Thx for clearing it up!I think Sycle just misses the posts due to coding and animating...and right now he's at GDC.
I just dig up his tweet on this for you thoughNOTE: GIF has a max speed of 50fps, not 60 sadly.
Fraps for capture, VirtualDub for cutting/editing etc, Photoshop for GIFing.
Hope that helps! ...
I skimmed through the gif specs and found that even "100fps" are possible
(better; one can specify the delay after a frame has been drawn), yet no
browser has implemented it rightfully. An animated-gif's delay is given as a
multiple of 1/100th of a seconds, hence no "60fps" (as you said) while "50fps"
is possible represented as 2/100th of a second. So we have at best "100fps",
"50fps", "33fps", "25fps", etc. Yet the true frame rate actually depends on
the frames (size, #colors used, compression, etc.) stored in the animted-gif
and on the execution speed of the computer in rendering (decode and drawing)
each. So while people just set the delay time while expecting it to be the
frame rate, they will get wrong results. One way to get near the expected
frame rate is by storing the frames in such a way that decoding them is the
fastest, i.e. decoding each frame should only take a fraction of the delay
time. And there are some options/parameters to play with as indicated above.