sync displays are supposed to have ULMB minimum rate at 85Hz instead of the current 100Hz minimum of the Nvidia Lightboost tech.
Shaved a bit off but you're still getting good stuff
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks
CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor ($139.99 @ Newegg)
Motherboard: Asus M5A97 LE R2.0 ATX AM3+ Motherboard ($79.99 @ Amazon)
Memory: Kingston 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1866 Memory ($134.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($55.99 @ NCIX US)
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB Video Card ($119.99 @ Newegg)
Case: Corsair 200R ATX Mid Tower Case ($49.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: EVGA 500W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($34.99 @ NCIX US)
Total: $608.93
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-06-06 19:09 EDT-0400)
You could even add a Hyper 212 cooler for $30. It'd help the CPU run cooler and quieter, as well as offering the option to overclock.
Skip.Is there any chance nvidia will make any announcements regarding the 800 series around e3? Or do they usually skip e3?
The big announcements like that always happen at their own press conferences. They prefer to do hard launches too, so they rarely make announcements such as "we are going to release the new series of our products (insert date)."
Probably Q4 this year or Q1 next year. Maybe later.
Plus, if you wanted to game on all three, you'd need to look at a major upgrade in your system. That 680 won't cut it at that res.
It's not so bad and I like silence. The issue is poor reliability, just check the corsair cooler forum. Mine already gave up after 2 months. The myriad of basic issues makes them seem poorly made to me. I'm looking to buy the XSPC or EK water cooling kits instead now. Corsair link is also really crap software.
Minimum I would buy is H80i, otherwise stick to air, they perform better and don't break!
Also I think all corsair/antec AIOs are made by CoolIt.
Bought a cheap 128GB Corsair one for my home computer. I have an SSD in my Apple laptop so I knew what to expect... but really, it's like getting a new PC. Everything feels so much snappier and responsive. Love the performance boost even though I only have programs and the operating system on it.I just bought a Samsung 840 EVO 250 GB on new egg. It was $149.99 a few days ago and now it's $139so I just said fuck it, why not. So begins my ssd experiment...
So why it run like shit with R9 280x?
A 290 is a pretty good upgrade over the 570, but if it were me, personally I'd wait it out depending on what you're looking to play. Like personally, I'd wait until The Witcher 3 came around to decide, a 570 is still an otherwise passable card but it really depends on how much you're struggling to achieve what you want at the moment. 290s are pretty awesome though too.Anyone think there's any point in upgrading a gtx 570 to gigabyte windforce 290 for $449 AUD? Or just wait until the 8 series.
A 290 is a pretty good upgrade over the 570, but if it were me, personally I'd wait it out depending on what you're looking to play. Like personally, I'd wait until The Witcher 3 came around to decide, a 570 is still an otherwise passable card but it really depends on how much you're struggling to achieve what you want at the moment. 290s are pretty awesome though too.
MX100 is $110 thoI just bought a Samsung 840 EVO 250 GB on new egg. It was $149.99 a few days ago and now it's $139—so I just said fuck it, why not. So begins my ssd experiment...
Yup, until I find something is funny with it.Alright guys, starting to price together my build.
For the Pentium chip, should I go with the ASRock Z97 Pro 3 as the most value (cheap) oriented mobo?
Buy used, yes.Anyone think there's any point in upgrading a gtx 570 to gigabyte windforce 290 for $449 AUD? Or just wait until the 8 series.
They used to cost 30% more than MSRP in NA for months.Is there any reason why the 290 isn't a more popular GPU? its close to a 780 and 100 dollars cheaper, I'm surprised that so many people seem to opt for the nvidia chip. I'm wondering if I should get a 290 now as an upgrade for my 6950 or wait it out.