Fortinbras said:Please hep me...I can't stop the bitch fight betweenI've done all quests and I've got all other squad members loyal. I'm almost 100% paragon and the Paragon option for the fight is still greyed out. I've got a female Shepard so there are no romances involved. I really don't know what to do anymore.Miranda and Jack![]()
Charge is useless at the start of the game, but it gets much better later on in the game when you can charge without automatically killing yourself in the process.dmshaposv said:So I finally started playing the game..
Is it just me or Vanguard has been severely dumbed down? I was unstoppable in ME1 but now I'm having some trouble hitting the ride stride in ME2.
Crunched said:Anyone else find it disappointing that (late game spoilers)no one on the Citadel gives a damn when you're running around with a geth in your crew? He doesn't even show up during the entry scan. Some tight security there, let me tell you :lol
dmshaposv said:So I finally started playing the game..
Is it just me or Vanguard has been severely dumbed down? I was unstoppable in ME1 but now I'm having some trouble hitting the ride stride in ME2.
vodka-bull said:Still waiting for the downloadable english voiceover.
vodka-bull said:Still waiting for the downloadable english voiceover.
Once you get Charge's reuse time down enough, you can effectively Charge -> BLAST the fuck out of them -> back up -> CHARGE -> repeat. So much fun!MisterAnderson said:A lot of people will tell you that Vanguards in ME2 suck, but they just take more skill to be well with. They definitely are one of the harder classes to start out with, but as you level up they improve a great deal as long as you're willing to put the time in learning proper hit and run tactics and use charge responsibly.
tehrik-e-insaaf said:im unclear how on earth bioware could have loused up the sequel to one of the greatest games of this generation... and they loused up the FREAKING STORY... JESUS CHRIST
i can't even sleep, the story was so bad, i am so supremely pissed off, it's like they fucking teased us for 2+ f***ing years and left us with this s***?
tehrik-e-insaaf said:im unclear how on earth bioware could have loused up the sequel to one of the greatest games of this generation... and they loused up the FREAKING STORY... JESUS CHRIST
i can't even sleep, the story was so bad, i am so supremely pissed off, it's like they freaking teased us for 2+ f***ing years and left us with this s***?
is it wrong to be this angry after you simply expected a GOOD story and not some silly fetch quest?
Laughing Banana said:Damn it GAF, damn it!
I have a save file for Lv. 50 Male Infiltrator Renegade ready to be played in this game but since I found out that Shepard can romancein ME2--and I just could not resist the temptation of doing that--I replayed ME1 as a Paragon guy since it would be pretty weird for a bigoted racist-towards-alien Shepard to make a relationship with her and I want my character's personality to be consistent throughout the entire game universe.Tali
I am currently just finished rescuing Liara in ME1 with all the available optional quests up until there (save the mining/collecting stuff) finished. I thought I could do it, play it all the way to the end with my Paragon guy...
THE TEMPTATION OF PLAYING ME2 IS KILLING ME! Hahaha. Especially after reading this thread. I am SO tempted to just ditch my ME1 paragon play-through and start playing ME2 as my Renegade character right now...
Damn it, I am so conflicted over this :lol
ME2 has me far more invested in the universe then ME1 ever did.KuwabaraTheMan said:Mass Effect 2's story is worlds beyond Mass Effect 1's, and I'm baffled as to how anyone could think otherwise.
Now, Mass Effect 1 had a better plot than Mass Effect 2, but that's an entirely different matter.
KuwabaraTheMan said:Mass Effect 2's story is worlds beyond Mass Effect 1's, and I'm baffled as to how anyone could think otherwise.
Now, Mass Effect 1 had a better plot than Mass Effect 2, but that's an entirely different matter.
My first run I cheated with Tali. Next time it's faithful all the way baby!Micius said:Haha, I hear ya... I've also read about guys over on the Bioware board who didn't want to romanceas a "cheating" Shepard and went back to Mass Effect to do a romance-less run. Ah, the lengths people go to satisfy immersion... :lolTali
Lafiel said:ME2 has me far more invested in the universe then ME1 ever did.
But i'm nearing the end, and i haft to admit i'm pretty disappointed with the plot overall, there's nothing wrong with it, but barely anything has happened plot-progression wise. And i'm on the second last planet or so.
tehrik-e-insaaf said:do explain oh supremely arrogant and confident one, how was the story better in me2 vs me1?
The loyalty missions weren't exactly side-quests, otherwise they'd be classified as "assignments" in the log.tehrik-e-insaaf said:if you consider the storylines of the "side quests" to suggest that me2 has a better story than me1, please remember, THEY ARE SIDE QUESTS, the main storyline SUCKED, and THAT is what matters, not the collectathon of loyalties
tehrik-e-insaaf said:do explain oh supremely arrogant and confident one, how was the story better in me2 vs me1?
the plot for me2 was actually better from the outset - the idea that shepard dies, gets revived by cerberus, and how you are going to go into enemy territory and uncover secrets to accelerate the war against the reapers - the issue was that the STORY falls short (some crap about reapers harvesting human genetic material to build a new reaper, totally goes unexplained, some crap about protheans being mindless slaves) - me1's plot was kinda lame in comparison (find out what these beacons are by visiting xyz planets then report back to council) but the STORY was amazing (cycle of extinctions, nature of reapers, etc)...
tehrik-e-insaaf said:if you consider the storylines of the "side quests" to suggest that me2 has a better story than me1, please remember, THEY ARE SIDE QUESTS, the main storyline SUCKED, and THAT is what matters, not the collectathon of loyalties
Gestahl said:I've played through Mass Effect 1 4 and a half times, and it is nothing compared to this game. Game blows the first out of the water in almost every respect.
tehrik-e-insaaf said:do explain oh supremely arrogant and confident one, how was the story better in me2 vs me1?
the plot for me2 was actually better from the outset - the idea that shepard dies, gets revived by cerberus, and how you are going to go into enemy territory and uncover secrets to accelerate the war against the reapers - the issue was that the STORY falls short (some crap about reapers harvesting human genetic material to build a new reaper, totally goes unexplained, some crap about protheans being mindless slaves) - me1's plot was kinda lame in comparison (find out what these beacons are by visiting xyz planets then report back to council) but the STORY was amazing (cycle of extinctions, nature of reapers, etc)...
Definitely a few select choices will come. If you talk to the characters, it seems obvious thatMisterAnderson said:I'm surprised that so many people are bitching about the plot. I found it extremely satisfying, and the format of the game was unique in that there was MASSIVE buildup to the climax and IMO the climax totally delivered. Considering this is a setup for the third game (which I went in expecting) I love how BioWare pulled it off. I only hope thatthey don't plan on replacing your crew again in the third. What made 2 so good is the relationships you built up with your crew and all the character development through their loyalty missions. ME2 really would be a very big waste if they just have you get a new crew in the 3rd one. The logistics of letting you keep your crew though will be a hurdle though, since not everyone will have all of their crew members alive, so they will need replacement crew for the ones who died which means more VO work "just in case."
tehrik-e-insaaf said:consider the final mission for me2 vs. what happens in the final planet/citadel run in me1?
are you honestly telling me that me2's final suicide mission was better than me1?
All I gotta say was the music really packs in the emotion. Suicide Mission is the best, most heartful goddamn track in ME history.Darklord said:I'd say equal.
Maxrpg said:All I gotta say was the music really packs in the emotion. Suicide Mission is the best, most heartful goddamn track in ME history.
What about The Lazarus Project? That music is awesome too. Symbolizes hope.MisterAnderson said:Yeah...goddamn. I was not impressed with the soundtrack during the game aside from a few tracks (like Illusive Man's theme) but when that final mission started...they completely redeemed themselves. I think that my favorite track is whenyou have a biotic escorting you to the next area through the swarm. That music was so damn good.
Micius said:Haha, I hear ya... I've also read about guys over on the Bioware board who didn't want to romanceas a "cheating" Shepard and went back to Mass Effect to do a romance-less run. Ah, the lengths people go to satisfy immersion... :lolTali
MisterAnderson said:Why is it bad to have certain things unexplained? They still haven't explained a shit ton about the first game that I've been asking myself since I first played it, and that is what's so fun about the series. The mysterious nature of the Reapers has always been the most appealing thing about this series' story to me, and I definitely did not expect everything to get revealed in the second game of an already announced trilogy. Revealing a little bit at a time and (hopefully) getting it all explained by the end is kind of the point. I also personally foundthe revelation that the Collectors are enslaved Protheans, and the fact that a big part of the reason behind the harvest/cycles are a means of Reaper reproduction to be extremely fucking awesome.
Edit: You also are comparing the ME1 and ME2's very strangely by using the word "story" and "plot" as if they have different meanings...
Maxrpg said:Definitely a few select choices will come. If you talk to the characters, it seems obvious thatA) Grunt will be gone
B) Jack will be gone
C) Miranda and Jacob are with you all the way (Miranda possibly not, but Jacob hell yes)
D) Legion will stay, depending on whether or not he decides to be an envoy to the quarians for peace
E) Zaeed will be gone
F) Mordin will stay (unless he returns to the STG/ works on some other huge scientific endeavor)
G) Tali will stay, depending on whether or not she leaves with Legion to try to bring peace to Quarian/Geth
H) Garrus is with you all the way (considering that he has nothing left to go to after you pick him up)
E) Samara will be gone
F) Thane will be with you until he's gone (lol)
tehrik-e-insaaf said:consider the final mission for me2 vs. what happens in the final planet/citadel run in me1?
are you honestly telling me that me2's final suicide mission was better than me1's incredibly epic and final planet/citadel mission?
reading some of the posts above i can see why people DID like me2 - the tali sidestory was AWESOME as was mordin's - but i mean, did you guys not feel LET DOWN by the complete lack of depth in the final suicide mission? compare this to what happened in me1 at the prothean base and the truth about the citadel and the keepers, etc?
KuwabaraTheMan said:Because one of the biggest functions of story is characters, and the cast in Mass Effect 2 is worlds beyond the cast in Mass Effect 1. Outside of Wrex and Liara, the cast in Mass Effect 1 were nothing to write home about (Tali and Garrus were neat, but got too little development over the course of the game). Mass Effect 2 does a great job at developing a large cast, and also developing the incidental characters much better, from crew members like the Engineers, to characters like Aria, the Krogan Shaman, the female Admiral of the Flotilla, and so on. Hell, I could tell you more about the Quarian and Turian at the bar on Illium than I could tell you about Kaiden, and he was in my party in Mass Effect 1.
Setting is also a huge place in which Mass Effect 2 surpasses the first one. Mass Effect 1 had the Citadel, and um, the Citadel. Zhu's Hope was also good, but hardly great. Mass Effect 2 has the Citadel, Omega, Illium, Tuchanka and more, all well developed places with a lot going on and their own distinct atmospheres and environments. Pretty much all of the mission locations are much better in Mass Effect 2 as well. This is another place in which the game was a huge improvement over its predecessor.
Characters and setting are two of the most vital components of stories, so I don't think it's a stretch to say that for those reasons alone (and believe me, there are more) Mass Effect 2's story blows Mass Effect 1's out of the water. Keep in mind that this is coming from a guy who still considers the first game an all time favorite. No disrespect to the original is intended.
I would imagine you would find replacements in the beginning. It's no big deal.Darklord said:And what if you lose them all? You only get half a crew in ME3? I even heard if you die in ME2 you save won't be allowed to transfer over to ME3 which is bloody stupid making a forced non-canon ending. They better not screw people around like that. I want characters like Tali and Garrus back again but they only came back because they could 100% stay alive in ME1. The characters who could die were given back seat roles this time around.
MisterAnderson said:The suicide mission did not lack depth. For the first time in a game I really felt likea Commander. I felt like everything prior to that moment had built up to this point, and that what I was doing really mattered. And most importantly, I really cared about the characters and didn't want to see anyone not make it. One of my favorite aspects about the suicide mission is that EVERYONE in your crew is assaulting the Collector base. Never in ME1 did you utilize you're entire crew, in fact, there were a couple of crew members I literally never used in ME1, making it seem like I was just wasting their time dragging them along on that mission. The suicide mission utilizes your entire crew and makes it feel like all of the time spent recruiting your crew members was a worthy cause.
tehrik-e-insaaf said:just gonna have to agree to disagree... yes the plot was great and had amazing potential, the story just totally fell short so i felt like the entire play through was a waste of time
if they just spent the time to have one prothean VI-style sequence in the final run (maybe one of the protheans escape indoctrination and try to help shepard with info and sacrifice themselves? or maybe a benevolent rival to the reapers from another galaxy starts attacking the collectors' base?) - it would have been potentially worth it - as it stands, it is a huge and massive dissapointment
What happened? Glitch or Lock ups?Ramirez said:It's sad that even after searching google and no one really saying anything here that I seem to be the only person in the world who got a defective disc. Bout my luck...:lol
what.MisterAnderson said:A lot of people will tell you that Vanguards in ME2 suck, but they just take more skill to be well with. They definitely are one of the harder classes to start out with, but as you level up they improve a great deal as long as you're willing to put the time in learning proper hit and run tactics and use charge responsibly.
Tisan said:quick q: I've done all the loyalty missions except for Legions - if I do his now, will this lock me into the final couple of misssions once the IFF is integrated, or will I be able to scoot around the galaxy and finish discovering planets and shit?
Also are there really only 5 discoverable missions?
Finally advice on who do I give the fake ID to in Citadel, and how to fix the packages for Ish mission being bugged would be most welcome
ME1 my first playthrough was Engineer which turned out to be one of the harder ones apparently.
Now in ME2 I choose Vanguard, now apparently one of the harder ones again.
Just my luck :|
Tisan said:quick q: I've done all the loyalty missions except for Legions - if I do his now, will this lock me into the final couple of misssions once the IFF is integrated, or will I be able to scoot around the galaxy and finish discovering planets and shit?
Also are there really only 5 discoverable missions?
Finally advice on who do I give the fake ID to in Citadel, and how to fix the packages for Ish mission being bugged would be most welcome![]()
Tisan said:ME1 my first playthrough was Engineer which turned out to be one of the harder ones apparently.
Now in ME2 I choose Vanguard, now apparently one of the harder ones again.
Just my luck :|
MisterAnderson said:A lot of people will tell you that Vanguards in ME2 suck, but they just take more skill to be well with. They definitely are one of the harder classes to start out with, but as you level up they improve a great deal as long as you're willing to put the time in learning proper hit and run tactics and use charge responsibly.