Shulva, Sanctum City is on par with Latria and Stonefang of Demon's Souls and Research Hall of Old Hunters and Sen's Fortress of Dark Souls
Brume Tower is exceptionally strong and has a really good progression through its level design.
Elium Loyce has a really fun aesthetic, unique twist on standard Souls progression, and THAT BOSS FIGHT THO
Dark Souls 2 DLCs rivals the highs of the rest of the series. It's god damn beautiful.
Shulva is god damn boring. There was nothing exciting about it. If anything, it reminded me a lot about a rehashed Oolacile Township. The worst is that crappy filler boss fight, where they put 3 human NPCs in existing armor and existing weapons and call it a day. So disappointed.
The second has a neat idea, but is, at times, executed terribly. You get ambushed over and over again, and get jumped by more and more enemies. Like I said, they make it artificially more difficult by just "adding more enemies" you have to fight against simultaneously. Immortal enemies were also a fucking bad idea, and have been in all games already. Here there was no smart tactics, it was "run past them until you find that god damn thing and hope to be able to impale it before you die". It's just not in the spirit of Souls, to almost FORCE you to die. It was always a fair fighting chance.
I also hate that you have fewer rods that there are statues to impale. I found all, but couldn't impale the last one. Guess which was left? Right next to the god damn boss. Yay... you don't know how infuriating that was. Again, the game is unfair to you without you being able to do anything about it. Guess what too, tho. A REUSED Bossfight...
I admit, Alonne is one of my favorite boss fights. That was awesome, even tho the way to him is also kinda dumb.
The third was so bland and boring. I dunno, but it got really tiring and wasn't particular exciting. Again, it was a fresh idea to "collect knights", but it was utterly uneventful and the enemies were rather boring. And then, you enter the worst area of the game. That fucking fog frost storm whatever with the fucking ponies. Dumb and terrible. At least no reused bosses. I actually like this one the least, because of how bland it feels.