Mass Effect 1 story blows, there's like 0 character development and the only thing it had going for it was a good villain and an amazing final hour of game.
Mass Effect 2 has the most impressive and well written cast of characters i've seen in a game this whole fucking generation, with lot's of character development. People who keep saying "oh the plot", somebody missed the whole fucking point of the game, the game is about the team, while at the same time having a decent background plot to give you purpose.
I almost feel like killing a kitten whenever i see people keep complaining about it. You spend 25 hours with the best characters, and going consistently through great moments.
Mass Effect has like two moments, when you first face Saren and blow up a facility, and then the end. LAME
Mass Effect 2, i could fill a page with them. Sad shit to see SOME people complain about a about as average as the first one, save the universe mission, when ME2 is filled with stories within it that make Mass Effect 1 look like a piece of dog shit.
The emotional investment is so big in this game, you actually feel the tension torwards the end, when suddenly it's life or death.
Best game of the generation. Finally, a game that i can look at it and say "yeah, this is the kind of shit i was hoping for when i bought these goddamned HD systems".
Go Bioware!!!!!
BigJonsson said:
Anyone figure out what determines who lives/dies other than loyalty?
I don't think Loyalty has anything to do with it. Everyone was loyal to me, and i still lost a character.
That's the thing i don't understand, it's an RPG, you are a commander. Use your head to think strategically. It's a huge face palm to see some of the decisions here, and then see people upset, wtf.
The game i played let me get to know these characters, enough to let me make a formed decision regarding where their abilities are served best.
I only lost one character and it was by lack of judgement. You choose leaders based on who has the background and personality to be one, etc etc.
That's how they live and die, based on your decisions. That's the whole point.