Ultra Agents Ocean HQ
Sorry for the crap pics. I will get a better camera set up someday. Keep in mind that this set is sans stickers right now. It looks great this way, but would look better with the stickers in place.

The figures. I particularly love the mix of clear and opaque parts in the single mold on many of the helmets.

The villains vehicle. The rotor arms are adjustable, and the front mandibles open up as well...

...to release a bomb! Or at least I think it is a bomb. Either way, that little thing has studs going in every direction. That was just the tip of the SNOT iceberg of this set.

The prisoner hold. I really liked how the hatch opens sideways, and is connected using just SNOT pieces. No hinges or anything here, and it works beautifully. This technique could also be used to make a sweet tanning bed for some Friends sets.

The ship itself. All brick built, with no custom hull parts or pieces on it. The only parts I had never seen before were the 6x16 plates with studs only on the side like you see there.

Using those handy Mixel joints, the sides swing down to reveal hidden goodies. The front has an adjustable turret, while the back end houses a sweet lil speed boat that detaches. The quad gun in the middle swivels and pivots in just about any direction as well.

Open up the other side and you have another turret, and some odd contraption housed on the back side. What could it be?

It's a jet pack! The thrusters on the side can turn and be adjusted as well.

The back end, complete with ladders going up to the main deck. The way the ladders are secured at the angle is about as simple and basic as you can get, yet is so stable. It is done with one of those so stupid simple that you can't really simplify it further. The set is filled with so many things like that.

The front harpoon cannon. I did not tie up the string or put the harpoon into the launcher, mainly because of cats that might fire it off. This section also points out my only real complaint about the set, is that you can look straight through it. Nothing is closed here, it is exposed like that at all times. If you look closely, you can see straight through to the floor of my room.

Remember that prisoner hold? Well, it can be stashed away in the front of the hull for safe transport.

The clear blue garage door piece slides back to open into the main hull...

...then you reach in, and pull out a double gatling gun! Rotate the cylinder on the back, and it fires off all the studs that are in the launcher. It really is a nice system. The turret also swivels to fire in most directions.

The control tower. The way this thing is put together and attached is so slick. The giant blue windshields attach through SNOT bricks and actually give it the structural integrity it needs. It is also on top of a large swivel plate, so it can rotate in any direction.

The interior cabin. Again, no stickers, so there is nothing on the monitors there. The front part there with he small square screen and two round ones on the side? That is the bottom of a build, not the side. That is one of the other sections of the build that literally has studs going in every direction.
This really was a fantastic set. Tons of useful pieces to MOC with later, and lots of cool techniques to build the ship itself. There are no real eye opening parts of the build where it blows you away with the ingenuity like some modulars do occasionally (hello, water tower in Detective's Office!), but the entire thing is an extremely well polished build, and it has tons of character to boot.
Very highly recommended.