Plague Doctor
Silent Hill 2 has not been dethroned as the best horror game.
Possibly my fav PC game of all time.After thinking for a bit, and seeing so many wrong opinions, I had to drop some actual truth here. It's Heros of Might and Magic III.
Half Life 2 was destroyed by Crysis 1 three years later. Better single player campaign, better ai, better physics and better graphics.Half-Life 2
Sonic on the Mega Drive (Speedy Platformer with great Artstyle)
Puyo Puyo (Competitive Puzzle game that even they can't better)
Kingdom Hearts 1 (I feel the sequels haven't balanced the Strategy and Action greatly)
Kirby's Adventure (Fun Platformer that plays around with what Kirby can do, I like the other games but this one feels the best)
Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal (Monster Raising RPG that had the perfect amount of Pokemon, Moves and innovations. The later games add too much and focus more on Competitiveness until they went the opposite way lately making it too easy)
What is your favorite Sonic title on Mega Drive? I personally think it is so difficult to choose from because they are all really great games. I like the pureness of the Mega Drive Sonic games. They are in a way more purer than the Super Mario Bros. games, especially the first one. Some people have drawn parallels between the Mega Drive Sonic games, and Donkey Kong Country, in that they have a certain flow, and do not really rely on power-ups, and I think there is something to it.
Puyo Puyo is solid gold.![]()
Still my favorite Zelda game to this date. Majora's mask was amazing, and so was windwaker, but I feel the 64 versions are better than the GC, WII, switch versions. Just my opinion of course.Probably Ocarina of Time. It's a true masterclass of a video game. I don't even know what genre I'd really peg it as besides action adventure role-playing, but nothing has come close to it imho.
Superman 64. Doubt another game can come to the level of shit this game was.
Daaaaaamn didn't remember this gem! This might be a contender or more lol
Probably the best story telling in a videogame on top of the best flight combat that all others hail from.
I would say Souls Sacrifice is very unique take on MH structure.Every single Monster Hunter clone I play feels bare-bones, hollow, and lifeless.
God Eater, Toukiden, Dauntless, none of them have felt nearly as good as the OG Monster Hunter series.
Love this comment so much! Although I loved SF4 compared to 5... 3 Alpha was bae!Street Fighter 3 Third Strike as a non-complicated high technical fighting game
With and after SF4 fighting games are A) cater to noobs B) 300 systems in one game c) non technical/over simplified