750Ti does (is even better than the x1 GPU). Even has the same dx feature level as the xb1 GPU.
As opposed to a $520 Killer Instinct machine?
Oh Really? I have this in my streaming PC http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID= Am I good to go?
Said streaming PC. https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Ragnorok64/saved/#view=k3mWGX
Pretty much what mine is. I guess I played Wolf:NO, Sunset and MGS:GZ on it too though.
You can
You are good to go for a better than xb1 experience.
Shit, nice. Bought the $20 pack on Xbone.
Do you have to do that though? In Windows 8.1 you can still have offline users not tied to a Microsoft account.
Also I feel like none of that stuff you mentioned would prevent the game from being on Steam as a Windows-only game. Valve doesn't give a fuck.
Shit, nice. Bought the $20 pack on Xbone..
Well there goes my reason to buy an Xbox One.
Heh, remember there's 2 seasons. (so far) that is $20 each
Season 1 has spinal, fulgore, sadira, orchid, thunder, glacius, sabrewulf and jago
Season 2 has aganos, riptor, tj combo, maya, omen, aria, hisako and kan-ra
I think I paid 80 dollars for this game.
40 clams for each season's ultra pack.
No regrets
you were never going to buy onePretty much.
Also, holy shit, this E3 is perfect!
YES! This is probably the best news I've heard all day. I feel bad for my friend that just bought an XB1 for this game a week ago, though...
you were never going to buy one
YES! This is probably the best news I've heard all day. I feel bad for my friend that just bought an XB1 for this game a week ago, though...
In what reality? PC is getting SV5 as well, avatar bet on which sells more units in a certain spam of time?Street Fighter V is now irrelevant
The new KI's soundtrack is so damn good. Pretty much all the songs are godlike. Except Spinals. It's so fucking awkward to listen to with the horrible Swedish singing :lol.
And Street Fighter will be available through Steam, reaching a larger audience.In what reality? PC is getting SV5 as well, avatar bet on which sells more units in a certain spam of time?
KI is F2P. It's probably going to have more downloads than SFV on the PC. I would not take that bet.In what reality? PC is getting SV5 as well, avatar bet on which sells more units in a certain spam of time?
Great news I hope a lot more people play it.
A bit off-topic but I was wondering if I can get control over the OT with all new stuff for it and put a guide on the pricing scheme.
You take that back, Spinal's is one of the best.
Your fault for being Swedish.Not when you understand the singing![]()
Cross Buy confirmed, for DLC at least?
edit: slow!
As opposed to a $520 Killer Instinct machine?
Why do ya'll keep saying this? You trying to make Microsoft take the games back? Stop jinxing everything!Well there goes my reason to buy an Xbox One.
And I officially don't need to buy an Xbox One.
Why do ya'll keep saying this? You trying to make Microsoft take the games back? Stop jinxing everything!
Dave Lang just tweeted if you own the XB1 version it will be waiting for you in windows 10. Awesome!
Release Date?
Why do ya'll keep saying this? You trying to make Microsoft take the games back? Stop jinxing everything!
Why do ya'll keep saying this? You trying to make Microsoft take the games back? Stop jinxing everything!
Microsoft is using these games to transition people from loss leading hardware, to their all profit windows 10 store. This is likely just the beginning.
Windows is a lot cheaper than an xxbox. Think of it from the perspective of someone with not much disposable incomeProbably, but the part that confuses me is people say they now don't have to buy Xbox One's with such glee, even though they've still paid Microsoft for a Windows license and also a copy of the game on Windows, so Microsoft is still ultimately getting their money and absorbing them into their ecosystem.
It's odd and nonsensical behavior.