GUI programming, anyone?
Thought it would be good in investing some more time in developing a small
graphical user interface to be able to control RSA tool more easily.
Currently, I have only just some loosely coupled (un-managed) windows on the
screen being able to render into them;
However, I want the windows to be manged, a window manager so to speak, being
able to send message and register functions for any event.
What I want to ask is; what are some good practices and things to better avoid
in developing such a GUI? Specifically, am interested in details like good
strategies to manage the windows to provide some good flexibility, and also in
some raster/rendering tricks to allow for more flexibility of the content
being rendered in any of the windows.
Does anyone have some specific experience to share? Thx in advance!
Pub Sub (Publish/Subscribe) design pattern should do the trick.
Each window subscribe (listens) for any event(s) that it has an interested in.
Each window publishes event(s) that it knows other windows would be interested in knowing about.
It doesn't have to be a window publishing events, it can be any part of your system.
eg. Your file systems publishes a "Data loaded" event, windows listening for "Data loaded" automatically redraw using the new data.