Yup, just don't change difficultysam27368 said:With the insanity trophy, can it be achieved through new game + as well?
Yup, just don't change difficultysam27368 said:With the insanity trophy, can it be achieved through new game + as well?
Yeah. I love being a soldier in this. Unlike Mass Effect 1, I find that I'm using EVERY weapon to my advantage. They really nailed combat in this. Ammo and all. I love it.LiK said:Soldier is great. Switchin weapons and using various ammo types along with adrenaline. Btw, once you can get an extra power that makes it even better.
WrikaWrek said:Mass Effect 1 story blows, there's like 0 character development and the only thing it had going for it was a good villain and an amazing final hour of game.
BeforeThe Lamonster said:lol yeah I'd love to see
Solo said:Forgot to mention that the handling of Rachni Queen decision you made in the first game in ME2 was awful.
Ephemeris said:Before
Fellow Gaffer Theta11 took those.
I will gift someone MS points for a working Collector's codeStallion Free said:Is this all available DLC currently? Or am I missing anything?
-Terminus Weapon and Armor
-Sentry Interface (Dr. Pepper)
-Recon Hood (Dr. Pepper)
-Umbra Visor (Dr. Pepper)
-Collectors' Weapon and Armor
-Incisor Sniper Rifle
-Inferno Armor
-Blood Dragon Armor
-Zaeed - The Price of Revenge (Cerberus Network)
-Normandy Crash Site (Cerberus Network)
That's crazy! I'm gonna have to re-visit Illium.Ephemeris said:Before
Fellow Gaffer Theta11 took those.
neojubei said:Whoa that's pretty damn cool. I never drank anything from that bar, now I will try it tonight.
Ephemeris said:Before
Fellow Gaffer Theta11 took those.
The Lamonster said:I will gift someone MS points for a working Collector's code
yupPeff said:I got the weapon/armor with the DLC but bought the CE, it's the same thing, right?
Jtyettis said:Yea it's pretty hilarious.
And I really want to know how to do this because I definitely did not experience this awesomeness;
Yeah, it's the code that came in the Collector's Edition. I wanted to get one but missed out because they sold out and I really want that armor and assault rifle!Peff said:I got the weapon/armor with the DLC but bought the CE, it's the same thing, right?
The Lamonster said:Yeah, it's the code that came in the Collector's Edition. I wanted to get one but missed out because they sold out and I really want that armor and assault rifle!
No you didn't. The only characters in the first game with the amount of on-ship development on par with all of the characters in ME2 were Wrex, and either Kaidan or Ashley if you happened to be romancing them. Otherwise, Garrus and non-romanced Kaidan/Ashley were good conceptual characters that had extremely bare-bones dialogue to develop them. Tali and Liara were only really "characters" in a very technical sense, and were mostly there to just spew out infodumps about their respective races.tehrik-e-insaaf said:silly goose, there was a ton of character development in mass effect 1 - except they didn't involve fetch quests in different parts of the galaxy - you had much more insightful and engaging dialogue with your team mates on-board - whether it was wrex/genophage/mercenary/family armor or ashley/sister/military/xenophobia or kaeden/shitty childhood/murderous rage or liara/pureblood/bookish/conflicted feelings about her mother or citadel council/anderson/etc who were on your ass all day
Coxswain said:No you didn't. The only characters in the first game with the amount of on-ship development on par with all of the characters in ME2 were Wrex, and either Kaidan or Ashley if you happened to be romancing them. Otherwise, Garrus and non-romanced Kaidan/Ashley were good conceptual characters that had extremely bare-bones dialogue to develop them. Tali and Liara were only really "characters" in a very technical sense, and were mostly there to just spew out infodumps about their respective races.
Every character in ME2 has as much on-ship dialogue as the best of the characters from the first game and there's nearly twice as many characters and none of them are infodumps except for Legion (which is actually very fitting considering his nature) and they've all got fairly extensive missions that delve further into their respective backstories/identities.
Mass Effect 1 wasn't the most abysmal game ever for character development, but there's really no comparison between it and ME2.
rocksteady1983 said:Anyone else think of this once they saw that?
pringles said:33 hours in, lvl 16, still feel like I have a long, long way to go before beating this game (only done 1 loyalty quest).
Damn this game is huge.
Jtyettis said:Yea it's pretty hilarious.
And I really want to know how to do this because I definitely did not experience this awesomeness;
bryehn said:Are people sleeping with their Xbox on? I'm at roughly 25 hours, level 23 and I've been scanning every single planet and doing all the missions, even the tiny fetch quests and stuff. I read all the planet codex entries, etc too. I expect to clock in under 32 hours. No idea how people are clocking 40-60 hours.
Cep said:Real men play(and die) on insanity.
My first run (insanity) took me 64hours.
Now that i know what I am doing, my current one will last less than half that.
i danced well and the chick liked my danceJtyettis said:Yea it's pretty hilarious.
And I really want to know how to do this because I definitely did not experience this awesomeness;
Ephemeris said:I never maxed mine and I got them. :/
Wrath2X said:I took Miranda's side in her argument with Jack since I wanted to bang her, and in Zaeed's mission I saved the civilians.
And apparently I have to max out either paragon or renegade to make em loyal, and there is only a tiny bit of paragon left, yet I don't know what to do to max it.
macfoshizzle said:ok 2nd night of playing ME2 last night. didn't really get far in.
damn, did tali get a makeover? she looks hotter than before. maybe its the sexier outfit?
damn miranda is a bitch.. and a huge ass! how do you unlock her black outfit?
does the DLC bring down the sky have any significance in ME2? such as catching balek?
The Galactic News in the Citadel mentions the BDtS story but I'm not sure if you ever run into any of the characters from it.macfoshizzle said:ok 2nd night of playing ME2 last night. didn't really get far in.
damn, did tali get a makeover? she looks hotter than before. maybe its the sexier outfit?
damn miranda is a bitch.. and a huge ass! how do you unlock her black outfit?
does the DLC bring down the sky have any significance in ME2? such as catching balek?
How can I get this to happen? Is it related to his loyalty quest?KillerAJD said:Just wanted to say,was the most amazing thing ever! :lolMordin breaking out into song
KillerAJD said:Just wanted to say,was the most amazing thing ever! :lolMordin breaking out into song
I love the title musicEatChildren said:While the soundtrack as a whole falters compared to the original, boy does it have some good tracks. The Illusive Man theme is stupid good, and I love the theme for the Collectors. That eery hum that sounds slightly out of tune is mint, sci-fi synth.
Specifically this part.
The Lamonster said:How can I get this to happen? Is it related to his loyalty quest?
Sadly, no. Just the stuff on the news.The Lamonster said:The Galactic News in the Citadel mentions the BDtS story but I'm not sure if you ever run into any of the characters from it.
I'm not sure. I've already finished his, but it happened after I had just finished Tali's loyalty quest. As soon as I got back on the Normandy, I went to talk to him, and after bugging him a bit, it eventually led to that. :lol That shit was fantastic. I should have recorded it on my third replay, but I figure somebody else already has it on youtube. Then I went to record it anyways, since I'd have a 1080p, 60fps version, but I accidentally said goodbye and he won't bring it up again. I could just go back a quicksave, but I'm to impatient, :lolThe Lamonster said:How can I get this to happen? Is it related to his loyalty quest?
EmCeeGramr said:I think that's more like, "you just got drunk off your ass, now she looks younger."
Net_Wrecker said:I wish there was more post game dialogue, and crew interaction. I want more to do with my finished Shepard playthrough. I guess that's what DLC is for.
*waits impatiently*
Caspel said:Who wants a Mass Effect N7 Shirt?
I have 9 left and I am giving them away on my publication's Twitter.
GameZone Twitter
yeah. now im freaked out about how liara actually looks. is my ho a hag??Ephemeris said:Before
Fellow Gaffer Theta11 took those.
ExtraKr1spy said:how do I get the chance to win the shirt? D:
The point is that each species sees the traits that are most similar to their own species in Asari, like the way people are so keyed to recognize human traits that they see faces on doors, sinks, cars, the Virgin Mary on a pancake, and little people on Halo armour.Liara T'Soni said:That conversation was very interesting though. I always wondered why Turians and Salarians would be interested in Asari. Although I don't really buy that the Asari look similar to those species (I mean, c'mon, they are obviously based on humans), it was an interesting way to explain that.
EatChildren said:While the soundtrack as a whole falters compared to the original, boy does it have some good tracks. The Illusive Man theme is stupid good, and I love the theme for the Collectors...