Nutter said:So what benefits do you get for importing your ME1 save file when you have completed ME2 as well. Do you get even more money and minerals at the start? (then say from just starting a new character using your ME2 save) I searched and some people say you get even more minerals and money if you do so, but some say it doesnt add any extra's. I want to play as a Sentinel for my insanity run, but my ME2 file is as a vanguard; so most likely im going to have to start from scratch or from my ME1 save.
julls said:picked this up on impulse yesterday, don't really know much about the ME series. was impressed but not blown away until i walked intothe atmosphere is incredible!the nightclub - having the music become clear as i walked through the door with all the dancers up on podiums and smoek everywehre was seriously amazing. like something out of blade runner. is that a spoiler? i have no idea..
Nutter said:So what benefits do you get for importing your ME1 save file when you have completed ME2 as well. Do you get even more money and minerals at the start? (then say from just starting a new character using your ME2 save) I searched and some people say you get even more minerals and money if you do so, but some say it doesnt add any extra's. I want to play as a Sentinel for my insanity run, but my ME2 file is as a vanguard; so most likely im going to have to start from scratch or from my ME1 save.
Slam, gives you some breathing room if enemies try to rush you.
It is if you plan to romance Tali and not want to know about it....
Nemesis556 said:Is this a fucking spoiler!? >=(
ultron87 said:So is the sound supposed to cut out during the Justicar's loyalty mission when she andBecause I replayed that part twice and the sound cut out at the same time both times. I'm also extremely disappointed thather daughter are having their biotic fight?I wasn't renegade enough to get the daughter on the team.
Also, as toloyalty mission, I don't really see howLegion'sforcibly rewriting the minds of all the heretic geth is a Paragon action that is worth 20 points. And I'm not saying that the other choice should be paragon, but both of them seem fairly renegade like.
ColonelColon said:Yeah, the sound cut out there for me too. Kinda ruined the scene. Seems like this should be patched, given how many people have had the same issue.
brandonh83 said:Is it just my sound setup or are the gunshots extremely loud? There's a lot of great atmospheric effects that sound excellent on surround, but I live in an apartment right now and the gunshots are disturbingly loud. I've tried lowering the sound effects but all that seems to do is lower the sounds during cutscenes.
Solo said:I find the mix is overall a bit unbalanced this time. Gunshots are, as mentioned, a bit overcranked, while music is a bit too low in the mix.
No, I'm just saying that, with the Quarian Immune system, that's something that could likely happen.Nemesis556 said:Is this a fucking spoiler!? >=(
MegaKungFuRadio said:I found music to be too loud in clubs, so much so that I couldn't really make out the dialogue. Realistic, yes, but since I play with no subs, also annoying.
Solo said:It does get jacked up a LOT in clubs, no doubt. But the other 99% of the time, it doesnt feel as pervasive as I like it. ME1's music was not only much better, but it was always more present too.
soldat7 said:Yeah, I wonder what happened? Same people did the music, right? I retire to my room to hear the good stuff, sadly...
Music was better in the first game, absolutely. I remember it very fondly. So far the music in ME2 has been quite unremarkable.Solo said:It does get jacked up a LOT in clubs, no doubt. But the other 99% of the time, it doesnt feel as pervasive as I like it. ME1's music was not only much better, but it was always more present too.
soldat7 said:Yeah, I wonder what happened? Same people did the music, right? I have to retire to my room to hear the good stuff, sadly...
DennisK4 said:Also: Faunts
Jacobs because of the enviroment and Thanes because it wasn't shooty shooty like the others.Meus Renaissance said:Samara'sThe whole concept of the Justicar seemed pretty dull to me and predictable. Samara's character is by far the least interesting of the squad.daughter was a far more interesting character than her. I'll kill her in my next playthrough.
What were your favourite loyalty missions? Here are mine in best of order
Ultimo hombre said:I can't seem to use the heavy weapon with the nuclear symbol. IRS at 99% charge when u fire, it just makes a sound and then nothing?
Also is it worth learning new skills/advanced training as sheperd? I'm an infiltrator. What should I add?
Castor Krieg said:Is the "sticking around" afterAlso, tested M-920 Cain for the first time while fightingIFF. Took 50% off on Hardcore:lolThrasher Maw
Patryn said:The Cain took off 75% of the final boss's health on normal for me.
Wolffen said:Basically, I just need to know if I download the DLC via my XBL gamertag and EA Login, will my wife be able to use the DLC as well with her GT?
comrade said:What would you guys recommend for Advanced Weapon Training?
Himuro said:You know how Asari have those powers and shit? I think they apply the powers to themselves when in the company of other races to make themselves look more attractive.
Won said:Nooooooo, my fish are dead!!!!![]()
Zeliard said:Isthe point of no return?Reaper IFF
Rabbit Lord said:So how are vanguards? thinking of playing one for my next play through.
Solo said:Jack Wall and Sam Hulick did both games. Its weird. Its like Bioware gave them the direction of the first game to come up with something that felt like it could have been Vangelis' alternate soundtrack for Blade Runner. And its like they gave them the direction in ME2 to come up with something that sounded like generic action movie 101.
Best ending theme of all-time.
Jooolieeezy said:Shestrip dances for you
charlequin said:This actually really pissed me off. Why the fuck can't I go buy more fucking fish on the fucking Citadel, Bioware? :lol
the scanner will peak (and your controller if u are using one will vibrate) when you find high concentrations of one or more resourcescomrade said:I don't really understand the scanning of the planets. Should I just be launching random probes or should I actually be watching for movement in the scanner?
Thanks for this.charlequin said:Because people are being smartasses instead of, like, actually helping you, the Reaper IFF isbut it isnot the point-of-no-return such that starting it means you move inexorably to the final areathe point-of-no-return in the sense that if you go to it without being prepared properly you irrevocably lose the ability to keep both your entire crew and squad alive.
Thanks I went from using 60 probes to deplete a planet to 10-12.golem said:the scanner will peak (and your controller if u are using one will vibrate) when you find high concentrations of one or more resources
comrade said:I don't really understand the scanning of the planets. Should I just be launching random probes or should I actually be watching for movement in the scanner?
It's simon says. You want to match your top left picture with one scrolling by. You can't touch the red ones so you have to be scrolling down with it dodging them. Match all 3 and you hack it.drakesfortune said:I just started this tonight and I missed the text on how you hack the holopads. It's the one where you have groups of text scrolling down, some are red, and you have to select various text. You get three tries. How the hell do I do this? What am I looking for?
suzu said:Where are you guys finding? I haven't seen him yet. Or is it only if you upload a ME1 save file?Conrad
suzu said:Where are you guys finding? I haven't seen him yet. Or is it only if you upload a ME1 save file?Conrad
charlequin said:Don't really play like ME1 Vanguards unless you unlock Pull and take Barrier as your bonus skill. Not as awesome overall as I hoped. Don't play one under any circumstances on Insanity.
KuwabaraTheMan said:Seeing Liara's picture turned face down makes me sad. I'll remain faithful in my second playthrough, I promise!