Just completed the Brick Bounty. I have mixed feelings.
Not about the cost; the set is massive, with the ridiculous masts taking up a ton of vertical clearance and the hull being pretty long on its own. At 100 dollars, that's well-worth it.
But there are a lot of things that feel... Half-finished? Like there are five spots for cannons, yet the set only comes with three cannons. There are two entrances to the Captain's quarters, yet only one has a door. The entire deck build seems to be set-up for a second deck where none exists. There is a cook with a frying pan, but no food. There is a crane, but it's not long enough to reach the deck.There isn't a parrot to be the captain's pet. The cannons lack the ability to slide in so the port holes can close, which could have been easily fixed with wheels.
It's a cool ass ship, but it feels like it needs some modification before it becomes a real beauty. The most important one would be adding a second deck and building up the prow to match. Seems easy enough that even a system novice like me could do it with all the exposed studs. The Treasure Island set actually provides some things to help complete the Brick Bounty, like a parrot and a banana for the cook.
Also, on a weird note: With the exception of the cabin boy, every pirate on the Brick Bounty is missing an eye. Ship's got a curse I tell yah.
Very much agreed, which is why I tore mine down to build a Neo BSB instead. It's cute enough, but more like the Caribbean Clipper in terms of level of finish. It's like, "we have a hull, let's throw some generic pirate-y parts on there and call it a day".
It's funny how the characters match the ones from the comic:
Will was never a figure in the original sets (although easy enough to make), but the cabin boy is an obvious reference to him.
On another note, I had a brief visit to town the other day and picked up the small Friends set with the new parts (tourist stand thingie). Haven't built it yet, but it will be interesting to play around with the stuff. I also tried feeling up Simpsons bags, looking for Comic Book Guy and Maggie. After possibly feeling CBG and Marge (who I didn't get in the first release), I was fed up and just grabbed three more. Turns out I got Maggie as well, so I'm happy. The only one I could possibly want now is Smithers, and in that case I would need to make a companion mech for him since Burns is in the Lex Power Suit.