Crunched said:
I don't understand how people are spending so much time on this game. I've talked to everyone, exhausting all dialogue branches, done practically every sidequest, am about to do the
and have only played for 36 hours. Playing on insanity, too.
The only explanations are either they're idling in the game a lot, scanning WAY too much, or reading every Codex entry (and are slow readers), because there is NOT 60 hours of content in a single playthrough of this game, not even close.
Based on my two runs, I'd say there's maybe 40 hours of game there if you do every hidden sidequest, get all upgrades, and Investigate everyone to death. If you get distracted by real life and leave the game on, obviously your clock is going to read a bit longer like mine did. My Insanity run was around 30 hours, though I didn't do everything and X buttoned my way through conversations/cutscenes toward the end, it wouldn't have added another 30 hours to my game clock.
Zen said:
What the crap, one of my friends just told me the choices it defaults to. :lol
Ok... god I hope there's an ME1 save editor on the internet somewhere... otherwise I'm just going to replay all of ME1, arg.
It is so not worth it. Terrible choices or not, they barely affect the game.