Note that you can use the first ability on your opponent's creatures to either disincentivize them from attacking, or to draw two cards
Note that you can use the first ability on your opponent's creatures to either disincentivize them from attacking, or to draw two cards
is this some kind of mockup card? none of the abilities have anything to do with field research
is this some kind of mockup card? none of the abilities have anything to do with field research
Tamiyo is... interesting. 4 loyalty for 4 mana is solid. You can use the +1 on your opponents creatures to discourage them from attacking or blocking, or potentially draw 2 cards which is nice. -2 is good at protecting her, and the ultimate is Ancestral Recall + Omniscience emblem for -7, which is nutz.
She's a great casual card, but i have no idea where she fits now. I don't think G/W decks want to splash blue just for her. Maybe Kaladesh shakes things up?
is this some kind of mockup card? none of the abilities have anything to do with field research
I could see Bant Company playing with this. Other than that, EDH maybe? I notice you could potentially get multiple draws if your creatures have double strike, or if they block against multiple opponents before your next turn.
I could see Bant Company playing with this. Other than that, EDH maybe? I notice you could potentially get multiple draws if your creatures have double strike, or if they block against multiple opponents before your next turn.
New goal: get two guys with double strike and vigilance and draw 8 cards with Tamiyo's +1.
Ugh so this Gatewatch is literally Power Rangers and that's their finishing move Everytime?
wasn't lilly retconned into a premending planeswalker? that means she's, like, 10,000 years old.
I think Liliana is like two thousand years old.
is this some kind of mockup card? none of the abilities have anything to do with field research
Her abilities are all decent, but that mana cost lol
Well I'll play her somewhere
i also don't know what's white about her card
i also don't know what's white about her card
If she's not going to be good until CC rotates, does this mean her price will crater until rotation?
i also don't know what's white about her card
The second ability doesn't directly fit particularly, but what can you do.
No. Being a Planeswalker, she will have a high price tag.
i also don't know what's white about her card
First ability is green and blue, second ability is white and blue, third ability is blue only.
Prey upon seems busted in limited. 1 mana removal and all you need is a creature with decent toughness.
You could make the argument that her minus ability is this:
but the 'doesn't untap' clause makes it a blue ability for sure.
Tap is white, tap/doesn't untap is blue (its basically freezing).
I mean, its sort of similar to detain from RTR, which was white as well as blue, but I think its kind of an extension of the color pie to say its white.
The best argument is that the defensive nature of her first ability sort of kind of counts as white.
Her only problem that i can see is the mana cost, and the fact that she usually lose in strict walker vs walker fight vs many walkers, but as long as you have some minion down, she's better than almost anything imho. Will see play in Standard, probably modern, possibly legacy, not Vintage (too restrictive mana cost that can't be accelerated).
The card doesn't break color pie in the least as mono-blue, actually. Tap/doesn't untap is a blue ability.
Tap is white, tap/doesn't untap is blue (its basically freezing).