Days like these...
Have a Blessed Day
You had me going for a second.Upon further examination, I think I've found and analyzed the aspects that immediately give the viewer a reflexive flinch. Bear with me.
The decor of her background is very minimalist. Contrasting values, pretty sterile, but in a homey way. The black and white accent each other nicely in a professional or home setting, and the human touches such as clearly visible paint strokes on the borders and banisters give it a very warm, sociable feeling that evokes classy get togethers and toasts for upper middle class colleagues at a work party that YOU'RE hosting. The issue comes into play when contrasted with Miss Simpson herself. For starters, the simple and elegant background completely clashes with ALL THE METH she's on meth jfc, get me a 12 piece bucket of fucking home style REHAB CHRIST JESUS KILL IT WITH FIRE.
Also, the fact that her lips are 95% silicone and are buoyant enough to float in blood, it pulls her face skin upward really bringing attention to the fact that she has the jawline of Sam from Cheers in a "very special episode,"

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