I agree with this, however I think the over sized weapon works better in the left image as the scale changes make it not stand out.
Nice designs either way.
Any advice for someone who would like to get into the games business at some point making games but has the chance to go back to school? Take game centered classes or general programming and classes?
Thx a lot. :+... also loving the retro tv/monitor effects Missile is pulling out...
Pleasant. You are passing one transparent plane over another.Thx a lot. :+
What's happening here? Guess. Neglect the wrong green color at left below,
it's an error due to GifCam (3.5) ... arrgh!
I appreciate you voicing your opinions. I'm curious, though, why you'd think the normal proportions look better when Cactus has such large eyes and heads for the androids. The redesign was made with stuff like Psychonauts, Tim Burton's stuff and games like yours in mind.
Cactus actually started out with long slender character designs like you see in more traditional anime but we moved towards the larger head/odd proportions designs you see now to give each character a stronger silhouette from our gameplay camera perspective - Finding your character and avoiding projectiles can be a real problem when using non-orthgraphic cameras at an angle so we've done everything we can to improve that.
I'm not too sure what it is that I find so attractive about your realistic designs compared to the more exaggerated version, in part it reminds me of classic western cartoons/characters and games like Kings Quest which is not a style you see often anymore (and was something I very much liked back when it was popular) while the exaggerated version feels a bit 'cheap'. I use the term "a bit" because I honestly think both versions are quite nice but it's the best way for me to describe my preference.
I made a really confusing game for Ludum Dare. I'm proud of it, but its biggest shortcoming is communicating the rules. Everyone has a tough time at first. I'm trying to rectify that for the post compo version. Animation is a common request, so I'm working on that now. I'm going to pop out tiles before moving them over and plopping them back down. This will make it more clear what is going on when the player performs an action.
I (and some others?) didn't think it was really that confusing (see my comments on your Ludum Dare entry), but I think the big issues I have are:I made a really confusing game for Ludum Dare. I'm proud of it, but its biggest shortcoming is communicating the rules. Everyone has a tough time at first. I'm trying to rectify that for the post compo version. Animation is a common request, so I'm working on that now. I'm going to pop out tiles before moving them over and plopping them back down. This will make it more clear what is going on when the player performs an action.
Balancing what to show and what not to show isn't too difficult, as long as you understand the atmosphere you're attempting to project. Players need to know what they're getting for their money - selling promises usually means upset players. However, horror fans understand that "less is more", so you'll have a little wiggle room.
My suggestion is only pick a very small number of early-game enemies and use more late game enemies, that surmise or represent the atmosphere of your game, and show off your creature designs. Players are unlikely to be thinking about screenshots and trying to remember what they saw once they're playing, and will forget about the late game enemies you selected until they encounter them. This also preserves the early game experience, ensuring your game makes the best possible first impression.
Great looking game, by the way.
You're cleverI (and some others?) didn't think it was really that confusing (see my comments on your Ludum Dare entry), but I think the big issues I have are:
I agree and this seems to be the biggest source of confusion. I'm considering changing the game over condition entirely.2. I kept abruptly finding the game ended because all pentagon tiles stacked up and I didn't notice. This is a HUGE deal since that is the mechanic that ends your game. If you even just put a text string below the score that tells you how many turns you have left, that would be a big help:
The easiest goal would be to clear a certain number of rings, similar to Tetris/Hexic. I strongly suspect that removing all of the tiles would be impossible. Forming rings becomes really tedious when there are black tiles everywhere and I am considering ways to continuously reintroduce colored tiles.3. It would be nice if it were possible to "win" by removing all the tiles, but I imagine it might be difficult to procedurally generate it in such a way that wins are feasible.
Thanks!whatever is happening, it looks good.![]()
Looks at avatar...looks at pic...Here's a sort of screen shot saturday image, more like a photo taken in the evening under a dull lamp with a shit iphone camera:
Greetings from Finland,
Our first game is released!
It's a free one-touch platformer, Hopping Penguin for Windows Phone 8.
It's going to be a 90 day WP8 exclusive as we got funding from AppCampus.
We also won the Viope Game Development World Championship student track and got directly in contact with Microsoft. They will promote our game hopefully soon.
Download for Windows Phone 8
Official site & trailer
We are very excited to finally launch the game. It's a free game so feel free to try it out and let us know how you like it.![]()
^ It's color space related.
You are about 33% right.Now you got me interested.
Since you where playing with hue-less channels before, are you using only the H and alpha channels on this image? Or maybe the chrominance channels on YCrCb or YUV? ...
Pretty good! Have you studied it as part of computer science? What do you want... but I'm kinda feeling home about some things, since my specialization is Image Processing and Pattern Recognition![]()
Pretty good! Have you studied it as part of computer science?
What do you want
to do with said knowledge, apply it to games? What's the coolest thing you
want to do with it?
I'm wondering if there are any tools for making 2d image creation and animation easier and faster? For some reason working in 3d is so much easier for me, maybe because it's where I started teaching myself. I also think my extreme lack of artistic ability shows up less in 3d somehow, haha.
I'm wondering if there are any tools for making 2d image creation and animation easier and faster? For some reason working in 3d is so much easier for me, maybe because it's where I started teaching myself. I also think my extreme lack of artistic ability shows up less in 3d somehow, haha.
It's hard to say not knowing what you're currently using or looking at, or what your budget is. I've been pretty happy using Illustrator for drawing and Spine for animating, but neither are free and I haven't tried out their alternatives.
Currently using GIMP with absolutely no experience in this kind of stuff. So pointing me in the right direction of what to use and where to learn would be awesome.
Currently using GIMP with absolutely no experience in this kind of stuff. So pointing me in the right direction of what to use and where to learn would be awesome.
although models would probably suit me better, currently the game engine i'm using is pygame which only supports 2d. I'd be most comfortable with pixel art I would assume.
although models would probably suit me better, currently the game engine i'm using is pygame which only supports 2d. I'd be most comfortable with pixel art I would assume.
I have no experience at all with vectorial though, is it any easier? I saw mention of keyframes, i know in 3d modeling programs can create animations between keyframes, is that possible for 2d?
Yeah, I don't believe Pygame supports Tweening or importing SVGs.
An alternative would be to look into Unitys new 2D features though, as Boo is very similar to Python so you wouldn't be relearning from scratch (although I believe Boo isn't supported on all platforms Unity can export to).
Woo hoo! I made the foundation for a conversational dialog box! All placeholder, but.. woo hoo!
I have no experience at all with vectorial though, is it any easier? I saw mention of keyframes, i know in 3d modeling programs can create animations between keyframes, is that possible for 2d?
Would most games spawn another hitbox for the swinging sword animation (in my case)?
Here's another question (sorry for noobing it up so much in here), but what's the best way to handle large attack animations? For example my current setup I just have the frame large enough to accommodate the animation even though it causes a giant invisible hitbox for the player. That's obviously not ideal. Would most games spawn another hitbox for the swinging sword animation (in my case)?
Edit: TBH, i hate this whole animation/art process. I much more enjoy figuring out how to make the gameplay work than to spend so much time on the artwork, but I don't want to have my game be only boxes and whatnot, want it to look at least semi legit. So trying to find the best way to make this work without spending all day everyday doing something i suck at![]()
The three dots totally break the brilliant dialog though
Other than that looks superb, lovely art
I have this killer idea for a protagonist. Get this... He wakes up with amnesia and he has a dark past. Plus a snarky attitude that gets all the ladies (oops, did I forget again to mention he's a straight white dude). Oh, and he never talks. Silent protagonist.Why, thank you. Can't wait to get into actually writing dialog and inventing characters. Totally new to me!
What have you done there?Yes! I almost had an master degree on the area, but work got in the way, so I had to drop it. Fortunately, I got into a project that uses that knowledge a few years ago. It's over now, but I still study some new things in the area, from time to time. ...
Sounds very good. 3d programming from scratch, implementing basic rendering... Actually, I got into game development to fulfill a dream I had when I was younger, to create games. I started from the basics, now I'm getting into 3D programming, shaders, vertexes and all that. ...
Scrap the dialog, show us the transition instead! Will the vehicles morph intoWoo hoo! I made the foundation for a conversational dialog box! All placeholder, but.. woo hoo!![]()
What have you done there?
Sounds very good. 3d programming from scratch, implementing basic rendering algorithms yourself? Or are you using the video accelerator for the core stuff while building upon it?
I have this killer idea for a protagonist. Get this... He wakes up with amnesia and he has a dark past. Plus a snarky attitude that gets all the ladies (oops, did I forget again to mention he's a straight white dude). Oh, and he never talks. Silent protagonist.
You can have that one for free.
Scrap the dialog, show us the transition instead! Will the vehicles morph into each other? C'mon!![]()
MrNyarlathotep said:hitbox info
Oh boy I was trying to use a Pool Manager for my Projectiles in Unity and instead of Despawning they Destroyed themself in the Second Spawning Wave.... I spent about 16hours trying out everything with no Success... unitl I recreadet my Bullets and now they dont Destroy themself anymore. This makes no sense because they are exactly the same!
The saddest part is that i feel no relief but anger spending so much time on fixing something that makes only a small aspect of the overall game...
Are there others here who experienced similar things?