Inklewriter's conversion of Steve Jackson's The Sorcery is looking really really nice:
Have some codes for my game, subaku, because hell, I love you.
How is ms splosion man? I downloaded it. Havent played it.
How is ms splosion man? I downloaded it. Havent played it.
I give it 4 of Jedeye's favourite quote from threads of yoreHow is ms splosion man? I downloaded it. Havent played it.
What are the top tower defense games?
Any smups that are on par quality wise with Phoenix?
What are the top tower defense games?
I'm not sure. How about the tower with the worst defense game?
What are the top tower defense games?
Loving nimble quest.
Just got Bejewled on sale also. Funny how it's still fun after all this time. Simple, but endlessly effective.On an unrelated note, Bejeweled HD is on sale for 99 cents. I just bought it, and it's every bit as good as Bejeweled 3 on PC. It lacks quest and poker modes, but there is a "coming soon" note in the main screen, so maybe they will indeed come soon.
Glad sonic dash has finally gone free. Waiting two weeks after launch for a price drop was already too long. But another whole week to be $0? Madness.
Are any of the Monkey Ball games on iOS good?
Anyone having any good newer Match 3 recommendations?
I've already played Dungeons & Dragon, Puzzle Quest and Puzzle Saga?
Are any of the Monkey Ball games on iOS good?
Anyone having any good newer Match 3 recommendations?
I've already played Dungeons & Dragon, Puzzle Quest and Puzzle Saga?
Just got Bejewled on sale also. Funny how it's still fun after all this time. Simple, but endlessly effective.
Just got Bejewled on sale also. Funny how it's still fun after all this time. Simple, but endlessly effective.
Are any of the Monkey Ball games on iOS good?
I remember when I got the iPhone 3G at launch one of the first things I did was buy Monkey Ball for $10. TEN DOLLARS! How times have changed...
Oh yeah, I was disappointed in Monkey Ball. It isn't terrible, but it's so hard to control using tilt. At one point I grabbed Monkey Ball 2 for a buck just to see if it was better. It was, but still not great. Die hard fans might enjoy it, but more likely they'll just wish for the days of SMB on GameCube.
I'm super excited for the Sorcery! iOS conversion. The Inkle website has pegged the release date for the first volume as May 4th and between the screenshots there and the PAX video, I'm super stoked to check it out. I'm particularly pleased that they look to have retained the aesthetic of the John Blanche illustrations. I'm also digging the way they've implemented the magic system.
Damn, now I may have to dig up the original gamebooks to tide me over during the wait!
Have some codes for my game, subaku, because hell, I love you.
Are there any other good games on iPad like The Room? I really enjoyed that!
For those playing Happy Street, is Floozy offering less and less extra Flooz as time goes by? I remember when you would get double, then I didn't play for awhile and I come back to the offer of 1.5 more. Now, there's a new deal and it is only 1.3 more.
It's getting less, yeah. It changed from 2x to 1.5x at the same time as everything got 1.5x more expensive. 1.3x is new.
Is there a reason for it? I noticed I'm not getting as much regular money from visiting friends.