Alone in the Dark is considered the first-ever 3D survival horror game and was awarded this title by Guinness World Records: Gamer Edition in 2008.

The game features a combination of signature elements of the survival horror genre, including exploration, environmental puzzles, fighting enemies, and micromanaging ammunition and restorative items.

Capcom's Resident Evil, released four years after Alone in the Dark, heavily borrowed elements from the game, leading to some accusations of plagiarism.

Alone in the Dark is one of the most groundbreaking titles in PC gaming history and was highly innovative and ahead of its time.

The game was inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft and was one of the most important milestones for horror gaming, with a highly interesting development origin story.

The video aims to give Alone in the Dark the spotlight it deserves and examines the game's strange and inconsistent legacy as a franchise.

Alone in the Dark (1992) featured fully polygonal and animated characters and objects while delegating the environments to pre-rendered flat sprites in the background, which allowed for arguably the most "cinematic" presentation of any game to date.

Alone in the Dark is one of the first video games set in the universe of H.P. Lovecraft's Call of Cthulhu mythos, and the game's developer, Frédérick Raynal, understood the importance of creating deliberate player disempowerment, mystery, danger, patience, and a constant sense of looming danger to create an unprecedented, spine-chilling horror adventure.

Despite being almost 31 years old, Alone in the Dark has aged well and is still enjoyable to play, with a comparably small old-game-acclimatization phase required for players.

The game's story takes place in 1924, in the Louisiana estate of reclusive artist Jeremy Hartwood, and players can choose between two protagonists, Edward 'Jack' Carnby or Emily Hartwood. The goal is to seek out the artist's old piano, which is said to contain hidden secrets.

The game establishes an unsafe feeling from the start, making you feel that something bad can happen to you at any time.

Sudden death traps in the game are signposted clearly to ensure they are fair, and the player has all the information to know it would happen.

The game encourages players to scan areas for cunning solutions to threatening situations, rather than just fighting.

The iconic dining room puzzle is one example of how the game encourages you to find creative solutions to avoid fighting.

The game does offer a small arsenal of weapons, but inventory space is limited, ammo is scarce, and melee weapons break easily.

The genre of survival horror was essentially created with Alone in the Dark.

The original Alone in the Dark is seen as a groundbreaking survival horror game.

Its sequels are not as successful as the original and fail to recapture its essence, with Alone in the Dark 3 being a slight improvement over Alone in the Dark 2.

Infogrames, the company behind Alone in the Dark, puts the series on hold after Alone in the Dark 3, believing that there is no market for horror adventure games.

The success of the Resident Evil series and the emergence of the survival horror genre in the years following Alone in the Dark 3 prove Infogrames wrong and lead to a reboot of the franchise with Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare.

Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare heavily borrows from the Resident Evil series, leading some to accuse it of plagiarism, but is still considered an interesting and scary horror game.

The speaker is carefully optimistic about the upcoming survival horror game.

It is unlikely that the game will have the same production quality as recent remakes due to budget constraints.

The speaker believes that game designers now understand survival horror better than ever before.

The game has hired a horror writer with experience in the field.

The video series "Origins of Survival Horror" covers games that preceded the first Resident Evil.