EatChildren said:Dont play on Normal. Just dont. Play on Veteran or Hardcore. Normal is far too easy.
Only Insanity can't be changed for the achievementrhino4evr said:Maybe I will try Veteran then, and turn it down if it gets too hard. That won't effect any achievements will it?
rhino4evr said:Maybe I will try Veteran then, and turn it down if it gets too hard. That won't effect any achievements will it?
Yea, no nekkid ass shots this timeDraft said:Man, what a gyp. All that work romancingand what's my reward? An eskimo kiss and then fade to black? I was expecting some serious future blouse action. Though his little dance was pretty funny.Garrus the space monster
EatChildren said:Not as far as I'm aware. Veteran isnt very difficult, but it does stop the stupid easy cruise difficulty of Normal.
Judging from interviews with the project director, the answer is yes. What you do in ME2 will most likely affect ME3Dark Stalkers said:I wonder if we'll be able to export our saves to ME3 if we chose to continue the game.
I found it a little confusing as well. Here's how it works:rhino4evr said:1. I keep seeing upgrades to purchase in shops, and up until now I couldnt even acess them. Now that I can, what are the most important upgrades for an Adept? SO far all the upgrades have been for armor, soldier weapons, squad members, etc. Nothing for my class. I am hoping that will change. A faster cool down is nice. And let me get this straight. I have to find/purcahse the upgrade, then find materials to actually equip them? I noticed a rocket launcher is available..but not says I need to find another upgrade...
Draft said:I found it a little confusing as well. Here's how it works:
There are two ways you can get upgrades. One is buying them. Any upgrade you buy in a store from the Citidal, Ilium, Omega or the Krogan world is unlocked for use immediately. Otherwise, you can find items in the game world, usually in combat areas, that can be scanned. These scans unlock research options on your ship. You can research these upgrades using the materials you get from scanning. There is an extra wrinkle to research, however. A sort of tech tree exists, where certain researchable upgrades are locked, even if you have them in the list, until other upgrades are complete. Like for example it won't let you research extra shotgun ammo until you have already upgraded the damage a couple times (either by buying the upgrade somewhere or through research.)
Dyno said:Tali's loyalty quest was cool. That was a lot of crazy fighting. One AV log in particular was bone chilling. They really nailed the atmosphere.
Yeah, I was kicking some serious arse for a while after that. Rage.LiK said:*shudder*"i love you honey!" static
Dyno said:Tali's loyalty quest was cool. That was a lot of crazy fighting. One AV log in particular was bone chilling. They really nailed the atmosphere.
Dark Stalkers said:I wonder if we'll be able to export our saves to ME3 if we chose to continue the game.
I think it'll prolly import your ME2 save after beating the game with anything you've done after it. Maybe all the stuff you do after the final mission accumulates. Just my theoryLifejumper said:I thinking about this too. Is there a option to finish the game after you have finished the n7 missions etc, if you decided to continue playing after the ending. How will it work if you want to import that character to ME3.
Naeblish said:Also, does anyone have some tips where to get a lot of element zero. Found a planet with 'eezo' that had a lot, but besides that it's very rare to find.
That I'm not 100% on, but I think you are basically correct. Like, there's 5 total health upgrades spread between research and the stores. It doesn't matter what order you get them, each one will always add 10% to your total health up to a 50% boost. But, I guess they are sort of dynamic? Like, if you have no health upgrades, and you find one in a store, it will be for 10%. If you don't buy it, go find a researchable health upgrade, research it and go back to the store, it will now be the 20% upgrade. Something like that.rhino4evr said:Ok..didnt know that upgrades that you buy are automatic.
This answers another question I had. I saw a upgrade for 10% more health..and if I purchase it, then the next upgrade with be for an additional 10%..meaning I have to purchase the first upgrade to get the second one correct? I was worried that if I purchased a 10% upgrade, that I would eventually find a 20% upgrade other words your upgrades combine correct? It's not like you choose between them?
Are there any upgrades specifically for the Adept class? or are they all just weapon and armor upgrades? So far that's all ive found, and to be honest, I havent needed them yet. Would love the ability to lower cool down times though.
rhino4evr said:Ok..didnt know that upgrades that you buy are automatic.
This answers another question I had. I saw a upgrade for 10% more health..and if I purchase it, then the next upgrade with be for an additional 10%..meaning I have to purchase the first upgrade to get the second one correct? I was worried that if I purchased a 10% upgrade, that I would eventually find a 20% upgrade other words your upgrades combine correct? It's not like you choose between them?
Are there any upgrades specifically for the Adept class? or are they all just weapon and armor upgrades? So far that's all ive found, and to be honest, I havent needed them yet. Would love the ability to lower cool down times though.
Dark FaZe said:Talis whole backstory is really the reason why I chose her as a LI. No other character in the game other than Shepard has such a rich backstory, and potential for future awesome.
And dem hipschicken feet? fuuu
Patryn said:There are upgrades for both biotic powers and tech powers.
Don't worry about trying to find upgrades in the "correct" order. The game just recognizes what the upgrade is for, and scales the level of it based on what you've already upgraded, because of the non-linear nature of the game.
So where one person finds Shotgun Damage 1/5, another person might find Shotgun Damage 3/5.
Upgrades also don't stack, they just replace the previous upgrade (well, they do stack, but they only add 10%, so the amount that the description says its upgrades takes into consideration previous upgrades you've bought/researched).
Tali's romance scene is like straight outta those cute anime love scenes. Amirite Bioware?EatChildren said:Liz Sroka delivers a fantastic performance for Tali too, especially during her loyalty quest and the love scene, the latter of which is way too cute for its own good.
LI?Silicon Knight said:Alright everyone, spoil me; what are the LI's for a female Shepard?
I've been chasing, but I'd like to know the other options.Jacob
Love Interest.LiK said:
Silicon Knight said:Alright everyone, spoil me; what are the LI's for a female Shepard?
I've been chasing, but I'd like to know the other options.Jacob
Silicon Knight said:Alright everyone, spoil me; what are the LI's for a female Shepard?
I've been chasing, but I'd like to know the other options.Jacob
Love Interest for female Shepard to be exact,LiK said:
Naeblish said:Also, does anyone have some tips where to get a lot of element zero. Found a planet with 'eezo' that had a lot, but besides that it's very rare to find.
Well, shit. I want toPankaks said:Jacob, Thane, Garrus, Kelly(kinda)
Pretty much this. Go withPankaks said:Jacob, Thane, Garrus, Kelly(kinda)
I thought insanity was far more difficult this time around. But then, I also seem to be playing twice as fast as you are (28 hours and am at level 26). I'm an adept. It's a lot more tactical than Mass Effect 1. Honestly, one of my biggest problems is that you can't command your squad to play defensively. They love peeking out of cover to eat warps and rockets.RTS83 said:Am I the only one playing on insanity for my first play through? 28 hours and I'm level 14 lol...
I feel like I'm pretty damn far, I'm on the collector's ship right now...about how far am I from the end?
Really its....not that hard. Male Soldier Shep. There are times when I die for sure, but usually slowing down and blending my powers (really have to think about your party, and if a Krogan appears you drop whatever you're doing and focus all attacks on that btw) makes me victorious.
Couldn't beat thebut whatever...I planned on doing a renegade run as well.Thresher Maw on Tuchanka
EatChildren said:The more of a Renegade you are the more scarred and cyborg-esque your face becomes. This allows you to remove all those scars if you dont like the look. They disappear naturally if you play Paragon. Its not an essential upgrade.
People bitch about vanguards but I like mine just fine. I play it like a hit-and-run class, usually going after people on the edge of the battlefield.tehWillis said:Working on my second play through right now as a Vanguard. I'm on the. I sailed through this part on my Soldier but on my Vanguard it's like I've hit brick wall. Is Vanguard just that crappy or am I doin' it wrong?Collector Ship, right after you pick your new weapon or weapon specialization
I love the mechanic of the class, Charge is retarded amounts of fun, but if this is a portent of things to come I may just start over with a different class.
Zeliard said:I feel like I'm the only one who actually likes the way the scars look on his character.![]()
bryehn said:I have a lame side mission on my list that`s bugging the crap out of me. Little help?
A Krogan on the Citadel wants some sushi. The sushi chef never says anything but canned lines :/
Any fish I buy usually just end up dead cause I forget. I think there's one to buy on Illium right now, is that what I need to do?
Papercuts said:I think mine has a glitch, it's the one I'm doing right now.I got to the fleet and went to the other ship, but I never had a court scene. I saw people like Zeetor highlighted to talk to but there was nobody there.
bryehn said:I have a lame side mission on my list that`s bugging the crap out of me. Little help?
A Krogan on the Citadel wants some sushi. The sushi chef never says anything but canned lines :/
Any fish I buy usually just end up dead cause I forget. I think there's one to buy on Illium right now, is that what I need to do?
bryehn said:I have a lame side mission on my list that`s bugging the crap out of me. Little help?
A Krogan on the Citadel wants some sushi. The sushi chef never says anything but canned lines :/
Any fish I buy usually just end up dead cause I forget. I think there's one to buy on Illium right now, is that what I need to do?
Scythesurge said:Man this game really is quite different from the first much has been improved, but at the same time they took out a good amount of aspects that I enjoyed from the first game. The shooting has definitely improved, but the controls still feel rigid and clunky compared to other 3rd person shooters out there. I'm only 4 hours in, but the characters are incredibly more interesting than ME1, and I'm interested to see where this game takes me.
You can do both.Psychotext said:You don't buy sushi, you talk to the ground-keeper on the Citadel...
bryehn said:I have a lame side mission on my list that`s bugging the crap out of me. Little help?
A Krogan on the Citadel wants some sushi. The sushi chef never says anything but canned lines :/
Any fish I buy usually just end up dead cause I forget. I think there's one to buy on Illium right now, is that what I need to do?