Alucrid said:When the hell was that? :lol
EmCeeGramr said:Why for Paragon? Getting Legion gives you the opportunity tomurder literally millions of sapient beings.
And yes, there is a Legion love-in, because Legion are awesome.
He was awesome and a good source of info.Solo said:Good christ, Ive been quoted like 10 times now :lol Is there a Legion love-in going on that I missed?
Also, I didnt know that option meant he was going to disappear :lol
he got what he thought he wanted, but lost that which was most importantSolo said:Again, how was I to know? :lol "Let Cerberus have him" Well, Im with Cerberus, so it stands to reason that choosing them meant he'd stick around. Newp.
Solo said:Its the last choice in the whole game, mang
Thanks for the heads up. Going to go mine the shit out of every planet. It's gonna be a long one.Solo said:You're at the point of no return once you go through the relay, and like 1 hour left in the game.
Enk1ndleTHis or a variation of that.Inferno313 said:Someone reccomend me an awesome ME2 gamertag. I was thinking "BlastoTheHanar" what say GAF?
If one of you claims that tag. Heads will roll.
Solo said:Again, how was I to know? :lol "Let Cerberus have him" Well, Im with Cerberus, so it stands to reason that choosing them meant he'd stick around. Newp.
EDIT: did you beat it yet, Zeliard?
FromTheFuture said:Thanks for the heads up. Going to go mine the shit out of every planet. It's gonna be a long one.
edit. Quick question, what's the level cap? I'm only at like ~25 I think. Wondering if I should max it before I hit end game.
Zeliard said:Very close to. I'm at the mission titled, which I'd imagine is the final one. Was just wrapping up a few things before that. It is unfortunate that you get Legion so late, though."Suicide Mission"
Only person I don't have full allegiance with is Tali, since Igave up her dad at the trial, purely for amusement. She is piiiiiiissed.
I did Legion's loyalty mission before the whole fiasco. Why does it matter? Shouldn't I stock up on resources and max level for for ME3? The guy above told me it's the point of no return. Not like there's a time limit or something, right?ianp622 said:Um, if you already got the IFF, and your crew got taken, then you shouldn't wait around. Otherwise, do Legion's loyalty mission ASAP.
Not a hard limit, butFromTheFuture said:I did Legion's loyalty mission before the whole fiasco. Why does it matter? Shouldn't I stock up on resources and max level for for ME3? The guy above told me it's the point of no return. Not like there's a time limit or something, right?
Alright, well if I don't finish the game, do you think I'll be able to load a half-saved game onto ME3? Cause I don't plan on playing the whole thing again any time soon...Coxswain said:Not a hard limit, butif you don't go immediately (I don't even think you're allowed to touch down on a planet to go shopping), you won't arrive in time to save all of your crew.
If you've got unfinished stuff, remember that you can still play after you beat the game, so you can do anything that's unfinished then.
Coxswain said:Not a hard limit, butif you don't go immediately (I don't even think you're allowed to touch down on a planet to go shopping), you won't arrive in time to save all of your crew.
If you've got unfinished stuff, remember that you can still play after you beat the game, so you can do anything that's unfinished then.
I'm pretty sure that you can do an ME2 New Game+ using any save that takes place after you beat the final boss, so I'd assume that ME3 would let you import any of those.FromTheFuture said:Alright, well if I don't finish the game, do you think I'll be able to load a half-saved game onto ME3? Cause I don't plan on playing the whole thing again any time soon...
FromTheFuture said:Alright, well if I don't finish the game, do you think I'll be able to load a half-saved game onto ME3? Cause I don't plan on playing the whole thing again any time soon...
JayDubya said:^^^
I'm reasonably certain I definitively told the Illusive Man off, but then, I'd been feeding all his information to Alliance High Command and calling him a terrorist asshole to his face the whole game... so. :lol
cuevas said:What class are you guys playing insanity on? I was thinking of switching from vanguard to sentinel for my insanity playthrough.
Ok then. I already did Legion's loyalty mission before being attacked. I just wanted to mine some planets and stuff for upgrades. Is that ok?EmCeeGramr said:You ARE allowed totouch down on a hub world and go shopping, but start playing N7 or loyalty/recruitment missions and crew will start to die.
FromTheFuture said:Thanks for the heads up. Going to go mine the shit out of every planet. It's gonna be a long one.
edit. Quick question, what's the level cap? I'm only at like ~25 I think. Wondering if I should max it before I hit end game.
I played as an adept. It was ridiculously hard at certain sections, but really satisfying overall.cuevas said:What class are you guys playing insanity on? I was thinking of switching from vanguard to sentinel for my insanity playthrough.
FunkyMunkey said:So, how exactly can I do Legion's loyalty mission andsave the entire crew?
On my last play, I went directly to his mission as soon as I got him, then finished the game and still lost half.
Cep said:How do i get in on this action?
Crunched said:I played as an adept. It was ridiculously hard at certain sections, but really satisfying overall.
Kenaras said:I had the exact same problem. Sounds like most people were able to get it done without problems, but I don't know how.
Dark FaZe said:Any footage of this Ash option? I'd hate to waste my time holding out for her when Tali has such a rich character in this one.
MCD said:finally beat it in about 50 hours.
mass effect is truly the only good western rpg.
Solo said:Then Im going to do a second ME2 playthrough with my ME1 Shep renegade vanguard, but this time Im gonna be celebate to get Ash back in ME3.
I imported my ME2 character and my first play through save is still there. press Y to change between each character on the load screenRaider82 said:Not sure if this has been answered or not but here is my question. Just finished the game on normal with a high paragon character. I want to keep this character for ME3, but I also want to play through the game again on the Insanity difficulty using my current character from ME2 but go renegade. Do you think this will effect the import process for ME3? Or will it import the save file from when I first beat the game? I heard that it deletes all the save files from the game once you do a new game with your imported character. Thoughts? Sorry if I confused anyone.
IRRC, it transfers all your characters over, and you can choose which file you want to use in the ME3Raider82 said:Not sure if this has been answered or not but here is my question. Just finished the game on normal with a high paragon character. I want to keep this character for ME3, but I also want to play through the game again on the Insanity difficulty using my current character from ME2 but go renegade. Do you think this will effect the import process for ME3? Or will it import the save file from when I first beat the game? I heard that it deletes all the save files from the game once you do a new game with your imported character. Thoughts? Sorry if I confused anyone.
Cep said:I do not know what you are on, but you need to share it with the rest of us, 'cuz that is some POTENT shit.