Japanese Nintendo 3DS Import Thread | Brand New 3D, Same Old Region Lock


Q: Where's the best place to buy a New 3DS in Japan (not import)? Will be heading into Tokyo tomorrow and I don't know if there's a difference between stores that sell it.


Neo Member
Is there any way to turn the 3DS OS menus into furigana? Failing that, is there a comprehensive guide to the settings on the 3DS? I don't want to accidentally update to 9.4 as I have a boatload of EU region games I want to use on my new 3DS when the ninja hax finally releases region free suppport.


Neo Member
Are the new 3ds japanese models still compatible with the coming region free hack?

Supposingly it should all work, I am guessing it will work similar to the way the Gateway 3DS card works as the latest update for it allows you to boot into a different region, remove the gateway card, then use retail game carts of the new region with no problems.

Edit: Actually not too sure, reading up on the Gateway, the 9.2 update is working on versions 9.2-7.0 so far but not actually released yet as they want to add support down to 4.5. No one can test classic mode (region free for retail carts) support on the new version so I guess it still working on 9.2 is not confirmed yet.
damn... only if I had known... I thought it wouldn't be worth the 1,5 hour train ride.
I think the upcoming Bravely Default x Artnia will distribute the theme too, if you're interested to go there next month.
Is there any way to turn the 3DS OS menus into furigana? Failing that, is there a comprehensive guide to the settings on the 3DS? I don't want to accidentally update to 9.4 as I have a boatload of EU region games I want to use on my new 3DS when the ninja hax finally releases region free suppport.
Don't think such option exist. Might be wrong though.
Alright, so I got my White New 3DS this afternoon from my awesome wife. Super awesome and somewhat unexpected, but she pulled through.

However....I'm pretty much stuck with nothing to do now. I don't want to update, because I want to wait for the Region Free Gateway hack. But, since I can't update, I also can't access the 3DS Shop. Someone else had mentioned that the Pokemon games were region free, but, after popping in Omega Ruby, it appears that's not the case. At least, I assume that's what the error message is telling me.

Few questions:

1) Is there any way to change the 3DS' default language? I'm thinking no.

2) Am I right about pretty much being unable to play anything right now? Are there any truly region free games?

3) Cheapest place to import the replacement shells? Cheapest that will deal with all the shipping and tariff stuff that is.

4) Anyone tried One Piece: Super Grand Battle! X? I loved the Jump Ultimate games on DS and this looks really similar. Plus, I love the One Piece series. I'm pretty close to pulling the trigger on buying it from Play-Asia.


Alright, so I got my White New 3DS this afternoon from my awesome wife. Super awesome and somewhat unexpected, but she pulled through.

However....I'm pretty much stuck with nothing to do now. I don't want to update, because I want to wait for the Region Free Gateway hack. But, since I can't update, I also can't access the 3DS Shop. Someone else had mentioned that the Pokemon games were region free, but, after popping in Omega Ruby, it appears that's not the case. At least, I assume that's what the error message is telling me.

Few questions:

1) Is there any way to change the 3DS' default language? I'm thinking no.

2) Am I right about pretty much being unable to play anything right now? Are there any truly region free games?

3) Cheapest place to import the replacement shells? Cheapest that will deal with all the shipping and tariff stuff that is.

4) Anyone tried One Piece: Super Grand Battle! X? I loved the Jump Ultimate games on DS and this looks really similar. Plus, I love the One Piece series. I'm pretty close to pulling the trigger on buying it from Play-Asia.

Pokemon x/y and ORAS have an english language option in all regions. The cartridge is still region locked as far as I know. But having all languages at release may make it seem like its region free.

1. nope
2. you can play ds games.
3. Go to the original post in this thread for a list...you can also check amazon.com in the us. there are occasional jpn games there.
4. nope, played the last one?? and it was fun but not the newer one...before you buy it I would think about all the things you want because the shipping is better with multiple items for being cost effective.

There are others here who know much more...


How's the English translation for the Japanese version of the Ace Attorney Trilogy? I've heard it's not as good as the DS versions, but haven't found any concrete information about it.

(Also, Merry Christmas all!)
How's the English translation for the Japanese version of the Ace Attorney Trilogy? I've heard it's not as good as the DS versions, but haven't found any concrete information about it.

(Also, Merry Christmas all!)

It's mostly the same as the DS version, except for a few more misspelt English words.
Again, if you want to homebrew, stick with not updating or going to the eshop. Because Nintendo updates their stuff often and most of the time you can't use eShop unless you have the latest update at that point.

Apparently, the correct answer is to use a Gateway and the rom of Cubic Ninja. The way the Gateway works, I'll actually be able to access the Japanese eShop, download patches, and so on. The only thing is, I'll have to use roms, but I happen to own legit copies of everything I would use, so it's all good.

And for anyone else considering it: You're gonna wanna get a Japanese New 3DS right now. The longer you wait, the greater the chances you get one with a higher firmware than the latest one compatible with Gateway/Ninjhax.
So, has anyone else seen these systems:


I'm kind of torn, because I think Groudon looks pretty awesome, especially with the suede faceplate. At the same time though.... the only difference is the faceplate. So, I would basically be paying about $80 more for a really cool faceplate. I'm also torn because I like the White 3DS body more overall, but I also think the Kyogre faceplate doesn't look anywhere as nice on the white as the Groudon does on the black.

Of course, what can't really be quantified right now is the rarity of the system in the future. If I got it, the box would definitely be going up into storage, and I would probably only play with the actual suede faceplate for special events (like tournaments and stuff).




This is opinion.

1)I am not so happy with the art work as you. I have to look twice to even see who it is. The clipping on the blue one is, to me, especially difficult. I thought it was a plane of some sort or a sword. I do play some pokemon.

2) I have stayed away from the suede ones. I have the wood and plastic versions. The plastic ones the colors are very vibrant. The wood one has a great feel to it. But more importantly I didn't go with suede because I was fearful they would wear, darken and leave prints from dirty hands, sweaty hands and oil from hands. But you said you would save it for special occasions. I tend to use my stuff. I don't plan on selling stuff...my kids might when I am gone but not me.

BUT I am currently looking at all the amiibos I have including multiples of most of them. Looking at a white ps4 that I probably won't use because I use other systems to play games. I just wanted it because it looked nice to me. Dumb ass buy. If I look around at my shelves of stuff I would be hard pressed to justify any of it other than I just thought it looked cool and wanted it.

Sooo....if you like it...buy it...or you probably will regret it...and then pay some unreasonable amount on ebay. :) As an investment? I am not sure. Its not really iconic Nintendo characters so will people know who they are in 20 years?


one more...just relooked at the photo...are the plates upside down? The plates now have been setup so when its open facing someone or sitting on the charter the picture is correctly oriented. This one looks like it will be upside down???
I have to buy a New 3DS very soon, and I need 32GB memory card recommendations. Also, they have to be available on Amazon Japan because of reasons.


Just got my new unit. New ll.

What do i need to check it for?

The buttons seem good, the screen is an even white, the circle pad moves nicely and the triggers are also identical in pressure required etc.

1 any way to test the new right side sich without a game that requires it?
2 can't see a dead pixel at this time, but any way to check b using certain menus or websites?



I'm thinking about importing, but I may just be patient and wait for the n3DS to come stateside. For those of you that already own one or both models: is one model better for laying down in bed play? I'd imagine I'd spend a good portion of my time playing in bed or in between classes. I'm torn because I think the XL may be more ergonomic, but the regular model is more portable/customizable. Thanks in advance for any replies.
Thanks to kubus for linking me to the thread! Got a couple of questions, the first being for JapanGAF.

In Tokyo, where's the cheapest place to buy a fresh New 3DS? I'm seeing 16,000 on Amazon JP. Is it possible to get it for this price in store? Or is Japan like the UK where buying online is significantly cheaper than buying at retail.

Second question is regarding Yokai Watch. I was already hyped but being here and seeing it everywhere and how the kids are going ape shit for it has kicked me hype into overdrive. Kubus recommended going for Shinuchi.... Or should I buy the first game?


I'm thinking about importing, but I may just be patient and wait for the n3DS to come stateside. For those of you that already own one or both models: is one model better for laying down in bed play? I'd imagine I'd spend a good portion of my time playing in bed or in between classes. I'm torn because I think the XL may be more ergonomic, but the regular model is more portable/customizable. Thanks in advance for any replies.
I'm currently loving the New 3DS because it's so small and portable. I upgraded from XL to normal New 3DS and I'm very pleased with the transition. The XL was a tad too heavy to play on comfortably during longer sessions, but with the New 3DS I can play for hours and it won't tire my hands out at all. The faceplates are also fantastic and I especially love the special textured ones. Currently have the felt faceplate attached and just holding the 3DS feels great now :D. Screen size is perfect now too, in my opinion.

Thanks to kubus for linking me to the thread! Got a couple of questions, the first being for JapanGAF.

In Tokyo, where's the cheapest place to buy a fresh New 3DS? I'm seeing 16,000 on Amazon JP. Is it possible to get it for this price in store? Or is Japan like the UK where buying online is significantly cheaper than buying at retail.

Second question is regarding Yokai Watch. I was already hyped but being here and seeing it everywhere and how the kids are going ape shit for it has kicked me hype into overdrive. Kubus recommended going for Shinuchi.... Or should I buy the first game?
Not part of JapanGAF (yet... :)) but I just took a look at websites of some of the bigger stores in Japan and BIC Camera has the New 3DS listed for 16,000 too. So I'd assume that if you walked into one of their physical stores it would be the same price there.



Not part of JapanGAF (yet... :)) but I just took a look at websites of some of the bigger stores in Japan and BIC Camera has the New 3DS listed for 16,000 too. So I'd assume that if you walked into one of their physical stores it would be the same price there.

16k without tax, 17,280 tax included.

edit: just went through an ION mall and they had a special fukubukuro offering. new 3ds + 2 games für 20k. I haven't checked which games are available, but I believe that bandbrothers P and Yokaiwatch (1 or 2?) were some of the possible options!
I bet you could find similar offerings in almost all stores. but you should hurry as those only appear around new years day!


has anyone here played protect me knight 2? it's available on the eshop since a few months, but I didn't read any opinions about it.
A few days ago I didn't care when I'd get a New 3DS, and now I'm counting the hours until AmiAmi can come back from their holidays to see my order :/
Anyone picking up Kenka Banchou 6 later this month? Been a fan of the series since the first one, but it was the localisation of 3 on PSP (Badass Rumble) that made me love it. Shouldn't be too much of a language barrier either and from the videos that have been released, it looks like the Menchi beam thing is now about analogue nub movements rather than selecting the correct option from lists of text.


:( My amazon order with Youkai Watch 2 Shinuchi has been stuck somewhere in limbo between Japan and my country for some time now.

It was posted on December 25 with EMS and the last update on the tracking page says "Dispatch from outward office of exchange" and is from December 26. After that... nothing.

All my other parcels updated with "Arrival at inward office of exchange" within 1 to 2 days after that same dispatch note. Could the postal system be so heavily backlogged because of the holidays that it's taking so long?

Getting kinda worried now. Thankfully it wasn't super expensive (just the game and a faceplate) but still!

edit: Looking at the calendar, might be a bit too early to panic because between the dispatch date and now there's been a full weekend and of course the New Year's holidays, and now it's weekend again. Hopefully I'll see some movement next week then! *fingers crossed*


I had a similar problem my parcel was posted on the 19th and i got the exact same status it didnt change till december 27th when it eventually appeared in the UK. It eventually arrived so don't panic just yet it's probably stuck somewhere in the postal rush.


Thanks, that's a relief to hear. Yeah I'm sure it'll turn up eventually, I'll just have to find something else to keep me busy in the meantime :).


I have to admit i was freaking out when mine just stopped updating as i had over £400 worth of stuff in that parcel as it was all my stuff for xmas. It just had the forwarding for export status and then nothing at all until later where it eventually changed to arrived in destination country about a week later. It's the longest anything has taken to come by EMS thankfully it escaped customs but would have been devastation as i valued it at £14 so i would have lotst a lot if it had not turned up as i wouldn't have been able to clme more than that.


Hello again. Sorry to sound like a broken record but I have one code left for Daigasso! Band Brothers P Debut. PM me if you want it.

EDIT: Gone.


Unconfirmed Member
has anyone here played protect me knight 2? it's available on the eshop since a few months, but I didn't read any opinions about it.

Gonna post my impressions from the OT:
(Yes, there's an OT hidden in the Community forum! Let's go people, buy it and keep that thread alive!)

The visuals, music/sfx, frontend and controls all have that perfect 8-bit consistency that makes it feel like you're really playing an old Famicom game.
If you're in the mood for quirky retro gaming on your import 3DS, look no further.

The things that remind you it's actually a modern game are very well-implemented, too. I'm not normally a fan of tower defence, and to many the idea may leave a bitter taste after having being drowned in so many hack-jobs and clones on various app stores.
However, in PMK the tower defence systems are not only relatively unobtrusive, but also flexible depending on your playstyle. Using skills you've acquired and equipped, you can meticulously build and upgrade fortifications, knocking them around to adapt to the battle, punting them into enemies, and selling them when no longer needed.

If you're like me, you'll enjoy the action side of the game a lot more than the TD mechanics, and the game is rewarding on this front as well. Master your character's unique skills and play aggressively, zipping around the battlefield and clearing out enemy hordes. There are nice audio and visual cues for when a fortification is at risk of breaking, and defences can be repaired simply by attacking them, so a bare minimum of macro management can be carried out with ease.

Even if you don't read Japanese (mostly kana), the menus are streamlined enough to get used to after a few attempts, and you shouldn't have too much trouble deciphering the majority of skill icons. The RPG elements are solid, and if you've played one before, you'll know roughly what to expect.

Although, you may miss out on one of the game's most charming points: its humour.
It innocently takes the old "save the princess" trope and constantly fiddles with it, offering great dialogue and some genuinely cute/funny moments. From what I've seen, the jokes will translate perfectly to a western audience, and I can't wait to see what Ancient do with an English release. The characters may seem stereotypical on the surface, but they have some delicious twists to them, and supporting cast members (shop keepers, skill trainer, Princess Lola, etc.) are all presented well, and just as unique.

Finally, that soundtrack... Everything is up-beat and amazing. Everything is catchy. Another triumph from Koshiro. You will no doubt find yourself humming along while you level up and purchase weapons. Voice samples are used sparingly, but are really cute and have a sweet nostalgic distortion effect that is also reminiscent of the old consoles.

PMK is like the Japanese take on what was attempted by the likes of Retro City Rampage and Shovel Knight; i.e old school aesthetic with modern tweaks and humour. I haven't played RCR, but I recall that it wasn't received with much positivity, unlike SK, which seemed to receive universal praise. I was bummed when I found that wasn't on the JP 3DS store, but PMK is making up for its absence. I have a lot of confidence in PMK, as it doesn't try to do too much all at once, and nothing comes across as ham-fisted. I don't know what happened with the original on XBLA, but I believe this one would be a great addition to any 3DS owner's library.


I have to admit i was freaking out when mine just stopped updating as i had over £400 worth of stuff in that parcel as it was all my stuff for xmas. It just had the forwarding for export status and then nothing at all until later where it eventually changed to arrived in destination country about a week later. It's the longest anything has taken to come by EMS thankfully it escaped customs but would have been devastation as i valued it at £14 so i would have lotst a lot if it had not turned up as i wouldn't have been able to clme more than that.
Wow can imagine it would make you worry when you've got so much stuff in a parcel :eek:

You were right though, it updated today and it now shows up as "In customs" :D. Hopefully smooth sailing from here. I need my Youkai Watch fix!
So, can anyone make an official comment on the finish of the n3DS XL...

It looks to me like the inside is a matte finish, but the outside is metallic, correct? I'm not a big fan of the metallic finish, but if it doesn't affect the inside aesthetic of the system, that's adeal breaker for me. The inside is the one part where smudges, light reflection, and other grossness would be the most distracting to me, but if the inside is matte I think I will have no issues purchasing that over the smaller design.

I've been looking through the topic but I've seen people go back and forth (The whole thing is matte, the whole thing is metallic, etc). Can anyone confirm for me?


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
My Japanese New 3DS LL will be arriving tomorrow, and I'm really excited. I love the look of the metallic finish, and I ordered the black one. I didn't order any games with it but I've got a few in mind that I'm interested in that I'll either be picking up from the eShop or importing.

I'm looking forward to
Theatrhythm Dragon Quest
Final Fantasy Explorers
Dragon Quest VII
Bravely Second
Lots of others that we're not ever getting here in the US...

My Japanese is pretty rusty (okay - very rusty) but I used to play a lot of imported RPG games back in the SNES era so I'm hoping my old brain can catch on again like old times.

Can anyone here suggest some cool games (preferably from the eShop) that are fun but light on the writing / storytelling side of things? I'm looking for something that might help me ease back into the language. I'm thinking Slime MoriMori Dragon Quest 3 might fit that bill. If it's anything like the DS game (which I've played in English) it should be pretty easy to catch on. I'm also open to other suggestions if anyone has one!


Got it from Jump Festa last weekend during my trip to Japan.

I waaant thiiiis.....!!!!!


Unconfirmed Member
So, can anyone make an official comment on the finish of the n3DS XL...

It looks to me like the inside is a matte finish, but the outside is metallic, correct? I'm not a big fan of the metallic finish, but if it doesn't affect the inside aesthetic of the system, that's adeal breaker for me. The inside is the one part where smudges, light reflection, and other grossness would be the most distracting to me, but if the inside is matte I think I will have no issues purchasing that over the smaller design.

I've been looking through the topic but I've seen people go back and forth (The whole thing is matte, the whole thing is metallic, etc). Can anyone confirm for me?

You are correct: matte inside while outside is metallic finish.
Or rather, the default "faceplate" is metallic (hinge and base unit are matte, which makes the inside matte). Come to think of it, perhaps there are some matted faceplates out there.

Still, I would have preferred if the whole thing was matte (like the 2DS), as I don't like the feel of smudgy fingers on the backside, but a quick sleeve wipe here and there and you're good.


Are big releases readily available on the Japanese E-Shop? With the strength of the US dollar vs the yen I figure this would be a good way to save money as opposed to importing physical copies of the games. If I am incredibly wrong and being stupid please inform me as such. I'm ordering a New 3DS tomorrow and I more or less want to know if I need to get youkai watch 2 physically or if the strength of the dollar will save me money. Could anyone inform me of what the e-shop prices are for new releases?


Are big releases readily available on the Japanese E-Shop? With the strength of the US dollar vs the yen I figure this would be a good way to save money as opposed to importing physical copies of the games. If I am incredibly wrong and being stupid please inform me as such. I'm ordering a New 3DS tomorrow and I more or less want to know if I need to get youkai watch 2 physically or if the strength of the dollar will save me money. Could anyone inform me of what the e-shop prices are for new releases?
I think it depends on the game. For example Youkai Watch 2 Shinuchi came out last month and I got a retail version for 4800 yen (excluding shipping), which is cheaper than the 4968 yen eShop price.

In the end, it'll end up about the same price with either retail or digital and you'll just have to ask yourself what you think is more important: speedy delivery and no extra costs or physical boxes but pay a little extra for shipping and having to wait longer.

But there are also exceptions, especially with older games that may get discounted in retail but will stay the same price on the eShop. You can search the eShop online via this link. You might need a bit of Japanese knowledge to find something specific, but you can always look up the Japanese title of a game on wikipedia and just copy paste that. From the search results you can check if the game is available on the eShop and what it costs. From there you can start comparing to retail prices :). Also if you sign up for Tenso you get a Japanese address that you can use to buy stuff on amazon.co.jp. That also enables you to buy eShop download codes from amazon, which is pretty cool because sometimes their download codes are cheaper than buying directly from the eShop.

Hope that helps!

Also be sure to read the OP if you need suggestions on where to buy your games from if you plan to buy retail versions :).


I think it depends on the game. For example Youkai Watch 2 Shinuchi came out last month and I got a retail version for 4800 yen (excluding shipping), which is cheaper than the 4968 yen eShop price.

In the end, it'll end up about the same price with either retail or digital and you'll just have to ask yourself what you think is more important: speedy delivery and no extra costs or physical boxes but pay a little extra for shipping and having to wait longer.

But there are also exceptions, especially with older games that may get discounted in retail but will stay the same price on the eShop. You can search the eShop online via this link. You might need a bit of Japanese knowledge to find something specific, but you can always look up the Japanese title of a game on wikipedia and just copy paste that. From the search results you can check if the game is available on the eShop and what it costs. From there you can start comparing to retail prices :). Also if you sign up for Tenso you get a Japanese address that you can use to buy stuff on amazon.co.jp. That also enables you to buy eShop download codes from amazon, which is pretty cool because sometimes their download codes are cheaper than buying directly from the eShop.

Hope that helps!

Also be sure to read the OP if you need suggestions on where to buy your games from if you plan to buy retail versions :).

Thanks for all the help! I bought a new 3ds this morning. Had a ton of amazon credit and the price for the regular ones had lowered to about $169 which is absurd for an import price. I figure I'll get youkai watch 2 shinuchi off the eshop as well as the f2p Initial D game and go from there.

My other question is whether or not the japanese club nintendo ships to the US and if not (which I'm assuming they do not), using a tenso box for the stuff would be fine correct?


Thanks for all the help! I bought a new 3ds this morning. Had a ton of amazon credit and the price for the regular ones had lowered to about $169 which is absurd for an import price. I figure I'll get youkai watch 2 shinuchi off the eshop as well as the f2p Initial D game and go from there.

My other question is whether or not the japanese club nintendo ships to the US and if not (which I'm assuming they do not), using a tenso box for the stuff would be fine correct?
No probs! Wow I had no idea amazon.com sold the Japanese 3DS. That's actually a very decent price considering it costs about $138 after conversion on amazon.co.jp.

Unfortunately the Japanese Club Nintendo won't ship outside Japan, but yeah you can totally use a Tenso box for that! Keep in mind though that hardware doesn't come with a Club Nintendo code anymore so you're gonna have to buy a lot of games if you want to grab something decent :p.


Japanese club nintendo shipping stuff via tenso should be ok, unless they get really funny about shipping but i doubt they would.

One thing to bear in mind with youkai watch 2 is each version has some exclusives depending if you go digital or physical. Although the medal QR codes that come in the physical versions are available online, the digital exclusive data is not so that's one plus for getting the digital version.

Ganso physical version = Jibanyan Nyain scroll
Ganso digital version = Robonyan F

Honke physical version = Jibanyan Komanyachi scroll
Honke digital version = Sailornyan

Shinuchi physical version = Jibakoma
Shinuchi digital version = Masknyan


Finally! :D


Pretty smart of them to put a Medal in the game box, now I'm tempted to buy the watch and start collecting them...
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