Jonsoncao said:Biotic really been nerfed...
oh well...
Depends on which we are talking about.
Warp is good.
Dominate is decent.
Shockwave is 'meh'
Reave is broken.
Jonsoncao said:Biotic really been nerfed...
oh well...
Dammitdejan said:Press and hold right mouse button.
Cep said:Depends on which we are talking about.
Warp is good.
Dominate is decent.
Shockwave is 'meh'
Reave is broken.
Cep said:Because on Insane, EVERYTHING has some sort of defense (or 2). EVERYTHING.
Vanguards do not have a De-Buff, and Area Reave does 80.00 (per second for 4 sec) to Armor/ barriers within 3 meters. And if they do not have any defenses it heals you. Not to mention it paralyses them and makes them stand up straight(making snipind easier)
Charge is only going to get you killed, even if you can use it right, there are better skills that deserve to be leveled up. Also, no amount of defense is going to substitute cover, so Barrier/Geth Shield/Fortification are not that great.
corrosivefrost said:Holy shit. You can get kelly to? Awesome. :lolfeed your fish so you don't have to
Thermite said:For thesidequest on theForged ID, where the hell do I go? I've searched everywhere and I can't find anyone who needs it.Citadel
Fixed2BeBroken said:but with that said...saying not to level charge is like saying dont play vanguard. If I were to not level charge...I would just play sentinel or something. I mean...the point of playing vanguard is to use an ability like charge. with that said...almost all my skills are already leveled up going into insanity so why wouldn't I have charge leveled up?
I want to find a happy medium in insanity with using charge here and there and taking cover...but If I am taking cover all day as a vanguard...I wouldn't even play that class.
So thus why I was hoping geth shield/fortification would be nice.
Reave seems like a great choice....what about nueral shock? the aoe version of it might help with a
stupei said:Do you have to upgrade the medical bay to get best ending? I kind of like the scars, to be honest, so I've been holding off but I'll grab it right before the end if I need to.
Thermite said:For thesidequest on theForged ID, where the hell do I go? I've searched everywhere and I can't find anyone who needs it.Citadel
Thermite said:For thesidequest on theForged ID, where the hell do I go? I've searched everywhere and I can't find anyone who needs it.Citadel
Cep said:That is exactly what I am saying.
Let me lay it straight with you:
Any power that does not significantly reduce defenses is considered USELESS on Insanity.
There, I said it.
So the only extra talents worth the investment: Shield Drain, Reave, Inferno Grenade and MAYBE Dominate(but it violates the above rule, so...)
Fixed2BeBroken said:reave doesn't work on all enemies...a few of the toughest enemies...reave is pretty much pointless.
Xevren said:I believe when you leave the C-Sec office head left and near the stairs is a pair of asari people on couches with problems leaving the citadel, they are the ones that need it. I think that area is where they are.
Pankaks said:It's 2 Asari sitting on a bench, I think as you come into the the "Citadel" go left and you should hear their conversation
Fixed2BeBroken said:reave doesn't work on all enemies...a few of the toughest enemies...reave is pretty much pointless.
Cep said:What the hell are you talking about?
Reave is less effective against shields, but that is it. The final boss is the only one 'Immune'
Energy drain is like a cross between Reave and Overload. Sucks shields/synthetic life and gives them to you.
Fixed2BeBroken said:I thought reave didn't work on robots/synthetics or least that's what I read somewhere...but if thats not the case...the cheers which is better overall drain or reave?
CAW said:
chandoog said:om nom nom nom
zombieshavebrains said:Anyone else on PC have this bug?
This happened to me earlier in the mission too. No spoilers that i'm aware of. Maybe one character that you end up getting fairly early in the game.
stupei said:Thanks for the responses, guys.
It's about 6 degrees here right now so that's given me all the excuse I need to sit at home and do nothing but play ME2 all day. (Not that I really needed the excuse, but it's a good one to give to other people.) Likely to finish it today or tomorrow, but I'm doing every sidequest I can find just to keep it from ending.
KuwabaraTheMan said:Man, that collector ship was brutal.I died like 10-15 times before setting the difficulty down to casual.:lolThe fight near the end against the Praetor was just nasty.
LiK said:yup, i mentioned this already. Jennifer Hale rocks and is the key reason why i play as FemShep. so much better.
godhandiscen said:It has been a while now, and I still haven't got my Amazon pre-order code. Any suggestions guys?
Thermite said:For thesidequest on theForged ID, where the hell do I go? I've searched everywhere and I can't find anyone who needs it.Citadel
KuwabaraTheMan said:Man, that collector ship was brutal.I died like 10-15 times before setting the difficulty down to casual.:lolThe fight near the end against the Praetor was just nasty.
Also, (spoiler for hilarious dialogue with Mordin)apparently there's a Varren STD on the Normandy now.:lol
Yeah, that happened to me on that ship wreckage hanging off the cliff mission, and in one other place that I can't remember.
tehWillis said:I just googled Jennifer Hale as I'd never heard of her before, and holy jeebus! I had no idea she'd done work, stellar work, in so many of my favorite games. I'm quite shocked and amazed. :lol
sam27368 said:4 simple words, Space Hamster iPhone App
chandoog said:Hmm..
sounds like i'm about the only person on GAF who thought Hale's performance in this game was mediocre, not as good as the male counterpart at least. Don't get me wrong though I love her work in many of her other projects.
edit :
tehWillis said:And an Android one too, please! That would be so awesome. Space Hamster is win!
LiK said:did that space hamster do anything but run back into its lil hut?
comrade said:My god. Shepard dancing is the best thing ever.
shep's still got the moves, just another positive on the illusive man investment!LiK said:pure comedy imo
I started a new game on Insanity (Infiltrator this time) and picked Dominate as my starting bonus power. It is stupid. I'm not super far yet (just finished recruiting Mordin, Garrus, and Grunt), but I've won more than one encounter by basically just knocking the shields off of one dude and then chaining Dominate on them and whoever else's shields they knock off until there's like one half-dead guy left who I can just mop up at my leisure.Cep said:So the only extra talents worth the investment: Shield Drain, Reave, Inferno Grenade and MAYBE Dominate(but it violates the above rule, so...)
Coxswain said:I started a new game on Insanity (Infiltrator this time) and picked Dominate as my starting bonus power. It is stupid. I'm not super far yet (just finished recruiting Mordin, Garrus, and Grunt), but I've won more than one encounter by basically just knocking the shields off of one dude and then chaining Dominate on them and whoever else's shields they knock off until there's like one half-dead guy left who I can just mop up at my leisure.
Fixed2BeBroken said:Metroidvania or Cep...which is better the heavy reave or the aoe reave?
I was thinking aoe reave + shockwave would be deadly on groups...
but I am assuming heavy weave is the way to I right?
panda21 said:holy crap this is amazing
best game ever?
calder said:must... stop... scanning planets..
calder said:must... stop... scanning planets..
life support is onMuzzledBasher said:Also is there any explanation as to why during certain sections of the game (like when you are on) the characters weren't required to wear helmet?the derelict reaper or the collectors ship
Enosh said:life support is on
oh and
EDI: "Due to the killing of the trasher maw several breeding request for Grunt have been made. And one for Shepard"
Grunt: "Hah!"
ME3, introducing hot Shepard on Female Krogan action?