They said 2 spots and 1 was yuuya and since I'm casting to the TV I'm behind on stream so since you "spoiled" one that excluded Owen.
sry bruh
They said 2 spots and 1 was yuuya and since I'm casting to the TV I'm behind on stream so since you "spoiled" one that excluded Owen.
so 15 mins until Bant Mode ENGAGE?
yeahhhhhhh bruh
get ready to mark your bingo boards
Temur Emerge? Interesting.
not sure what is a bigger wtf, "temur emerge" or owen's hairdo
man i really didn't think emrakul was gonna fuck shit up during the very first game of constructed.
Love that Emrakul is immediately out there and making waves.
Still can't believe how useless Kozilek ended up being
Now I'm really curious what the actual Bant Coco prevalence turns out to be.
Now it'll show how many decks tech into infinite obliteration.
wow To the Slaughter too!? the fuck
wow To the Slaughter too!? the fuck
Crazier that he ran out of forests so fast.gather the bricks
Hardcast Elder Deep-Fiend
Hardcast Elder Deep-Fiend
EDIT: Or wait, I guess he just emerged all three of the ones in his hand.
Voldaren Pariah!!! The fuck.
no he hard cast all of them far as I can tell, he didn't have any creatures to sac to them.
That's what I thought, but I got confused because all three came out so quickly.
Collected Company and Eldrazi and Cryptolith Rites?!