First month is free, but otherwise, yup, per month.
Not paying that.
First month is free, but otherwise, yup, per month.
Fuck it.
Ill bite.
Never played an MMO before
Fantastic game. I would love to come back if I could only download the fucking game patch files. I have been trying for several days now and keep getting the same error messages. I have zero issues downloading the base game but the patch files are another issue entirely...
I might grab a ps4 copy at some point. How does it run on the platform. It's cross platform too for accounts, right?
I must say this tickles my fancy, I played a bit before and got to 50 cap I believe at launch 2.0, wonder if it's better to start a whole new character or try and ween myself back into the game. Barely had a stage 1 relic, don't think that's to much time to redo. I gotta research
I'd love to play it but I'm afraid of the time that it'll take to get to Heavensward.
How many hours did it take you OP? If it's a reasonable 40-ish hours (by skipping bullshit side quests) I might bite once I'm done with FFXV.
If I'm only interested in the main story, how much do I have to play with other people? There seems to be a lot of praise for this game, but I don't really like MMOs.
Edit: Also, do you need Heavensward from the get-go? Or can I just get the base game first to see if I like it, and then get Heavensward later?
If I'm only interested in the main story, how much do I have to play with other people? There seems to be a lot of praise for this game, but I don't really like MMOs.
Edit: Also, do you need Heavensward from the get-go? Or can I just get the base game first to see if I like it, and then get Heavensward later?
Not paying that.
I've started playing it but man, it starts out slowly. Just a relentless run of fetch quests. Very little story so far in the first few hours.
So you don't read the story, just mash the buttons through it, and then don't like it. Hmm... I sense some sort of correlation here...Get used to it. The quests are terrible for the entire game, even the main scenario quest is straight up garbage even in the 50s and 60. Lots of teleporting around and mashing through bad dialogue.
Why isn't this game on xbox one by the way? Do they have some kinda deal with sony?
Why isn't this game on xbox one by the way? Do they have some kinda deal with sony?
Microsoft don't allow for cross-platform play with other consoles (ps4).
I might grab a ps4 copy at some point. How does it run on the platform. It's cross platform too for accounts, right?
It is a pretty great game. Lots of friendly and helpful players as well. FFXIV sort of opened me up to the world of MMOs but it's still the best one for me and the one I come back to each patch.
I thought that was not the case anymore?
I thought that was not the case anymore?
Fuck yeah. Dungeons are surprisingly great too, just wish it wouldn't always take 20+ minutes to get a party going with the duty finder.
For those that might be jumping in and somewhat put off by the sound of this, queue time is pretty much dependent on role, time, and whatever the dungeon is. Healers and tanks will get pretty much instant queues most of the time. DPS, not so much. There's so many DPS that you'll have to wait.
If you're playing a DPS, you should probably get used to doing FATEs to pass the time. Or just level up in PotD. No role restrictions in PotD, so queues are quick for everyone.
So you don't read the story, just mash the buttons through it, and then don't like it. Hmm... I sense some sort of correlation here...Of course, one of my party members could care less about the story, so he mashes his way through the dialogue (except when it's voiced), but he likes the gameplay and Final Fantasy themes and everything enough that he plays anyways.
To be fair I don't watch cutscenes in any game, but this game just REALLY piles up the cutscenes and dialogue if you're following the main scenario so it's more annoying than others. Also the gameplay is really boring and character progression is literally a straight fucking line. The modern style MMO just is not for me. Even leveled WAR, DRK and BRD to 60 but none of them were exciting enough to hold my interest.
True, true. Not long to go till I can switch classes to Scholar, hoping it'll drop the wait times a bit.
I'm not sure I'll make a good healer though lol. Guess we'll see.
I have only ever gotten up to just past Titan (on two different characters) and while I did enjoy the main story, the fetch quests were beyond abysmal. Like, Vanilla WoW or worse. You have to travel halfway across the known world just to haul some dead bodies into a van, and then go back and travel somewhere equally as far away to do something equally asinine and pointless.
I hear it gets better right after this, but my sub always ends around here.
They are doing free login at the moment for those who want to return.
Alright GAF, you win, I'll try FF XIV next year. Should make for a nice 30th anniversary celebration.
A question though: should I buy ARR + Heavensward together or is it okay if I just buy ARR, finish the main story and then buy Heavensward later?
People complaining about the subscription.
You get a month. Buy it for cheap and play the main story. That should last you plenty of time. There are plenty of people who just log in on free weekends or sub for a month twice a year to catch up on the game and then unsubscribe. Stop thinking of the game and a years long commitment.
You can buy the game for $15 bucks, pay one additional month and come away with a real Final fantasy game for half the price you paid for 15.
All the while, you get to look forward to the 3.0 storyline being so damn good should you like what you got from 2.x and want to keep the good times coming
is it okay if I just buy ARR, finish the main story and then buy Heavensward later?
Alright GAF, you win, I'll try FF XIV next year. Should make for a nice 30th anniversary celebration.
A question though: should I buy ARR + Heavensward together or is it okay if I just buy ARR, finish the main story and then buy Heavensward later?
Alright GAF, you win, I'll try FF XIV next year. Should make for a nice 30th anniversary celebration.
A question though: should I buy ARR + Heavensward together or is it okay if I just buy ARR, finish the main story and then buy Heavensward later?
How long is the main story? I've been getting thirstier and thirstier for FFXIV the more I hear about it. I'm really interested in maybe giving it a look next year once 3.0 is out.
OK. I really need to get back into this after the holidays.
Put about 20 hours into it and thought it was OK. Like you said, boring fetch quests, no voice acting, bland story. It just wasn't doing it for me at all.
But I keep hearing endlessly how good the story is. Going to take your advice, OP, and start up a new character after the new year and give the main story quest a go.
Alright GAF, you win, I'll try FF XIV next year. Should make for a nice 30th anniversary celebration.
A question though: should I buy ARR + Heavensward together or is it okay if I just buy ARR, finish the main story and then buy Heavensward later?
It honestly depends on how fast you read, but you are looking at easily a 50+ run tike with all the patches at this point. That's just doing the story stuff, not counting the dungeons you will Q into with others.
And next year is 4.0 btw, not 3!
There's no benefit to buying Heavensward until you're sure you like the game. You're forced to progress through ARR in its entirety to evne touch HW.
That's what I did.
It's up to you. I would recommend waiting until they're on sale and then buying them both, as buying them desperately can be quite pricy.
But ya, you can buy the base game and then heavensward later if you want. The only thing that changes in terms of the base game is that you don't have access to the au ra race right away.
You have to do 2.x to touch 3.0 so hold off. If you know you like it before or around hitting lvl 50, then i would recommend buying heavensward because it converts all the 2.x patch quests into giving you xp and loot that will put you a step ahead the xp curve when going to 60 which is honestly super super nice. If you don't own heavensward, you will stay at 50 the entire time.
I've started playing it but man, it starts out slowly. Just a relentless run of fetch quests. Very little story so far in the first few hours.
I'm doing the 2.x quests right now, and I guess the game's fine, but I feel like I'm still waiting for the game to get good. Like, it's totally okay, I know lots of people love it, some people call it one of the best FF games, but it is just not clicking with me. I feel like I'm just going through the motions and at some people I'll go "This is awesome!", but I have not hit that point yet. I especially hated how the 2.0 story was basically on pause from level ~20 to ~45, and it just turned into "Fight the next primal!" for a loooong time.
Maybe I just don't like MMO's? I feel like other people are seeing something in this game that I just don't.
Not paying that.
I love FFXIV. I'd love to play it again but I can't justify to myself putting in the time it needs. I want to play other games too.
Also, that line of dialogue that references FFTis a work of genius, genuinely lolled when I saw it, hats off to the localization team for putting that in there, haha.and Delita's line
The culinarian quest line is the best.
OK. I really need to get back into this after the holidays.
Put about 20 hours into it and thought it was OK. Like you said, boring fetch quests, no voice acting, bland story. It just wasn't doing it for me at all.
But I keep hearing endlessly how good the story is. Going to take your advice, OP, and start up a new character after the new year and give the main story quest a go.
They have a bigger budget.