what the goddamn fuck
I prefer Ice Age as well. Both sets have some cool cards, but are overall both absolute jank, and I say that as someone who came in during Ice Age and owns a complete set of it.
what the goddamn fuck
what the goddamn fuck
I feel like Flayer is bad because its ability is too hard to turn on. Also it dies to Languish. Also Advocate has better stats and is easier to cast. Also trample is worthless on a 2/2 (team #shouldabeendeathtouch). It's one of those cards that seems like it should work but it's just got too many little things that don't add up.
95% of creatures die to Languish
Right. But sometimes Advocate doesn't. And that adds up to making a big difference in my judgement of Flayer.
Grim Flayer costs 2 mana and its combat ability is literally better than Scry 3. It isn't a mutually exclusive choice between Grim Flayer and Sylvan Advocate because by definition a Grim Flayer deck can also play Advocate and probably is.
have you people looked at ice age recently
this was not a good set
I don't think anyone is sick of Emrakul yet? Just surprised.I'm noticing some Emrakul fatigue in this thread already, but my view is that a finisher seeing a lot of play is much different from engine cards like Collected Company. For one thing, the game usually ends soon after Emrakul comes out, and the fact that it's the top end means that the rest of the deck can vary greatly from player to player (well, until the best version is found). In comparison, in this Standard, Collected Company leads to generally similar decks and is present during the entire match.
Latest Developments article on designing for Spike (the player type that cares about demonstrating their skill at the game).
I still don't think SaffronOlive's analysis that Grim Flayer is bad because a 4/4 Trampler that costs 2 mana is inherently bad in the format because of Sylvan Advocate makes any sense.
Show me a set, especially a first set in a block, without jank.
Yeah, I completely agree with you here. And if anything today's results so far suggest it can get online pretty quickly.
Yeah, I mean obviously there are bad cards in every set, but I feel like these are pretty representative. Ice Age has only terrible mechanics, tons of super-janky mini themes, and lots of cards that were never good even at the time and have only gotten worse since. Alliances was much more revolutionary at the time and had a much greater proportion of solid, playable, coherently designed cards than its predecessor.
Ice Age Painlands were a huge FUCK YOU at the time because they were the first duals that weren't just legit duals.
Part of the reason I hated the set was the idea that they were going to print strictly worse versions of existing cards.
Yeah, I completely agree with you here. And if anything today's results so far suggest it can get online pretty quickly.
Yeah, I mean obviously there are bad cards in every set, but I feel like these are pretty representative. Ice Age has only terrible mechanics, tons of super-janky mini themes, and lots of cards that were never good even at the time and have only gotten worse since. Alliances was much more revolutionary at the time and had a much greater proportion of solid, playable, coherently designed cards than its predecessor.
So why can I not tap my Leaf Gilder the turn I cast it, but you can tap your summon-sickness Knight on the same turn you summoned it via Town Gossipmonger's ability? Doesn't seem right.
So why can I not tap my Leaf Gilder the turn I cast it, but you can tap your summon-sickness Knight on the same turn you summoned it via Town Gossipmonger's ability? Doesn't seem right.
What's everyone running at fnm tonight?
I've been on Bant company for the last 3 weeks after 2-2ing with brews for 2 months solid. I might try the temurge deck I saw last night at the PT. or blend that with some crush of tentacles goodness.
Every once in a while I try to imagine what my deck would look like if I was transported back to early '95 when I started playing and I had the resources to build a good deck.
I'm guessing I would play more copies of Serra Angel than I already was.
What's everyone running at fnm tonight?
I've been on Bant company for the last 3 weeks after 2-2ing with brews for 2 months solid. I might try the temurge deck I saw last night at the PT. or blend that with some crush of tentacles goodness.
Mindslaver effects in EDH are nasty as hell. Having one whenever you want it could be really fun.I'm tempted to make Emrakul my commander instead of Karn.
Mindslaver effects in EDH are nasty as hell. Having one whenever you want it could be really fun.
I have a bunch of wastes from drafting. Even sold a foil waste.
what the goddamn fuck
Alliances is not a jank set, at least compared to Ice Age.Force of Will does not save Alliances from being a jank set. It's a jank set.
What's everyone running at fnm tonight?
I've been on Bant company for the last 3 weeks after 2-2ing with brews for 2 months solid. I might try the temurge deck I saw last night at the PT. or blend that with some crush of tentacles goodness.
To answer your question though, I'm taking Modern Jund.
I wish I had Kalitas, but I think I'll put in a couple Abbot of Keral Keep in there.