Looks great.. i really like that "clean"-look. the "evolve"-effect in the trailer also looks ver nice. Great work.
I have my game for a week now on the Windows Phone Markeplace, the game costs $0.99
and at the moment the only copies I sold, where bought by the team members and a friend.
People want free stuff it seems, and are not willing to pay not even $0.99. That or my game is pure crap. I'm thinking about creating a free version of the game with ads in it and see what will happen.
I'm going to check your game.
Thought I'd share a screen of a prototype I'm cooking up. It's a future stock trading game called BoyTrader. You use genetically modified boys that have inherent powers to manipulate the market. You then work the market with their abilities to increase your fortune. The abilities drain their lifeforce, so you must always be pushing them closer to death in order to maximize profits. Think Dark Crystal mashed with Ender's Game.
I'm only about 4 days into it and just trying to figure out how the core trading mechanics will work, but I've got the basics up and running. The bottom middle screen will eventually be replaced with the boy hunched over and plugged into a terminal.
that sounds really dark. I hope you'll keep posting updates.
I will just say I don't love the name 'BoyTrader', but you know that's just my opinion.
Thought I'd share a screen of a prototype I'm cooking up. It's a future stock trading game called BoyTrader. You use genetically modified boys that have inherent powers to manipulate the market. You then work the market with their abilities to increase your fortune. The abilities drain their lifeforce, so you must always be pushing them closer to death in order to maximize profits. Think Dark Crystal mashed with Ender's Game.
I'm only about 4 days into it and just trying to figure out how the core trading mechanics will work, but I've got the basics up and running. The bottom middle screen will eventually be replaced with the boy hunched over and plugged into a terminal.
Well you got my attention! What are you using to develop it?
@nukembashi: Hard to answer since most of the things you write about are quite
relative, i.e. "how much would a small-time programmer ask for for a small
job". The question is, what are you up to? That's why I wrote 'managing
what?', i.e. define the two 'smalls' in your sentence. I think this will help
some people here in given a suitable answer.
I love your interface. Did you use any special plugins for the interface/graphs or use Pro to rendertexture, or am I really that hopeless at doing anything shinycool
Edit: Derp. Blinded by the shinies and read over the NGUI bit. Did you purchase the full version, or use the free edition?
Anyway, I love it so far.
Yay, I'm back! With another Unity question.
(Also, welcome to fellow GAFfer DM_Uselink, who has joined us in the Iridium offices! He's being awesome making awesome art.)
If I want a manager class to maintain a list of *not instantiated at runtime* prefabs/Objects, what's the best way to do it? I thought making a list of GameObjects and then trying to populate it using the GameObject.GetObjectsOfTypeAll() or something would work, but apparently trying to cast the returned type Object to a GameObject is illegal, or something.
Best practices? I know how to do this with instantiated stuff, but this seems weird.
Nah...I want them permanently in the scene view, like lights and whatnot, so I can move them around easily. They're permanent fixtures. I still need to iterate through them in code, though, for a few reasons.Do you mean something like object pools? If so, I have some source code for a generic GameObject pool I've cleaned up a while ago. It only uses an interface to make sure isntances are activated and deactivated properly as they're taken out of and back into the pool, respectively. I might have misunderstood you, though. The objects are instanced as soon as the level loads to avoid the overhead of instancing them on the go, so that might not fit what you wanted to do.
You probably already have, but have you tried casting the results to a Transform, and then doing transform.gameObject?Yay, I'm back! With another Unity question.
(Also, welcome to fellow GAFfer DM_Uselink, who has joined us in the Iridium offices! He's being awesome making awesome art.)
If I want a manager class to maintain a list of *not instantiated at runtime* prefabs/Objects, what's the best way to do it? I thought making a list of GameObjects and then trying to populate it using the GameObject.GetObjectsOfTypeAll() or something would work, but apparently trying to cast the returned type Object to a GameObject is illegal, or something.
Best practices? I know how to do this with instantiated stuff, but this seems weird.
Nah...I want them permanently in the scene view, like lights and whatnot, so I can move them around easily. They're permanent fixtures. I still need to iterate through them in code, though, for a few reasons.
The graphs are drawn in a terribly inefficient way right now, but they work for the time being. I'll probably need to change them to use the line renderer or something later on. I actually hadn't thought of using rendertexture for the screens... that might be a better way to do it in the long run. I'd like them to be very dynamic. Moving around on robotic arms as you switch out stocks and so forth.
Nah...I want them permanently in the scene view, like lights and whatnot, so I can move them around easily. They're permanent fixtures. I still need to iterate through them in code, though, for a few reasons.
Unity's tags are kinda sucky, but that might work in this case.
(It still boggles my mind you can't add tags at runtime.)
We posted in some forums yes. We have 250 downloads in a week and 5 sold. 3 of this downloads are "real" sells. The other 2 are from me and my friend.
Today I just found out that the game is crashing in Windows Phone 8 making it unplayable..
I'll have to correct this ASAP. I don't know exactly how, because I don't even own a Windows Phone 8.
That's not soo bad. If you believe that the game have good selling material try to pitch it to reviewers and people directly or in gamedev events.
Have you tried at least the game with an emulator?
I have windows 8 but sadly just in a laptop :/, if you're not lucky with the emulator I will suggest you to open a topic in the windows 8 developers forum, maybe you could even find someone to help you make the tests in a phone.
Indeed. It's not going to be easy going through all of this. Guess for example
I would recommencement doing so. Most programmers here aren't willing to spent... Sorry for being so general. I don't want to make my posts look like a Craigslist ad when I don't even know if most programmers would even be interested in such a job.
Game sounds horrible. But it looks good!
Pretty interesting, mate! Love the model! How long does it take you to modelDoing another quick stream today. Going to be showing my dynamic sky lighting model that builds spherical harmonics based on the sun's direction:
That's how it was done in the past.Missile: Have you thought about pre-compiling data on the loading of levels/races/whatever?
I am not saying that you should not do real time computations on it, but those should be left to things that really matter (i.e. explosions, crashes, stuff like that). When you have a race between n vehicles, you can generate a lot of stuff without knowing what weapons they will pick up or where they will go. You can still compute their basic datasheets for linear movement, for some basic angular movements (and mesh different angles together if you want a more precise data), for being in a fully loaded state, and half-loaded/near empty as well. Maybe have a set of pre-determined damages as well, and only calculate what state the vehicles will end up being in, freeing up tons of computational power. ...
This cast also failed.You probably already have, but have you tried casting the results to a Transform, and then doing transform.gameObject?
Success! You win. Thanks!Off the top of my head you might be able to have them all as child objects to an empty gameobject and then use their transform to find the children.
Indeed. It's not going to be easy going through all of this. Guess for example
you are four people without a track record in the gaming biz.... And on the
other hand Sony wants to see a business plan and a throughout proposal of your
game, tools used, and background in the field. So you better come up with
something real kicking (being new), I guess. I think going the standard way
will be as difficult as ever. But that's where the indie lane comes into play.
But I don't expect that we can execute native code in the PS4 or allocate any
huge resources like the registered developers can. Anyhow, first things first.
You know that thing that happens where you have been working on something for so long that you have no idea if it's any good or not? Well, we may or may not have totally hit that wall and are looking for some playtesters to give feedback.
The game is called Ephemerid. It's a breezy sort of musical adventure game. The intent is to make something that can be played through in one sitting like an album. We have a pretty old trailer here, but it still give a good idea about the vibe we are going for.
The game should run on any iPad 2 or newer. If anyone is interested in setting aside a half hour or so to check it out just click on the ol' Test Flight Link. If you have any questions or feedback hit me with a PM or shoot an email to [email protected].
Up to my knowlegde, nope. But I assume it boils down to exactly this. For oneHas Sony said anything about an indie publishing platform for the PS4 similar to PS Mobile?
At least one PS4 indie at E3 didn't actually have a dev kit. They just got a PS4 controller working with their existing code.Up to my knowlegde, nope. But I assume it boils down to exactly this. For one
reason or another, I am still not convinced about how Sony approaches the
indies. But I'm pretty sure that those shown on E3 all had devkits at their
disposal. So how is this going to work? Well, I think, either your are
sandboxed or just another developer/company having signed an NDA with Sony.
I don't expect something huge so to speak, but I hope they will come up with
a strong SDK and a service making developing and publishing indie games a snap
on the PS4. That would be great. Perhaps the indies at E3 already beta-tested
the SDK / infrastructure? Dream on, missile!
^ Game might have been running on a "PC" during presentation?
I'm not sure what to make out of those indies playing their games on E3. Were
all these games sandboxed, from PSM over to PS4? How do they got on the
platform without going the standard way via http://us.playstation.com/develop/,
which would obviously draw no distinction between a standard PS3/4 developer
and an indie developer. So how is the concept envisioned?
I would recommencement doing so. Most programmers here aren't willing to spent
their (free) time on a boring job. Being indie means doing something very
exciting, something you can't let go off even if you won't get any money out
of it at first or second try. Well, I think, money isn't the driving factor
here. You have to know, most devlopers over here do already have a boring
(day) job working for the money. Hence catching some programmer interested
you'll better come up with something exciting. For example, you may present
your idea and show how a programmer from over here may fit in. That's the way
I would do it.
Switching gears, despite not being able to find some hired help to do small stuff, does anyone have any recommendations for finding non-programmer staffing for indie projects? I can do writing on my own, but what about voice acting and artwork? Small-time voice actors and on-commission portrait artists are usually available, but I'd need a good storyboarder or a voice actor that's used to reading full act-sized dialogue lines. This thread may be largely about the programming side of indie game development, but what about the rest of the game?
Well, I define a small-time programmer as someone that programs on their spare time, and not trying to get into the industry as a salaried employee for an established firm like Yahoo!, Studio Pixel, or Mojang. Essentially, a minimum wage worker that programs when their shift ends each day pretty much fits the bill.
As for a small job, I'm planning on just having them do some basic coding work that shouldn't take much more than a few days at a time. I'm not particularly proficient at coding myself, but it's a job that would take me a couple days to do, so I'm using that as my primary frame of reference.
Sorry for being so general. I don't want to make my posts look like a Craigslist ad when I don't even know if most programmers would even be interested in such a job.
Most of the pro voice actors are part of a union and they get expensive very fast. I'd recommend you look at theatre groups in your local area if you want someone affordable. If you have the cash though I'd recommend contacting a casting agency and setting up auditions.
If you're looking for sound effects work (or help with implementation), IM me. I'm freelance now but I was full-time at Bioware for the last few years. I'm always interested in trading skills (audio work for art work, etc.)
Sounds hell complicated. And I have to admit, some things are a lot more
difficult then necessary with respect to games. At times I can't believe it
either what's necessary to pull out to get something really cool. I mean, for
example, Spherical Harmonics are deeply rooted mathematical and physical
functions. Now they belong to the standard set used by designers and graphics
programmer producing cool looking indirect lightning reflections in realtime.
Hell, that's awesome, isn't it?