Japanese Nintendo 3DS Import Thread | Brand New 3D, Same Old Region Lock


Yay glad it arrived for you, see i told you not to worry. Although that's easier said than done as i was freaking out when mine vanished.

I recommend you don't transfer you save across and continue as you'll miss out on the new added cutscenes in the main story. Start a new game and enjoy it all :)


Hehe yeah I guess it's natural to freak out :p. I hope they put tracking devices on every parcel in the future lol.

Is there a save file transfer from YW1 to Shinuchi? Because I've never played Ganso or Honke :O


Ah i thought you had the 2nd game, ignore that then. Shinuchi allowed you to transfer your save from ganso and honke so you could continue playing although like i said they added new cutscenes so if you had already completed the game and transferred that save you would miss out on all those new extra bits.

Because you have the first game you can at least open the interlock dungeon once you have completed the main game, because you are on my friend list you should be able to link to my ganso & honke versions via online if you like to get the remainig keys to open all 3 extra parts of the dungeon when you are ready to do so. When you get to that point give us a shout, i'n the meantime prepare for some major fun it takes what you know from the first game and bombards you with so many new things to do :)


Owning the first YW game here. I don't understand how to have some Youkai to become friends with me.
I toss the appropiate food but they don't become friend with me..
And I know this isn't the ideal topic.
I own a japanese wii u and still have a (1month) Wii karaoke u code to offer which can be used until 30 march. If anybody is interested.. let me say via mp or here.
Steel empire 3ds is at 990 yens instead of 2990 (66% down) for 2 weeks.


It's pretty random when trying to make youkai your friends in YW, once you know the correct type of food that a youkai likes it's just down to giving them food in battle till you see the heart appear above them. After that you just have to hope they join you it's mostly down to luck.

Having certain youkai in your team also increases the odds a little of them becoming friends, certain youkai with the mote mote ability help such a kyuntaro and motete.


Okeey thanks. There is kyuntaro too. Just watched yesterday the anime with kyuntaro. It makes sense. But I don't know who is motete?


I spelt it a bit wrong it's motemoten, it looks like this


I'm going to be the proud owner of the Smash Bros. New 3DS LL on Tuesday! I cannot wait!

Finally! :D


Pretty smart of them to put a Medal in the game box, now I'm tempted to buy the watch and start collecting them...

I'm tempted it get it. Just don't know what version to get.


Take the silver version because the opening on this one rocks haha

Thanks, I like how well motemoten is designed. Level 5 design guys are really pros.


I've tried searching the thread, but didn't find what I was looking for.

For those who have ordered a new 3ds from amazon.co.jp via tenso, what weight did tenso calculate your package at? Even if you ordered it in a larger package that might help as well, just trying to get a feel for prices importing a new 3ds from various places.
How is the 3D strength on the New 3DS XL? Like is the depth and pop out strong like the OG 3DS or is it still weak like the 3DS XL where it's barely noticeable?


I've tried searching the thread, but didn't find what I was looking for.

For those who have ordered a new 3ds from amazon.co.jp via tenso, what weight did tenso calculate your package at? Even if you ordered it in a larger package that might help as well, just trying to get a feel for prices importing a new 3ds from various places.
You might want to page Impotaku for that, he imported his New 3DS using Tenso :eek:.


Anyone have issues with button sticking when they first got their N3DS? I kept thinking there was something wrong with the touch screen but I considering how it illuminates properly after a touch (before it goes into a dimmer setting), I'm really thinking it might of just been sticking buttons.

e: I'm quite convinced this system is really messed up. Touch screen seems to be completely non-responsive at times and cannot even get through the setup menus. Sigh. I wanted this thing set to go for PAX. This is why I don't order hardware off the internet. I cannot have nice things.

2nd edit: Or maybe it was just the initial setup? I have no effing idea. It's working TOTALLY fine now once I got through the setup. This is weird. Definitely need to monitor.

3rd edit: It appears to be related to the left analog stick. When I got the eshop it would scroll all the way left and all the way right. I can control it sometimes but not all the time. I popped it slightly with a knife which seemed to fix it. Downloading the Initial D demo which is going slower than I thought until I realized it was trying to hit Japanese servers.


3rd edit: It appears to be related to the left analog stick. When I got the eshop it would scroll all the way left and all the way right. I can control it sometimes but not all the time. I popped it slightly with a knife which seemed to fix it. Downloading the Initial D demo which is going slower than I thought until I realized it was trying to hit Japanese servers.

not sure about the eshop, but the c stick can scroll on the home screen, so it could be the c stick that is making it scroll on the eshop? it seems like it would be quite sensitive since it doesn't move very much


not sure about the eshop, but the c stick can scroll on the home screen, so it could be the c stick that is making it scroll on the eshop? it seems like it would be quite sensitive since it doesn't move very much

Yeah I'm not really sure what's causing it. It's still happening, though intermittently. More likely than not I'm going to have to return it and get another one...Which is really irritating as the price went back up so I'm essentially going to have to drop an extra $30 on it.

e: Bingo Pronk! It's definitely the c-stick. So how do I deal with it getting stuck like that? I really think I'm going to have to reach out to the seller and see about getting a replacement.

Amazon is giving me a full refund on the system and once I order a new one, they're going to cover the $30 price hike by the third party sellers on it as well. Told me to call in after I order and they'll take care of it. This is cutting it really close to my PAX South trip but whatever. It has clearly gotten worse.
Cross posed from the other import thread;

Are there any nifty customized 3D printer faceplate templates anywhere for download? Would be nice to have something creative with depth to the design.
That new Majora plate is amazing, can't wait to get it. Hope Amazon.JP opens preorders soon... So many things announced today, so many annoying websites not letting me quickly spend money!

Also Pikachu and Kirby!


Not a fan of the MM plate unfortunately, not sure why. I think maybe because it looks like a decal sticker?

Definitely getting Kirby though. <3

When preorders at amazon open, I might just pre-order the MM3D LL and then sell my "old" white New 3DS :p. I got a White Ambassador New 3DS now as well so I want to get rid of one of the duplicates at least.
That new Majora plate is amazing, can't wait to get it. Hope Amazon.JP opens preorders soon... So many things announced today, so many annoying websites not letting me quickly spend money!


Also Pikachu and Kirby!

Hot damn that's sexy. I already have plate 52 (the one with the eyeballs) on the way, told myself I was not going to go crazy with these plates but it's going to be a challenge...
That new Majora plate is amazing, can't wait to get it. Hope Amazon.JP opens preorders soon... So many things announced today, so many annoying websites not letting me quickly spend money!

Also Pikachu and Kirby!

This looks amazing; where can I find it? Just bought a New 3DS this morning and all of the faceplates I was interested in are out of stock.
The Majora's Mask plate is really sexy, but because I want a LL, I'll instead get the MM Edition. It's really good looking too <3

When I see it up for preorder, I'll get one. I'll keep my day-1 regular one of course but it's a good time to phase it out for a bigger and better screen plus analog nub.


So... I completely caved in and bought an imported new Nintendo 3DS today. Should be arriving on Friday. Here's hoping the region-free gateway card works.


Alright since, the N3DS XL is only coming to the U.S, I have a question for XL owners or both: are the buttons and dpad clicky like the regular N3DS's? I love my regular one because they're like that, and if the XLs are like that as well, I really don't mind.


I think I might actually buy a cover plate for the new console later on. I'll be happy for right now with the matte default cover plate.


After today's direct I went ahead and ordered a white New 3DS, a white charging cradle, and cover plate no.33 for 220$ with shipping.

I now have two orange Japanese 3DS units. It sucks since my current 3DS XL screen is damaged and I was dying to get a new one but oh well.


Well after the direct today I am seriously considering buying a euro black 3ds to go with my white jpn one. I had planned on buying a US black one. I was very surprised that they did not bring it here but more surprised that no one seems to care...so guessing that Nintendo may have made the right call. Guess we only care about the ll version.


I think I might actually buy a cover plate for the new console later on. I'll be happy for right now with the matte default cover plate.

Do you mean when/if faceplates eventually come out in your region? I'll probably order one faceplate with my JP N3DS from amazon.co.jp to save on shipping. Would probably run quite a bit if I ordered it separately.


Not really feeling the new Zelda and Pikachu faceplate designs, not my thing but dear lord that Kirby one will definately be getting added to the collection.

However saying that, the print quality on the facepolates is extremely high so that MM one will look so much better in person, the colours really pop on the faceplates. It's something that doesn't show well at all in pics.


Also, anyone else noticed that they skipped faceplate #55?

Jibanyan was #54, and the Majora's Mask, Kirby and Pikachu plates are #56, #57 and #58.

What happened to #55?


Not a fan of the MM plate unfortunately, not sure why. I think maybe because it looks like a decal sticker?

Yeah, it's really amateurish and far too busy. I don't like the XL Europe is getting either which is nice as I was wanting a black PAL regular one after importing a JP white regular one. Them Kirby and Monster Hunter plates announced for Europe are awesome, definitely getting those.

Dirty illiterate gaijins with iPhones might like to know that Google have just released an update for their iOS Translate app which lets them translate text from photos like the Android app always has, so enjoy that.
Also, anyone else noticed that they skipped faceplate #55?

Jibanyan was #54, and the Majora's Mask, Kirby and Pikachu plates are #56, #57 and #58.

What happened to #55?
Weren't there some exclusive contest-only ones? Maybe that? Or Nintendo-Kanji?

I can't wait to have an American Majora's Mask N3DS XL nestled next to my Japanese unit in that Majora faceplate. I'm so glad people care about that game again, it really is so darn good! Let the Majora resurgence continue! 2015, The Year of Majora!

I hope someone posts when those new plates go up, I think I'll pick up a XL charge cradle too 'cuz you just know those will be impossible to find in the US even they even get retail distribution. I wish Nintendo didn't make this stuff so hard but at least the internet is there to save us compulsive nutjobs.


I don't suppose anyone has the new LL and the Waterfield City Slicker case? Considering buying the latter but not sure how snug a fit it is already and if the extra 4mm on the new console will make a difference.

I know you asked forever ago, but in light of recent... uh... developments, I thought it might be relevant. I actually wrote Waterfield today, and the reply back just now was that they actually imported the new 3DS XL from Australia to test with, and that it fits just fine!


After seeing this thread now I know why I had such a hard time getting a replacement ordered from Amazon! I'm definitely getting that MM plate for mine (I switched from white to black out of price necessity and not wanting to get a unit from the same seller). I need to get a Jibanyan one as well.
Anyone have a recommendation for an XL/LL case? I just got my Majora's Mask Edition preorder in and figure Japan will have many more options than the US as far as cases go. I really like the one I have for my regular N3DS but I want one with more cart storage. Actually isn't the form-factor the same on the New 3DSXL/LL versus the original? So I guess old cases work too? Is there a "pull and go" folio for the 3DS XL?
Something I hadn't considered when I ordered my New 3DS earlier today, are most of the good games available on the eShop? Youkai Watch is the first game I plan on playing and I didn't pick up a physical copy because I just assumed I could snag it digitally
Yes! Most big games are available on the Eshop (Include Youkai 1 and all three flavors of Youkai 2). Let me know if you have any other ones you want checked.
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