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Ugh, having to travel back to Normandy to research the stuff you bought is kind of annoying. Feels like an unnecessary time sink because of all the loading screens.
firehawk12 said:Ugh, having to travel back to Normandy to research the stuff you bought is kind of annoying. Feels like an unnecessary time sink because of all the loading screens.
EatChildren said:One thing I really dislike about ME2 is the stupidly high amount of pre-rendered cut-scenes.
Its a small complaint maybe, but there's a ton more than the original, and they seem really out of place. Playing at 1920x1080 makes it really, really obvious when I'm going from an in-game cinematic to something pre-rendered.
It would be less intrusive if they were seperated nicely from in-game film, but some scenes have it switching between the two a bit too much.
A good example is (spoilers for the first meeting with the Collectors)the first time you meet with the Collectors and Ashley/Kaiden is at the base. Seeing Ashley/Kadien, the various collonists, and the Collectors come in is all in-game. Then it switches to pre-rendered to show the 'commander' Collector, and him/her/it taking over one of the Collectors.
It looks worse than the in-game stuff and I'm not sure why it was done. The original seemed to reserve a lot of its pre-rendered stuff for the bigger out-of-space moments, like the end of the game. Here it's being thrown around for all sorts of things.
EDIT: Minor complaint, but I also would have liked the PC version come packed with higher resolution textures. Textures for environments and main characters are great, but much like the first one a lot of NPC textures are pretty low res and crummy looking. Some dont look much, if at all, better than the original.
Jamesfrom818 said:I'm an adept. Should I take the AR training or the SR training?
mYm|17| said:Jack's loyalty mission is sweet :lol
MegaKungFuRadio said:The game should keep track of how much time is spent in scan mode so you can look at that number and realize you've wasted your life.
Trickster said:Doesn't help that the compression in the pre-rendered stuff is pretty damn atrocious, there is artifacting occuring all over the place.
It's a shame they didn't bother rendering it at 1080p for the pc version.
Cep said:SR are better, but if you are like me and do not have the skill, then choose AR.
Jamesfrom818 said:I'm leaning towards SR because I've been doing just fine with the SMG. It seems like the AR will just be a stronger version.
Jamesfrom818 said:I'm an adept. Should I take the AR training or the SR training?
Trickster said:AR, I can't see how snipers can be useful without the slowdown bonus you get as an infiltrator
Crunched said:So is it possible for adepts to still use barrier? That was my saving grace during the tougher sections of ME1, but I haven't seen it as an option so far.
DevelopmentArrested said:Sidequests are still mediocre in this game. Replacing Mako and generic bases with horrendous mineral scanning and 2 minute missions does not make them better. I went through 10 sidequests in 45 minutes. 10. I spent longer loading some missions than actually playing them. It's wonderful that each mission has different art assets to them but really, they just aren't interesting at all. I'm finding it really curious to hear that some people have played ONE Playthrough for upwards of 60 hours. How? Im 30 in, done all sidequests possible and at the end of the game. There literally isnt much else for me to do.
Trickster said:Agreed, the anomaly sidequests are not very engaging overall ( a couple were kinda fun ), think my main issue with them is that shepard doesn't say anything in any of them, makes them feel kinda shallow and makes me think they only started work on them near the very end of the development process when the voice actors were done doing voiceovers.
About the 60 hours thing, I think the guy that had 58 hours was playing on hardest difficulty.
Zzoram said:What can happen to cause a loss of loyalty? I'm afraid of doing loyalty missions because I don't want to lose it by accident soon afterwards.
Darklord said:I love the games little details. I know most people don't care but the level of interaction is great. I love the trash compactor, flushing toilets, feeding the wish, watching the hamsters.
SlickVic said:Just got a message in my Private Terminal:lolfrom some escaped convict from Purgatory thanking me for letting him escape. Apparently I shot him so he's looking to kill me. No idea who this person is (and when in my escape I shot him) but I'm hoping I'll run into him somewhere in the game.
Cep said:Yeah, definitely not needed.
BTW, how did you end up solving your Horizon troubles?
HarryDemeanor said:Random fights between teammates with happen during the story. Picking one or the other will result in loyalty lost. If you have a high enough Paragon or Renegade rating you can overcome these and keep loyalty between both members.
firehawk12 said:Oh man, I have no idea how I did it. Basically I abused the game's out of wack aggro and just hid while the bad guys kept trying to shoot me. I used the same trick in the next mission when you're on the.Collector Ship
I'd complain about bad enemy AI, but this is the only way to beat the game on insanity. :lol
EatChildren said:I think you'd be high, or deluded by nostalgia, to say this Normandy isn't better than the last. Its the little details that make this one feel like an actual ship. The banter between crew, the four different decks, the companions in their own areas. I actually feel encouraged to just wander around now.
Also, for those with load time issues, are you playing on PC or the Xbox360? My PC is hardly anything spectacular and my load times are really quick.
Darklord said:This is my one issue. The banter. The mouths DON'T MOVE! I hate this! Why don't they move? Seriously, watch a couple of people chatting and you'll see. It's stupid and is like something that should have been left back in an N64 game.
geth pulse rifle? where do you get that one?Basileus777 said:There's 4 assault rifles - avenger, battle rifle, light machine gun, and geth pulse rifle. So 20 weapons + the bonus ones.
Q8D3vil said:damn , pre-ordered 2 copies from amazon but got 1 code only
sent a message to their customer service yesterday but didn't get any reply . so i sent another one now
hope amazon send me the other one soon :/
Enosh said:geth pulse rifle? where do you get that one?
You paused the game for 5 1/2 hours?matt404au said:Anyone else really annoyed by Bioware's method of timekeeping? Why does the clock keep ticking when you pause the game? I just started yesterday and played for about 2 hours but it says I've played 7h34m. The same shit happened in Dragon Age.
MegaKungFuRadio said:Enemy AI may suck, but it's still better than the squad AI.
SPACECADET said:You paused the game for 5 1/2 hours?
I had my game on pause for ~4hrs today. Clock kept ticking. It is annoying since it's a ridiculously simple fix. I think more people pause the game for extended periods than you might guess.SPACECADET said:You paused the game for 5 1/2 hours?
deim0s said:On my way to my first mission getting Mordin and I already look like a Terminator, WTF!
firehawk12 said:Thane's sidequest is awesome simply because it's different from the rest of the game. So far, the rest have been exactly the same - corridor shooters. It was a nice break from the monotony.
_tetsuo_ said:I'm having difficulty choosing a woman![]()
SPACECADET said:You paused the game for 5 1/2 hours?