I think Dark Souls 2 is a better Action RPG, but Dark Souls 1 is more immersive and memorable. It's weird cause, overall, I like Dark Souls 1 more, but if I had to play one of them forever, I would have to choose Dark Souls 2.
Says pretty much everything on my mind. And despite all that, I can only imagine the people that think the game is garbage somehow feel like its existence impacts DS1. It's a fine addition to the series and I feel it has the best pvp by far.
Thankfully Bloodborne feels tailor made for all of my tastes so I can die happy even if Dark Souls 3 is complete fucking garbage.
I think DS2 has more replayability than any of the Souls games, but that's because it was fun to screw around in. The bosses were easy enough where I felt comfortable punching everything to death after my first playthrough, mainly due to bosses mainly being giant dudes with weapons. I forgot what that stat was that gave you i-frames when rolling but once you had that up to a certain point, most of the game was a hilarious joke. DS2 had a serious case of awesome looking bosses grandstanding but then being shitty. Case in point, this guy:
I put more hours into DS2 than any other souls game, but I don't think it's as good as any of the other ones because I wasn't so much invested into the world as much as I was in the other ones. As silly as it is to complain for a video game doing video-game things, DS2 does it a bunch! I felt like I was going through a theme park with that one elevator going from that swamp area to the volcano.
Also, it was so easy to run past everything. If you weren't dual-wielding/two-handing weapons in DS2, you were playing it wrong. Oh god it was fun.
The only reason it was easy to run around in DS2 was because I had traps and such memorized. The game definitely relied on them moreso than any other souls game - that's for sure lol. I know one dude mentioned Sen's Fortress, but that's just one area. It was basically the whole game in DS2. Traps are everywhere for whatever reason.
Also the lore was dumb and nothing in the Souls series has the same hitbox problem as DS2 does. Whoever disagrees should fight more hippos.
Also, Dark Souls 2 introduces actual bad bosses to the series. Dark Souls 1 had Bed of Chaos, but at least that fight was cool thematically. Dark Souls 2 brought us garbage such as:
There's quite a few more, but I don't want to spoil folks. A certain frog bastard belongs here.
Says pretty much everything on my mind. And despite all that, I can only imagine the people that think the game is garbage somehow feel like its existence impacts DS1. It's a fine addition to the series and I feel it has the best pvp by far.
Thankfully Bloodborne feels tailor made for all of my tastes so I can die happy even if Dark Souls 3 is complete fucking garbage.
It won't be.