Latest Developments - The M-Files: Eldritch Moon part 2
* Since green has so few options for creature removal, they are explicitly making green's fight and "one-sided fight" cards stronger than red's. This came up in relation to Galvanic Bombardment, which was originally a red one-sided fight card.
* Furyblade Vampire originally got a boost of +X/+0, where X is the converted mana cost of the card you discard. Of course, it was stupid powerful on a 1R creature, so they changed it.
* Incendiary Flow was originally
Pillar of Flame.
* Harmless Offering was originally
Humble Defector as a sorcery. That is, you gave an opponent control of a creature you controlled, and you drew two cards. There was a lot of arguing about color pie and who the card is intended for. They changed it to Donate to go all in on the Johnny appeal, and changed it from giving control to any player to just the opponent due to the interaction with Act of Treason (you could gain permanent control of the creature).
* Gnarlwood Dryad originally self-milled two cards every turn instead of having deathtouch.
* Spirit of the Hunt originally granted indestructible, but it was considered too close to Avacyn, and the toughness boosting was used to help against Languish.
* It seems like
Dreadwaters was in the set at some point.
* Ishkanah originally cast Spider Spawning when it entered with delirium.
* It looks like Terrarion was intended to see Constructed play.