The 1060 is a great card. I don't even have the 6GB version and it runs almost everything at a mix of medium/high. Last time I really pushed it was in DOOM, and was hitting the mark just fine using Vulkan.
I'm looking to upgrade my CPU. I just want to run newer games @ 1080p - 60fps. I already have a GTX 1070, so I'm good there. My system plays most games great, but it seems like more and more games are CPU intensive. Watch Dogs 2, Hitman, & Battlegrounds are some games that I really want to play but my CPU struggles with them.
I currently have an i5-4670K. My question is should I buy an i7-4790K or i7-7700k?
If I decide on the i7-7700k, I'd also have to get a new motherboard & ram. Would the extra $$ be worth it????
Okay PCGaf, I've been debating it for a few years but I've finally come around to the idea of joining the PC gaming world. I've been debating the last two weeks whether I should buy a pre-built or build one myself, after watching a bunch of youtube videos, besides the cable management I think I'll be fine.
Your Current Specs: No current specs.
Budget: 950
Main Use: Rate 1-5. 3 Mainly for gaming
Monitor Resolution: 1080p/1440p
List SPECIFIC games or applications that you MUST be able to run well: Is 30FPS acceptable? 60? 144? Destiny 2, Shadow of War, Far Cry 5, Battlegrounds, Overwatch.
30FPS is fine
How important is PhysX / SuperSampling / CUDA / GSYNC / FREESYNC to you?
None at all
Looking to reuse any parts?: List make and model (e.g. Corsair 750TX, 640GB SATA HDD, Antec 900) No
When will you build?: Do you have a deadline? How long can you wait? Deadline is September
Will you be overclocking?: Yes, No, Maybe (This means yes!) Maybe
I'm looking to upgrade my CPU. I just want to run newer games @ 1080p - 60fps. I already have a GTX 1070, so I'm good there. My system plays most games great, but it seems like more and more games are CPU intensive. Watch Dogs 2, Hitman, & Battlegrounds are some games that I really want to play but my CPU struggles with them.
I currently have an i5-4670K. My question is should I buy an i7-4790K or i7-7700k?
If I decide on the i7-7700k, I'd also have to get a new motherboard & ram. Would the extra $$ be worth it????
Just installed a GeForce GTX 1060 6GB on a machine with 16 gig ddr3, Intel Core i5 3570K @ 3.40GHz on an ASRock H77 Pro4/MVP mobo, I was reading that card and processor combo should play most games at high to ultra at 60 frames 1080P. So far on GTA V I get horrible performance even on high settings 20-30. Certain parts in Dark Souls 3 will drop me to 40 frames and and H1Z1 hovers around 4 mu cpu stays around 60-70 use and memory at 30.0. I've watched benchmarks and these guys are running everything on ultra and not budging from 60.
What's happening? I have a feeling my mobo is dying. It's a shitty one from back then with no overclock capabilities and it has randomly disconnecting USB port problem for months now that a new power source and multiple reformats didn't fix. Even bought a PCI USB expansion and the issue persisted.
I was hoping this card would carry me for awhile and run the games I play good enough but something seems really off. Would OC my card make that big of a difference? can a dying or crappy mobo affect performance that bad? Just really confused. For about 500 I could by a new mobo, processor and ram but I didn't really want to half ass another build and wanted to wait a bit more. This mobo seems to be the only one that wouldn't make my stomach hurt buying cause I know how old my cpu is and other z77 boards go for way too much money.
Would this possibly help me get better performance so I can hold off on a full build for awhile? Could something else be the issue giving me such bad performance?
EVGA is having a sale on 980TI's it seems. $200. That's a pretty damn good deal.
You are correct that that CPU+GPU combo should give you significantly higher performance. Have you checked what temperature your CPU is running at? It could be a situation where the heatsink has come loose, if the thermal paste has cracked, or if the fan is malfunctioning, so it's throttling thermal performance.
The next thing to check is if your power supply is both sufficient in power provided and functioning properly. Hit EVGA's power supply calculator to determine how much you need. If you have enough, it could be a situation where the PSU is failing, and the only way to check that is to swap it out. See if you can borrow a friends or order one from a place with a good return policy and send it back if you don't see any improvement.
If none of that fixes it, it's likely a motherboard problem.
I don't see how to actually buy this?
Looks like they sold out shortly after I posted it. :/
Okay PCGaf, I've been debating it for a few years but I've finally come around to the idea of joining the PC gaming world. I've been debating the last two weeks whether I should buy a pre-built or build one myself, after watching a bunch of youtube videos, besides the cable management I think I'll be fine.
Your Current Specs: No current specs.
Budget: 950
Main Use: Rate 1-5. 3 Mainly for gaming
Monitor Resolution: 1080p/1440p
List SPECIFIC games or applications that you MUST be able to run well: Is 30FPS acceptable? 60? 144? Destiny 2, Shadow of War, Far Cry 5, Battlegrounds, Overwatch.
30FPS is fine
How important is PhysX / SuperSampling / CUDA / GSYNC / FREESYNC to you?
None at all
Looking to reuse any parts?: List make and model (e.g. Corsair 750TX, 640GB SATA HDD, Antec 900) No
When will you build?: Do you have a deadline? How long can you wait? Deadline is September
Will you be overclocking?: Yes, No, Maybe (This means yes!) Maybe
EVGA is having a sale on 980TI's it seems. $200. That's a pretty damn good deal.
I'm thinking I might be due for an upgrade or two. Been having some games chug a little on me lately.
My current specs:
As budget goes, I'd like to see what's recommended first before deciding. I have a 4K OLED, but I'm assuming we aren't close yet to 4K with a stable 60 fps. But correct me if I'm wrong.
I'm looking to upgrade my CPU. I just want to run newer games @ 1080p - 60fps. I already have a GTX 1070, so I'm good there. My system plays most games great, but it seems like more and more games are CPU intensive. Watch Dogs 2, Hitman, & Battlegrounds are some games that I really want to play but my CPU struggles with them.
I currently have an i5-4670K. My question is should I buy an i7-4790K or i7-7700k?
If I decide on the i7-7700k, I'd also have to get a new motherboard & ram. Would the extra $$ be worth it????
Just installed a GeForce GTX 1060 6GB on a machine with 16 gig ddr3, Intel Core i5 3570K @ 3.40GHz on an ASRock H77 Pro4/MVP mobo, I was reading that card and processor combo should play most games at high to ultra at 60 frames 1080P. So far on GTA V I get horrible performance even on high settings 20-30. Certain parts in Dark Souls 3 will drop me to 40 frames and and H1Z1 hovers around 4 mu cpu stays around 60-70 use and memory at 30.0. I've watched benchmarks and these guys are running everything on ultra and not budging from 60.
What's happening? I have a feeling my mobo is dying. It's a shitty one from back then with no overclock capabilities and it has randomly disconnecting USB port problem for months now that a new power source and multiple reformats didn't fix. Even bought a PCI USB expansion and the issue persisted.
I was hoping this card would carry me for awhile and run the games I play good enough but something seems really off. Would OC my card make that big of a difference? can a dying or crappy mobo affect performance that bad? Just really confused. For about 500 I could by a new mobo, processor and ram but I didn't really want to half ass another build and wanted to wait a bit more. This mobo seems to be the only one that wouldn't make my stomach hurt buying cause I know how old my cpu is and other z77 boards go for way too much money.
Would this possibly help me get better performance so I can hold off on a full build for awhile? Could something else be the issue giving me such bad performance?
With the RX 580 and RX 570 basically non-options due to digital currency mining, what is someone to do with $200 that wants to upgrade GPU from a GTX 670? The 1060 3gb seems like the only logical new part (missed that damn 980 TI deal), but what in the way of used parts makes more sense (if any) than getting a 1060?
Anyone know how the Zotac 1070 mini performs? I might get that instead of the 1070 FE.
Also, any suggestion for good and affordable 24" 144hz monitor? I saw Asus and Acer has one, but any user opinion would be great![]()
With the RX 580 and RX 570 basically non-options due to digital currency mining, what is someone to do with $200 that wants to upgrade GPU from a GTX 670? The 1060 3gb seems like the only logical new part (missed that damn 980 TI deal), but what in the way of used parts makes more sense (if any) than getting a 1060?
Okay PCGaf, I've been debating it for a few years but I've finally come around to the idea of joining the PC gaming world. I've been debating the last two weeks whether I should buy a pre-built or build one myself, after watching a bunch of youtube videos, besides the cable management I think I'll be fine.
Your Current Specs: No current specs.
Budget: 950
Main Use: Rate 1-5. 3 Mainly for gaming
Monitor Resolution: 1080p/1440p
List SPECIFIC games or applications that you MUST be able to run well: Is 30FPS acceptable? 60? 144? Destiny 2, Shadow of War, Far Cry 5, Battlegrounds, Overwatch.
30FPS is fine
How important is PhysX / SuperSampling / CUDA / GSYNC / FREESYNC to you?
None at all
Looking to reuse any parts?: List make and model (e.g. Corsair 750TX, 640GB SATA HDD, Antec 900) No
When will you build?: Do you have a deadline? How long can you wait? Deadline is September
Will you be overclocking?: Yes, No, Maybe (This means yes!) Maybe
$950 is a tough budget if you've really got nothing
So if you went Pentium + GTX 1050 Ti, you'd be much closer to $800. I'd take the remaining $150 and put it into an SSD or jump back to the 1060.
It's possible, but not always on highest settings, you'll have to tweak some graphics settings. Depending on the game you are trying to run at 4K/60fps, be ready to turn down some settings to as low as medium for stable 60fps. Minimum card that you'll want is a 1070, but I would go with a 1080 or 1080 Ti. The Ti gives you more room for higher settings.
If you are OK with 30FPS you can literally game on a potato![]()
I built 2 g4560/1050ti builds for $1000 (total for both) including monitors for my kids (unactivated windows though)., and both have 16GB Ram.
This combo will run anything well at 1080p, I get 50-65FPS in Battlegrounds (mixed settings), 150FPS in CSGO, 120 in Paladins (these two are basically at max settings). Hell, I can even stream at 480p and maintain those numbers (I just wanted to see the effects, basically there were none, I dont stream).
I did shop for sales HARD though. Got 2 refurbed 23 inch monitors for $72 each, the ram was $95, and the 1050ti's got delivered for $110 each. But really really awesome budget builds. Even got a deal on cheap mech. keyboards for $25 each, velocifires, they aren't "great", but they are pretty decent.
Hi Guys,
So deciding to upgrade my 980ti to a 1080ti, im currently running a 4770k. Does this cpu need upgrading? I am playing at 1080p downsampling most games from 1440p.
Is the GPU the only thing I should upgrade? Someone in another thread mentioned my CPU and RAM are getting on in years.
What if I just want 1080p 60fps with very high/ultra with no dips?
Hi Guys,
So deciding to upgrade my 980ti to a 1080ti, im currently running a 4770k. Does this cpu need upgrading? I am playing at 1080p downsampling most games from 1440p.
Hey guys I need a new laptop that I can bring around with me on campus but I also love PC gaming. I want a laptop that can play GTAV at a good resolution/framerate and is around or under $1000. This question might have already been asked, but any suggestions?
How is your GPU usage, temperature and clock speed when fps drops occur?
A better CPU would help with minimum framerates and will absolutely help in certain games that are demanding on CPUs, such as open world games like GTAV, The Witcher 3, and Watch Dogs 2. But the biggest demand that 4K puts is on the GPU. The GPU is the more important thing for pushing 4K.
To make it simpler, the more power you can put into the necessary components, which is GPU > CPU > RAM, the more likely you are able to achieve 4K/60fps. But it's still extremely demanding to run 4K/60 on high/ultra settings, so it's a good idea to manage expectations.
For 1080p/60 on high/ultra, depending on the game you can get away with it on a GTX 1060 6GB/RX 580 8GB or a GTX 1070 for more headroom.
Looks fine.Asking before I pull the trigger. Anything seem sketch about this?
My current pc is
i5 3570K
GeForce GTX 1060 6GB(just bought)
ASRock H77 Pro4/MVP(dying)
16 gig DDR3
Really hard to find a Z77 mobo anywhere that's not a ridiculous price. I know this one isn't fantastic and it's an OEM but I just want to buy some time with my current CPU so I don't have to rush another build and cheap out on parts(like I did last time). I don't play very intensive games and my usbs have been failing for months and I've tried everything and even replaced the power source. Ethernet has been disconnecting recently as well so i'm pretty sure it's my motherboard that needs replacing.
Yeah, that's what it looks like. Plus the top end 18core chip came out of nowhere, many motherboard manufacturers apparently were like what the fuck is this when it was announced. Seems like Intel is scared.i know i am probably way to late with this and the news is pretty ancient by now but i just now watched Linus video of him basically ranting about the x299 and the core 9 processors .
Looks like Intel got completely caught with their pants down by AMD's Threadripper and literally tripped all over themselves reacting to it .
Find someone local that is selling a 980ti for like sub 250, or wait for a deal/second hand 1060.
Interesting that you don't mention the 1080 TI. Seems everyone mentions that one, as it also works towards future proofing later games, including more optimized 4K. How does it compare to the GPUs you mentioned?
A 1080 Ti for 1080p? A waste of money, plain and simple. Sure, you can pay $700 and get guaranteed 1080/60 with it, but why would you if you can get the same results with cheaper GPUs?
If you are going for 4K, then I already mentioned that the 1080 Ti is a good choice in one of my previous posts?
i wouldn't call it a " waste of money " personally .
i mean sure , if all you are going to play on that PC are games like Hearthstone or GWENT or simple indie games then yeah, a 1080 is going to be overkill .
but buying a 1080 ti to play games at 1080 doesn't sound as bad ( if you have the funds for it of course ) as you will play that game at a smooth 60fps or higher and will maintain that level of performance for quite a while longer .
I bought a MSI 980ti when they came out with the knowledge that i will be playing most games on it at 1080 p.
it has provided me with great performance for all this time so far and i haven't regretted putting money down for it for a day .
And sure , if my system is barely breaking a sweat i will happily crank up that resolution but i have a 144hrz monitor and i want to fully use it dammit![]()
980 ti seems like some sound advice for a used card. Beats an rx 580 and can actually be found on the market. Should I be worried about anything present on the nVidia 10xx series or the AMD RX series that a 980 ti will lack?