The Gigabyte GHz Edition has the highest performance out of the box. You'll be limited by silicon lottery in terms of what overclocks the highest, unless you're willing to void your warranty with custom BIOS.So, should I go with the GTX 780 Twin Frozr, Classified, or Lightning? Non-overclocked, which performs best at 1440p? Overclocked, which performs best at 1440p?
The Gigabyte GHz Edition has the highest performance out of the box. You'll be limited by silicon lottery in terms of what overclocks the highest, unless you're willing to void your warranty with custom BIOS.
Nope, but sometimes you can brick your card and not be able to flash back.They can tell if you flash your old BIOS back??
Nope, but sometimes you can brick your card and not be able to flash back.
Just the pump. just plug it directly into the power supply? I don't think I have a connector that will work.
Does anyone know what would be the highest-fidelity game a 5350 conceivably run at a decent clip?
Could it run, say, The Witcher 2 at a non-HD res (say, 1280x960) on Medium?
MidTower plsPhanteks Enthoo Pro on HW Canucks YT channel:
$100 supposedly. This thing is pretty amazing for the price.
Anything that says 3 pin to molex adapter is what you'd want.
Is it better than the alternatives? Surprising considering that it costs less. Is this what you are talking about? I think I'll go with it then. What are it's dimensions (they aren't included in the description)? Is it compatible with the Nvidia Shield?The Gigabyte GHz Edition has the highest performance out of the box. You'll be limited by silicon lottery in terms of what overclocks the highest, unless you're willing to void your warranty with custom BIOS.
Does anyone know what would be the highest-fidelity game a 5350 conceivably run at a decent clip?
Could it run, say, The Witcher 2 at a non-HD res (say, 1280x960) on Medium?
Does anyone know what would be the highest-fidelity game a 5350 conceivably run at a decent clip?
Could it run, say, The Witcher 2 at a non-HD res (say, 1280x960) on Medium?
When will the next line of NVidia and AMD cards come out?
thanks for the suggestions guys...i've been so on the fence about the 8350 and almost everyone has said get the i5, so i think i'm gonna pick it up tomorrow after work
So I've just about got this build for my bro's birthday sorted out. Comes in between $1300 and $1500 (inc. P&H, still haven't decided on a case) and looks to be a killer bang-for-buck system:
- i5 4670K
- G'byte GA-Z87-HD3
- G.Skill Ares 8gb F3-1866
- C'master Hyper 212 EVO
- G'byte R9 290 Windforce
- Samsing 840 EVO 120GB
- WD Blue 1TB
- Seasonic G550
Got great deals on the 290 and the SSD, saving $100 between them.
One last question: is Windows 8.1 "worth it"? If so, why? I've been googling around all morning, and the results are mixed. Complaints about mouse and keyboard use abound, praise for speed and SSD optimisations as well as compatibility with components exist as well.
If this was for me, I'd grab Win8.1 and be happy, but since this PC is not for me, introducing an all new OS might be more grief than is worth it. But I'm open to persuasion!
That's a nice birthday present.So I've just about got this build for my bro's birthday sorted out. Comes in between $1300 and $1500 (inc. P&H, still haven't decided on a case) and looks to be a killer bang-for-buck system:
- i5 4670K
- G'byte GA-Z87-HD3
- G.Skill Ares 8gb F3-1866
- C'master Hyper 212 EVO
- G'byte R9 290 Windforce
- Samsing 840 EVO 120GB
- WD Blue 1TB
- Seasonic G550
When they come out
sometime between now and 2020
So I've just about got this build for my bro's birthday sorted out. Comes in between $1300 and $1500 (inc. P&H, still haven't decided on a case) and looks to be a killer bang-for-buck system:
- i5 4670K
- G'byte GA-Z87-HD3
- G.Skill Ares 8gb F3-1866
- C'master Hyper 212 EVO
- G'byte R9 290 Windforce
- Samsing 840 EVO 120GB
- WD Blue 1TB
- Seasonic G550
Got great deals on the 290 and the SSD, saving $100 between them.
One last question: is Windows 8.1 "worth it"? If so, why? I've been googling around all morning, and the results are mixed. Complaints about mouse and keyboard use abound, praise for speed and SSD optimisations as well as compatibility with components exist as well.
If this was for me, I'd grab Win8.1 and be happy, but since this PC is not for me, introducing an all new OS might be more grief than is worth it. But I'm open to persuasion!
I've been using 8 and 8.1 since they came out and there's actually no issues with it. Anyone capable of using a computer should be able to make full use of it reasonably easy.
That's a nice birthday present.
Do you need another brother?
I love the Gigabyte Windforce on my 7950, but I've read it doesn't do as well on the 290. Check out Sapphire's Tri-X offering, which has performed better in comparisons.
`The IN WIN 904 and 901 are amazing looking modern minimalistic cases.
We need more designs that have these aesthetics. It seems that these cases have some problems in the design though.
The way they use the glass is great. I think less people will buy apple if case manufactureres and other hardware vendors step their aesthetics game up and design some timeless designs. Easier said than done.
And what I want personally, is something that takes the sleek, modern, minimalistic but more edgy than fractal design, but not crazy, but perhaps with some little illumination or at least option for it. More subtle though. Less intrusive. And much better cable management.
I love this trend of getting the desktop back on the desk. Computers are like cars. They are amazing customized individual works of achievement. Amazing tools that give joy to people, and they deserve to be admired and appreciated on the desk. Like a good looking TV or a painting.
The only upcoming big event where GPUs might be revealed is Computex in June, so everybody is keeping an eye out for rumors/leaks about what the new cards will be like.I realize that there is no way of definitely knowing but don't they have a usual release schedule of sorts? Like a ball part of 15-18 months?
Alright, that's good to hear. GAF threads in general are pretty positive about 8.1, from the few threads I've been lurking in.
I might have to devote 5 minutes later to understanding how Reddit works, see if I can make heads or tales of that software swap area I keep hearing about.
Haha, I can't afford another one! Thankfully, It's a combined present from many parts of the family - everyone chipping in a little bit, and he has decided to spend a lot of it on a new PC.
Yah, I did read things to that effect. Unfortunately, the jump to the Tri-X is $90 from the G'byte, putting it out of reach. I was originally only going to grab a 280X, but that particular G'byte 290 is such a small jump in price that it'd be crazy to pass up.
Australia has some wonky pricing. They're both $420 on Newegg.
So I've just about got this build for my bro's birthday sorted out. Comes in between $1300 and $1500 (inc. P&H, still haven't decided on a case) and looks to be a killer bang-for-buck system:
- i5 4670K
- G'byte GA-Z87-HD3
- G.Skill Ares 8gb F3-1866
- C'master Hyper 212 EVO
- G'byte R9 290 Windforce
- Samsing 840 EVO 120GB
- WD Blue 1TB
- Seasonic G550
Got great deals on the 290 and the SSD, saving $100 between them.
One last question: is Windows 8.1 "worth it"? If so, why? I've been googling around all morning, and the results are mixed. Complaints about mouse and keyboard use abound, praise for speed and SSD optimisations as well as compatibility with components exist as well.
If this was for me, I'd grab Win8.1 and be happy, but since this PC is not for me, introducing an all new OS might be more grief than is worth it. But I'm open to persuasion!
When it happens, try to get a look in the case so you can isolate what fans are doing this.
Also, plug your H60 directly into molex power rather than a fan header.
The Gigabyte GHz Edition has the highest performance out of the box. You'll be limited by silicon lottery in terms of what overclocks the highest, unless you're willing to void your warranty with custom BIOS.
And the screen is going black? Sounds like time for an RMA.Ok it just happened again...I opened up the case and it's the graphics card's fan that's going crazy.
I have a MSI GTX 670
Overclocked it comes down to silicon lottery. They're all the same GPU, they all have very similar memory. What the Classy and Lightning have is better power delivery for hardcore overclocking with custom BIOS. Without flashing the BIOS, chances are they will all be spitting distance of each other if pushed to the limit on stock BIOS.Overclocked, which one is better? Which of the three would you recommend? Sorry, I don't mean to post this question twice but I feel like my last post was way too long.
Okay, I think I somewhat understand it. I don't want to risk changing the BIOS (at least until my warranty has run out) unless this is safe, but with a 1440p screen would you recommend overclocking any of the GPU's? Most people seem to recommend it. It seems like an overclocked Classified only performs 3-4 FPS faster than an overclocked GHZ, which is not worth an extra $40, so is it really worth the extra money just in case I decide to unlock the power amount/change the BIOS? Also, it's very difficult to find benchmarks for the GHZ edition (both OC'd and not OC'd), where it was much easier with the Lightning and Classified. Any benchmarks you have?Overclocked it comes down to silicon lottery. They're all the same GPU, they all have very similar memory. What the Classy and Lightning have is better power delivery for hardcore overclocking with custom BIOS. Without flashing the BIOS, chances are they will all be spitting distance of each other if pushed to the limit on stock BIOS.
If that is confusing, please let me know and I will try to elaborate. But, tl;dr, the GHz Edition will give you more performance with less fuss and for less money.
The Classy and Lightning are for overclocking enthusiasts where the act of overclocking is a game in and of itself.
Okay go guise so I'll be going with this build.
PCPartPicker part list:
Price breakdown by merchant:
CPU: Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($234.98 @ SuperBiiz)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($34.98 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: Asus Z87-A ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($134.99 @ NCIX US)
Memory: G.Skill Ares Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($68.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($56.98 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 780 3GB Dual Classified ACX Video Card ($549.99 @ Micro Center)
Case: Corsair Graphite Series 230T Grey ATX Mid Tower Case ($73.99 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: SeaSonic G 550W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($79.99 @ Amazon)
Total: $1227.90
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-05-07 02:52 EDT-0400)
Just saw that this just came out, is it any better than the z87-a??
and for monitors which one would be better?
this one
Okay go guise so I'll be going with this build.
PCPartPicker part list:
Price breakdown by merchant:
CPU: Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($234.98 @ SuperBiiz)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($34.98 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: Asus Z87-A ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($134.99 @ NCIX US)
Memory: G.Skill Ares Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($68.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($56.98 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 780 3GB Dual Classified ACX Video Card ($549.99 @ Micro Center)
Case: Corsair Graphite Series 230T Grey ATX Mid Tower Case ($73.99 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: SeaSonic G 550W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($79.99 @ Amazon)
Total: $1227.90
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-05-07 02:52 EDT-0400)
Just saw that this just came out, is it any better than the z87-a??
and for monitors which one would be better?
this one
And the screen is going black? Sounds like time for an RMA.
Warranties are often by serial number. It's worth a call.I got it second hand![]()
Your cpu is fine. Get a better heatsink and overclock it.
So Gaming Laptop GAF. Do you have recommendations? If you own a Blade, how is it? If I posted this in the wrong thread, sorry, I figured this counted as a new PC.
Now I'm confused. Back in the day when I bought my configuration, it was said that the Scythe was the perfect heatsink for when I wanted to OC my CPU. Still haven't OC'ed it though..
No personal experience, but LinusTechTips really liked the Asus G750JZ.TL: DR Own a gaming PC. I am interested in a gaming Laptop. I like the 2014 Razer Blade. But I am open to other gaming laptops if I can get suggestions from owners of them on their experiences with these machines.
Hmm, reading about 2x HD6950 in crossfire (like in my rig) is not much worse than a GTX 780..
Even a stock cooler may accommodate a tiny overclock. Something like the Mugen 2 is surely enough for a moderate overclock, so OC away. Switching to a better cooler might give you a few extra percent of speed, but if you were really hurting for that last bit of performance, you'd probably want to upgrade the CPU anyway.Now I'm confused. Back in the day when I bought my configuration, it was said that the Scythe was the perfect heatsink for when I wanted to OC my CPU. Still haven't OC'ed it though..
Even a stock cooler may accommodate a tiny overclock. Something like the Mugen 2 is surely enough for a moderate overclock, so OC away. Switching to a better cooler might give you a few extra percent of speed, but if you were really hurting for that last bit of performance, you'd probably want to upgrade the CPU anyway.