Zeliard said:Isthe point of no return?Reaper IFF
Yep.sweetvar26 said:Just beat the game, ending is pretty good but I think Mass Effect 1 ending tops this.
Jtyettis said:Miranda or Tali someone decide for me.
It was for me...Zeliard said:Isthe point of no return?Reaper IFF
Kapura said:It was for me...
Skel said:IMO though the mission you get him is one of the worst in the game.
Those fucking husks and abominations are so goddamn annoying. They remind me of the wretches in Gears 1. Not to mention they throw the Scions at you too, but that Collector Sniper you get (if you choose it) takes them down in like 3 shots.
BigJonsson said:Believe you get one on the mission where you rescue Tali
Trickster said:TaliMiranda no question.
Pankaks said:Fixed that for you.
Correct. Tali feels like my Shep's little sister. That's creepy. Plus, subjecting someone to disease because you're horny is not cool. :lolPankaks said:Fixed that for you.
Ysiadmihi said:Does the PC version support mods?
In terms of the story yes, but in gameplay terms not really. Your ending might change if you dick around too much after doing that mission.Zeliard said:Isthe point of no return?Reaper IFF
Ysiadmihi said:Does the PC version support mods?
No.Ysiadmihi said:Does the PC version support mods?
Ysiadmihi said:Does the PC version support mods?
Enduin said:Not at the moment and its unlikely in the future to either since ME1 never did outside of some very simple texture replacing. BioWare even locked the developer console that was open in ME1, but from what Ive seen around people have some hope in the coalesced.ini for some reason, I guess theres a lot that can be altered in there but so far any alteration to the file prevents the game from running.
Yeah, I beat the game early this morning, and I definitely agree with this. Don't get me wrong, I liked the team concept, kept everyone alive in the end, but the ending on the Citadel in ME1 was a lot more epic.sweetvar26 said:Just beat the game, ending is pretty good but I think Mass Effect 1 ending tops this.
Pankaks said:Fixed that for you.
Trickster said:If you're shallow and only care about DAT ASS, then sure :lol
Fuck Hackett. Most annoying character in the ME universeRabbit Lord said:I miss Admiral Hackett.
uh UDINA?ElectricBlue187 said:Fuck Hackett. Most annoying character in the ME universe
Akim said:In NG+ does your paragon/renegade reset? If it doesn't and one of your bars is already maxed out can you play the ng+ as the opposite so you have full paragon and renegade?
Is Kelly even an option? Dang I'm on disc 2, burning through the loyalty missions and Shephard hasn't even hit it once :[Trickster said:If you're shallow and only care about DAT ASS, then sure :lol
Solideliquid said:Is Kelly even an option? Dang I'm on disc 2, burning through the loyalty missions and Shephard hasn't even hit it once :[
some people smoke from their neck :lolReknoc said:Oh and the Illusive Man keeps smoking from his chin, and now I don't smoke, but I'm sure that's not how cigarettes work.
Skilotonn said:It amazes me how people have beaten the game days ago, and I'm not even done yet, I still have quite a bit to do I think, and I've put 24 hours into the game (I just turned the 360 off, forgot to look at the hours) but I expected as much, since my first playthrough for Mass Effect 1 was 45 hours - I love the universe that much to take my time in it.
The environments are gorgeous, especially where I'm at right now, and I know I still have a lot more to see - the texture detail is just incredible.
Looking at Metacritic and skimming ever so swiftly through this thread :lol , it's great to see that the game is getting the praise it deserves, and I hope BioWare knows it as well.
I'm hitting the sack waaaaaaay early today, because the last five days have been about me going to bed so damn late in the morning, even when I have to get up early that same day...![]()
Nutter said:I didnt check really well, but if you play as lets say a Vanguard the first time around and start a new character from that file. [import your ME2 file] can you pick a new class?
It is an awesome class, if you dont mind being up close and personal with the shotgun.Rabbit Lord said:So how are vanguards? thinking of playing one for my next play through.
Nutter said:It is an awesome class, if you dont mind being up close and personal with the shotgun.
Take out a few with your tech powers, charge in and finish with shotgun.
soldat7 said:Where do I get Thane? I want Thane.
Inferno313 said:Correct. Tali feels like my Shep's little sister. That's creepy. Plus, subjecting someone to disease because you're horny is not cool. :lol
Castor Krieg said:You get him on. However, you first need to recruit some other members.Ilium
Nemesis556 said:Is this a fucking spoiler!? >=(
What bonus power do you think is best to pick?