Okay then. Head here and download the Intel Wifi Driver - install that onto it and reboot. Hopefully that should get your Wifi working.Yup! I took a picture of it:
Okay then. Head here and download the Intel Wifi Driver - install that onto it and reboot. Hopefully that should get your Wifi working.Yup! I took a picture of it:
I just did that (didn't uninstall anything, I just installed the file and rebooted)... nothingOkay then. Head here and download the Intel Wifi Driver - install that onto it and reboot. Hopefully that should get your Wifi working.
1. As an owner of a Windforce I'd still have to say the EVGA ACX, that cooler is really fantastic. You won't go far wrong with either though so if the price difference is large the windforce is also fine.Reposting my build for verification and I'm off to place orders:
Asus Maximus VI Hero
CPU: i5 4670K
GPU: Gigabyte GTX 770 4GB or EVGA GTX 770 4GB (04G-P4-3776-KR)
RAM: Crucial Ballistix 8GB 1600 MHz 1.5V
Storage: 120GB 840 EVO and WD Blue 1TB
PSU: Seasonic G-650 (SSR-650RM)
Case: Fractal Design Define R4 Arctic White
And a couple of questions:
1. Which GPU should I take? Just go for the cheapest of them? Or maybe something else than those two?
2. Do I need any additional cooling if I don't plan to overclock anything in the nearest future?
3. If I wanted to overclock this build further down the road is 650W PSU enough?
4. If I wanted to overclock this build further down the road is this case big enough to hold additional cooling?
5. Did I miss something? This is my first time building my own PC![]()
Is there any reason why specifically the XFX and the MSI models? If you're asking for 280X or 770 in general there are many other options besides those.I need a help about VGA, i have 2 options
XFX R9 280X or MSI GTX 770 (Lightning)
i have a i5 4660k and i dont wanna change my VGA again in 2 or 3 years.
Help and Thanks!
Is there any reason why specifically the XFX and the MSI models? If you're asking for 280X or 770 in general there are many other options besides those.
Those have discount in chile, but if you have any suggestion about models, I'd really appreciate it.
Finally got money to upgrade my graphics card.
How important is the ram on it these days? Would it be silly to buy a ASUS GTX770-DC2OC-2GD5 (2 GB) intead of ASUS GTX780-DC2OC-3GD5 (3 GB)?
Anyone have any experience with computer chairs out there? I had a cheapie 150 dollar PoS that bit the dust a while back (been using a very uncomfortable replacement) and I need some opinions on a new one. I've been looking at this:
Seems to get decent enough reviews, but as is the case with chairs there are a few negatives. This particular model seemed to be a good performance/value ratio without spending a small fortune. Any other suggestions out there at a similar price?
DDR3 1066/1333/1600*/1866*/2133*(OC)
I need to upgrade my RAM from 4GB to 8GB, but have a question. My MB is a MSI P67A-G45 (B3), and on both the newegg page for it it and the official MSI site it lists the RAM as:
With no indication what the asterisks mean. I'm assuming it's related to overclocking, but want to be sure before I try to buy 1600 RAM over 1333.
I ahe one and I like it a lot. But it is also my first mechanical in 15 years. Works a lot better than my Logitech solar.does anyone have the CM Storm QuickFire?
i'm looking in to switching out my Logitech G710+ for the MX Cherry Brown QuickFire Rapid.
i'm realizing i don't need a full keyboard and could do with a little more desk space. just curious about general impressions from an actual owner.
Is that the 200R?
If so, how do you like it?
Alright so just ordered all of the following
CPU Intel Xeon E3-1230 V3 3.3GHz Quad-Core $244.30
CPU Cooler Noctua NH-L9i 57.5 CFM $44.51
Thermal Compound Arctic Silver 5 High-Density Polysynthetic Silver 3.5g $6.73
Motherboard Asus MAXIMUS VI IMPACT Mini ITX LGA1150 $209.99
Memory Corsair Vengeance LP 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 $144.99
Storage Samsung 840 EVO 250GB 2.5" SSD $169.98
Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM $59.66
Video Card EVGA GeForce GTX 780 3GB $499.99
Case EVGA Hadron Mini ITX Tower w/500W Power Supply $152.58
Can I still get away with using Windows 7? Or is Windows 8 a must now?
I returned 16GB of RAM for 8GB and used the difference to upgrade my 120GB Samsung Evo SSD to a 256GB one. I think I made the right choice.
2GB+ should be good for 1080p for a couple years at least, I'd guess. More would definitely be better and I'd lean toward the 280X in this case assuming you live somewhere that has them for reasonable prices.
I would really prefer a nvidia card.
Get the 780 then. I'm not that keen on the 770, not as good value as a 760 is. What do you have at the minute Wooden?
AMDs stuff is good though. Drivers aren't an issue if that's what you're worried about, AMDs just aren't quite as feature rich.
The 280X, 290 and 290X are all great but so is the 780. Plus Nvidia does have G-Sync, Shadow Play, native downsampling and some other nice bits that AMD doesn't offer.
A fucking GTX570, so about time. Will try to sell it.
Not worried about drivers, I just really want shadowplay.
I think my gtx580 3gb is finally showing it's age. Not getting the performance I want out of it anymore. Blacklist only runs 30-55 or so maxed out. Frame drops. All of that good stuff. I was thinking of over clocking my 2500k with the hyper 212 cooler and getting my ram up to 16gb from 8. Speaking of over clocking that sandy bridge overclock link in the race your PC thread is down for me when I tried it. I only game at 1080p and plan on it for the foreseeable future, would a 780 be a good upgrade? I wonder because I haven't read any news about the 800 series coming soon.
It's serviceable. Looks fine, plenty of space inside to do the actual installation. Temps seem standard, though i'm not overclocking so I cant say how the cooling will be for that.
I like stuff that's plain and not garish, so this fit the bill for me.
I know... ITX is a standard. If something says it will fit ITX it means it will fit ITX. Like I said, the problems you will run into will be with a cooler. Your 580 is probably 'fine' but we would need to know the exact model number to tell if you it won't fit or not.
So I've got a nearly three year old build. The other day my Evga GTX570 superclocked card blew up...like literally started smoking. Ok, well, that's what I get for overclocking it too hard right?
I ordered a new EVGA GTX760 superclocked from amazon, it arrived today. Swapped the card out, no video. Computer boots and I hear the windows chime, but no video whatsoever. I tried every video output, nada. Now, I've been running an old GTX260 in the meantime, and have it running right now, so I know it's nothing else in the rig.
I don't have another rig to test the new card in. EVGA thinks it's probably my motherboard being too old or my UEFI being out of date. Motherboard is an ASRock P67 Extreme4, not that fucking old. I've been doing some googling and the only answer I've found is some guy said he got UEFI 3.25 from ASRock directly, the latest version they list is 3.19 on their website. I can't contact the guy because it's on a forum I'm not a member of, and ASRock is on goddamn two weeks off for Chinese New Year. The only thing I can find is the 3.25 uefi for the Pro3 version of the P67...I'm not going to use the wrong version and brick my motherboard unless I'm positive it will work.
Anyone got any ideas? Is this a known issue with the P67 Extreme4?
Guys, I am looking for a nice set of headphones for under $200. I'm not really looking to spend more than that. They'll be used for music and gaming. I've had my eye on the Sennheiser 598's for a few days now. I understand the VMODA's have excellent sound as well as build quality.
If it helps anyone help me, comfort is a HUGE factor for me.
I would've tried RMAing your 570 but any way.
Your motherboard is fine, I'd imagine EVGA are mistaken. Did you remove the old drivers before putting the new card in?
For what it's worth, I think that's the same motherboard I have (P67 Extreme4 Gen3).
I popped a MSI 760 in there and it worked with no problems.
No oneI just did that (didn't uninstall anything, I just installed the file and rebooted)... nothingWhat is going on ._.
No one? I'm so sad...
You can't really go wrong with either if they are about the same price. I'd lean toward the 770 if you're playing at 1080p since it's only real downside is the 2GB VRAM versus 3GB in the 280X. 770 is probably a bit faster due to it's factory OC, has a better cooler, and you get the extra NVidia features. Plus MSI is generally considered a better brand than XFX.
Really thanks for helping me, i think i will pick GTX770
love that case. what is it?Well, all done for the time being. Next upgrade will be a new GPU in 2015 I think.
Modular is so damn nice. Entire rig probably lost 3 lb of weight, and cables are so much nicer now (still not perfect, but whatever).
Next case will probably drop the DVD drive entirely and go bayless somehow...
does anyone have the CM Storm QuickFire?
i'm looking in to switching out my Logitech G710+ for the MX Cherry Brown QuickFire Rapid.
i'm realizing i don't need a full keyboard and could do with a little more desk space. just curious about general impressions from an actual owner.
PCGaf quick question. I have a pretty good idea when it comes to picking parts to build a PC, and putting things together, but not a whole lot when it comes to building a PC, that is primarily for gaming.
This barebones build? Start with this and add on extra RAM and a graphics card. Which is where my biggest issue crops up. I have no idea what is good.
Also, what the the support for controllers like? Is pretty much everything plug in play? Never been much of a fan for mouse and keyboard.
Mediocre CPU, crap PSU, crap case.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks
CPU: Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($229.97 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: Biostar Hi-Fi Z87W ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($98.99 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill Ares Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1333 Memory ($74.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($59.66 @ OutletPC)
Case: NZXT Source 210 (Black) ATX Mid Tower Case ($37.99 @ Mwave)
Power Supply: EVGA 500W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($39.99 @ Microcenter)
Total: $541.59
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-02-01 19:40 EST-0500)
$20 more and much better. Stick the pieces together isn't hard. If you live near a Microcenter the CPU is only $180.
As for controllers most titles support them now, the Xbox 360 one is most widely supported and would be my choice therefore. Steam and other digital distributors usually indicate if a game supports a controller or not. You will get smashed online though in FPS if that matters to you using one.