Dynamite Shikoku
Congratulations, you really deserve it!
sorry guys, but I just had to share it with you!!
so, this just happened:
Nice. That's some pretty great feedback.
sorry guys, but I just had to share it with you!!
so, this just happened:
Soooo uh Nintendo called me again. I think they want a demo of Apexicon on Wii U for E3 :O. They didn't say specifically, but one would think.
get devhype
Look's beautiful, the art style I mean. Btw; What's the game about?
Soooo uh Nintendo called me again. I think they want a demo of Apexicon on Wii U for E3 :O. They didn't say specifically, but one would think.
get devhype
Wow!!Soooo uh Nintendo called me again. I think they want a demo of Apexicon on Wii U for E3 :O. They didn't say specifically, but one would think.
get devhype
Get to work!!! Congrats!
Rock on!
So I've updated my Unity3d asset GAC (Great Animation Combos) with Delayed Animations feature for adding combos like eg. A, A...(wait)...A. Asset store link is here http://bit.ly/1nP9b0Q and link to try demo is here http://bit.ly/1keCtFc
Remember if you want the 50% GAF discount let me know ;-)
Go create great combos!
That's a form of cell loading, wherein cells of data are loaded and unloaded as needed. The original idea was to keep them small enough that the hardware was able to load them into memory within 1/30th of a second. Older titles, like Morrowind, loaded these on the main thread of the game, causing small, frequent pauses on slower hardware. Have you looked into multi-threaded loading? I use this myself, and it removed a lot of loading screens. My game can load a save game and render the first frame in 0.7 seconds, though my game only uses around 150mb memory. Everything else is loaded in the background, primarily because the enemies for the game are randomly selected, and random ones can spawn in during the level, so it just loads what it needs as it needs it while playing the game. Sprites, sounds and A.I. interfaces - seems to work really well.... okay, great, but when I get to the point where the new area has to load, I get about a half second (or a little less) pause. that's something. so then I'm thinking, well, maybe I'll be more tactful about where I put these loads, so that when the pause happens it's as least irritating as possible.
...If anything, I really love
tinkering around with old and restricted hardware. Count me in! :+
That's pretty friggin amazing man! Congratulations!Soooo uh Nintendo called me again. I think they want a demo of Apexicon on Wii U for E3 :O. They didn't say specifically, but one would think.
get devhype
Soooo uh Nintendo called me again. I think they want a demo of Apexicon on Wii U for E3 :O. They didn't say specifically, but one would think.
get devhype
Soooo uh Nintendo called me again. I think they want a demo of Apexicon on Wii U for E3 :O. They didn't say specifically, but one would think.
get devhype
I'd actually really like to look into the 3DS - it's powerful enough to do awesome things, yet restricted enough (especially with the performance required for 3D) to be very very interesting.
Soooo uh Nintendo called me again. I think they want a demo of Apexicon on Wii U for E3 :O. They didn't say specifically, but one would think.
get devhype
Soooo uh Nintendo called me again. I think they want a demo of Apexicon on Wii U for E3 :O. They didn't say specifically, but one would think.
get devhype
Hey guys, just a question regarding Unity and the use of components. Consider the following example:
- There is an abstract class called ClickObjectHandler, which checks to see if an object is clicked.
- There is an interface called ClickAction, which ClickObjectHandler will call via gameObject.GetComponent.
- There is another interface called WorldObject, which ClickAction will use to alter the object in some way.
- Object EnemyCactus has three components: Enemy, ClickEnemyHandler and ClickActionEnemy (inherited from WorldObject, ClickObjectHandler and ClickAction).
- Object ItemApple has three components: Item, ClickItemHandler and ClickActionItem (inherited from WorldObject, ClickObjectHandler and ClickAction).
Assuming all WorldObjects are clickable and have an action, it seems a bit tedious to continuously assign three different components for every different object, does it not? Is it possible to group components via the GUI? Or is the typical approach to just add components to objects programmatically? Or is this style of programming not really suited for Unity?
Have you considered using RequireComponent attributes in your scripts, which will automatically add any components a given script is dependant upon?Hey guys, just a question regarding Unity and the use of components. Consider the following example:
- There is an abstract class called ClickObjectHandler, which checks to see if an object is clicked.
- There is an interface called ClickAction, which ClickObjectHandler will call via gameObject.GetComponent.
- There is another interface called WorldObject, which ClickAction will use to alter the object in some way.
- Object EnemyCactus has three components: Enemy, ClickEnemyHandler and ClickActionEnemy (inherited from WorldObject, ClickObjectHandler and ClickAction).
- Object ItemApple has three components: Item, ClickItemHandler and ClickActionItem (inherited from WorldObject, ClickObjectHandler and ClickAction).
Assuming all WorldObjects are clickable and have an action, it seems a bit tedious to continuously assign three different components for every different object, does it not? Is it possible to group components via the GUI? Or is the typical approach to just add components to objects programmatically? Or is this style of programming not really suited for Unity?
Unity, I assume?Why am I having so much trouble making a bullet's rotation match that of the player?
Unity, I assume?
This is off the cuff and oldskool, but have you tried something like Quaternion.Euler(0,Mathf.Atan2(playertransform.forward.z, playertransform.forward.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg, 0)
(assuming you work in the XZ plane, otherwise shift the atan2 over to the z position and use .y instead of .z)
Newskool would be something like bullet.forward = player.forward I guess![]()
Soooo uh Nintendo called me again. I think they want a demo of Apexicon on Wii U for E3 :O. They didn't say specifically, but one would think.
get devhype
This is a theoretical scenario (I always try to think of issues with design before implementation), so I don't have anything as of yet. It's just a (probably poorly written) scenario to describe my concern of having to manually add common components to each object type.Is there such a big difference between ClickEnemyHandler and ClickItemHandler?
How do you check for clicks, as it were?
I'd roll that into a global mouse click handler that calls the clicked item's ClickAction, but that's me.
Hell, I'd pull the ClickAction interface inheritance into Enemy, since all the data and functions you'd need would be in there anyway. (Altho you can of get course get by with just grabbing the gameobject's Enemy and caching it when adding the ClickAction/calling it the first time if it's null)
Have you considered using RequireComponent attributes in your scripts, which will automatically add any components a given script is dependant upon?
Eeeh.... that one's riskier, since it can introduce an off-plane deviation.
Also, mine can easily be used to calculate target quats for heat seeking projectiles or adjust for bad rotations built into your model by the artist![]()
The bullet.forward = player.forward works 2x better (as in the bullet is correctly rotated when fired horizontally in both directions.)
But other than those, its still firing them out sideways![]()
Classic coding thing. There's a million ways of doing something, so if you've found one that you like and that works, use it. I've been calculating my rotations like that for over 15 years, so I'm stuck in a rutTrue, how bout transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0.0f, player.eulerAngles.y (+ correction for stupid artist, 0.0f)? For homing I'd do something like Lookat(target) (and then set x & z angles to 0 if you want to make sure you don't deviate from the plane)..
Have you tried setting your bullettransform.rotation to the quaternion?
Otherwise I was going to suggest checking your bullet prefab's rotation, but if it looks fine in horizontal directions, that can't be it.
activeShots.Add((GameObject)Instantiate(basicBullet, gunPosition.transform.position, Quaternion.identity)); // Instantiate bullet.
activeShots[activeShots.Count - 1].transform.forward = player.transform.forward;
That's it, probably.Problem may have to do with the fact that my bullet with 0 rotation is horizontal, but my player is vertical with 0 rotation?
activeShots.Add((GameObject)Instantiate(basicBullet, gunPosition.transform.position, Quaternion.identity)); // Instantiate bullet.
activeShots[activeShots.Count - 1].transform.forward = [b]Quaternion.Euler(0,-90,0)*[/b]player.transform.forward;
it's powerful enough to do awesome things, yet restricted enough (especially with the performance required for 3D) to be very very interesting.
That's it, probably.
Code:activeShots.Add((GameObject)Instantiate(basicBullet, gunPosition.transform.position, Quaternion.identity)); // Instantiate bullet. activeShots[activeShots.Count - 1].transform.forward = [b]Quaternion.Euler(0,-90,0)*[/b]player.transform.forward;
I think that may have solved it, though can't be sure at the moment because I recently changed the way bullets collided and now they're colliding with the gun :3
//activeShots[activeShots.Count - 1].transform.forward = Quaternion.Euler(0, -90, 0) * player.transform.forward;
Edit: Upon inspection, the bullets aren't receiving any rotation. They remain at 0, 0, 0.
Try my way by directly setting your transform.rotation (only with the math at z, since you're using the 2D mode I guess?), without faffing around with the forward vector.
Also, why not join us on IRC, that'd cut down on some response lag![]()
There's an irc for indieGAF??
but at least it's extremely easy to write them yourself (as evidenced by the amount of awesome image effects in the asset store) ... oh, wait ...
Why are Ludum Dare commenters so nice? I haven't seen so much as a frowny face.
It is probably a mix of the following factors:Why are Ludum Dare commenters so nice? I haven't seen so much as a frowny face.
There is a strange sense of satisfaction in making something work that probably shouldn't. I remember I made a simple four screen GTA1 clone on the TI-83 Graphics Calculator. Ran at about 1FPS, but it worked. And it had more features! (chop shop, casino, sell drugs to peds, pick-pocketing, etc.). Nothing quite like it.You two are really strange. And I like it....