Looks like its time for me to happily eat some motherfucking
crow! Mmm, tasty! Pretty much every issue I previously had that Ive brought up in this thread has just been alleviated. Its amazing what finally have a solid 6 hour session can do, and its amazing how much of a difference gaining 3-4 levels can make to letting my vanguard get his balls back. I finally feel like the badass I once was in the first game. And it feels
so. fucking. good. I can now join in on the love, since the game obviously blows the first out of the water in all the areas I wasnt bitching about before tonight's revelations.
I did Zaeeds loyalty quest, and recruited Jack and Grunt, did some anomaly sidequests tonight. I just reached
before calling it a day.
- vanguard is rocking out now. Pull is fucking great once its been levelled up some, and cryo rounds are badass. Im generally using Jack and Miranda for my squadmates.
- man, the Citadel has been gutted. With that said, I still cant get over how much better the graphics are in ME2. Its a quantum leap over the first game. The nightclubs especially
ooze atmosphere. Sooooo good.
- the advertisements in the Wards had me rolling. Elcor Hamlet and the one where the Asari is trying to sell you burial robes :lol :lol
- Zaeeds loyalty quest was
fucking awesome. The planet and the music totally had a Virmire vibe, and since that was my favourite mission in the first game, I was smiling throughout. Really awesome renegade choice in this one too.
- I really like Jack, which is dumbfounding, since I was sure I was going to hate her from all the promo material. Shes actually a pretty damned intriguing character.
- Jack is also a ridiculously easy lay :lol :lol Not an hour after recruiting her I was shagging her in the cargo bay. I guess she couldnt resist my renegade pricks renegade prick. Is she a love interest, or is it just casual?
Damnnnn, ME2 is going to SAIL past ME1 in terms of length. Ive now played 11.5 hours, and Im still on Disc 1. For comparative purposes, I beat ME1 the first time in 16 hours. ME2 is looking to be probably a 30+ hour experience for me.
Game of the Forever train is back on track! Choo choo!