My guess is that, as long as you picked loyal squadmates for the right assignments, everyone else will be fine (loyal or not). Haven't confirmed it tho, just started my 2nd playthrough.
Whenever I run, all dialog goes into super slow-mo. Miranda could be in the middle of saying something, and when I sprint she'll suddenly switch to sounding like an Elcor. Is this some weird glitch or could it possibly be intentional?
Whenever I run, all dialog goes into super slow-mo. Miranda could be in the middle of saying something, and when I sprint she'll suddenly switch to sounding like an Elcor. Is this some weird glitch or could it possibly be intentional?
Whenever I run, all dialog goes into super slow-mo. Miranda could be in the middle of saying something, and when I sprint she'll suddenly switch to sounding like an Elcor. Is this some weird glitch or could it possibly be intentional?
I called Tali up to my room, and right as I selected the bed to rest,
the screen went black and I couldn't see anything :lol The pause menu and sound worked fine, but the screen was pitch black. :/ Guess it didn't want me to see anything. A re-load later, and I was back in business (also, the amount of time to load a save is ridiculous! Fix this shit Bioware!)
Finishing the two ME games within a few days of each other has been exhilarating. Maybe I can go outside and get some fresh air now. I can't wait to see what happens in part 3. Let's just hope me
sexing up Liara in the first one (hey, I was curious!) and then going to Tali in the second
Finishing the two ME games within a few days of each other has been exhilarating. Maybe I can go outside and get some fresh air now. I can't wait to see what happens in part 3. Let's just hope me
sexing up Liara in the first one (hey, I was curious!) and then going to Tali in the second
God damn, I wasn't ready for the next story mission. I expected
the rotating platform part of the collector's ship to be hard on insane, but this is ridiculous. I wish the game didn't force when you do these, I wanted to get someone else beforehand.
There was a single enemy left...and I fucked up.
Harbringer is a cheap motherfucker right now. Oh my god. So I cheaped back, and brought the blackstorm with me and took out the whole horde of collector's. Now that part was easy.
Surprised by how decent my Vanguard seems to be on Insanity. Switched the difficulty and Area Reave-Area Charge pretty much wipes entire groups out. Might start my third run through the game as a Vanguard then.
Finishing the two ME games within a few days of each other has been exhilarating. Maybe I can go outside and get some fresh air now. I can't wait to see what happens in part 3. Let's just hope me
sexing up Liara in the first one (hey, I was curious!) and then going to Tali in the second
Yea, I read it would, but I'm hoping Bioware forgets just this once :lol Otherwise I know I'll freakin' force myself to do it all over :/ Or, rather, I could at least just go back to right before the end game of ME1 and go from there, but that's still another 40+ hours :/ Damn you Bioware! :lol
I thought Horizon would've been hard as hell, but I was able to handle it without dying at all. But god DAMN that ship part was insane,
you are literally harbringer's bitch here. If he did that slow orb attack that pushes you out of cover, you were basically instantly dead. Going out of cover yourself to avoid it usually meant death was crazy. The scions didn't bother me, but my squad members got massacred if I didn't focus on them first. It was alright after that, though I got snagged on the Praetorion fight a few times. Even with full shields and health it instantly killed me somehow, I guess never ever run under it.
Yeah, it's one of many dumb little things that baffles me about this game. Would it also be too much to ask to level up my characters when they're not in my party (like on the Normandy)? I really get the feeling Bioware's had many parts of the game on cruise control ever since KOTOR.
Sometimes the game can to generate a code, other times it can't. In my case, the game was not able to create a code, so I had recreate my Shepard from scratch.
Sometimes the game can to generate a code, other times it can't. In my case, the game was not able to create a code, so I had recreate my Shepard from scratch.
The first Mass Effect was one of my favorites, and this tops it significantly. People may argue that the story in the first one was better, but the storytelling itself blew the first one out of the water. It felt like watching a season of a decent sci-fi show, as opposed to a really long movie.
Krogan Wisdom: "A gun is better than a fish."
Blue cleavage
Shepard kicks a space dog-lizard in the face
Minature ship-avatar not as fun as Spore's.
Fish kept dying like I just won it at the carnival by getting the ping pong ball into the bowl. I paid over 7000 credits for you, you fucking fish!
Mordin died at first, reloaded put him on my final team, and everybody lived
Didn't romance anyone, i got a good lesbian thing going on with my blue alien chick, hope that will pay off in the third game :lol
Amazing game, although i prefered the endgame from ME1, it was just way more epic.
Second playtrough will be a male shepard, cause i want some of that Miranda ass.
Once you've imported your character, go to Custom. It didn't generate a random one for me - it just let me customise my existing one from ME1. I changed her hair color and a few smaller features, but that's all.
Finished the game at 25th level. Am I right in believing that I can resume my game finding stuff until I hit 30th level AND THEN import my ME2 character to a New Game+ for more levels or is 30 as high as it goes?
Finished it off yesterday at 33 hours, but I lost some crew towards the end. Looking back, most were avoidable, but...
I sent my specialist (Jacob) in on the first segment of the Suicide Mission and he got popped as a door was closing in a cut scene. Does this part just depend on who you send as your specialist or what? I have no idea how to avoid it.
Finished it off yesterday at 33 hours, but I lost some crew towards the end. Looking back, most were avoidable, but...
I sent my specialist (Jacob) in on the first segment of the Suicide Mission and he got popped as a door was closing in a cut scene. Does this part just depend on who you send as your specialist or what? I have no idea how to avoid it.
Tali or Legion, they are the only ones who are able to solve the door getting stuck. I though the vents wouldn't be the full size of a person so I sent Thane the first time thinking he'd get more time to do it than the rest, but he was killed.
. Also,
if you don't send a capable leader with the second team (Garrus or Miranda) whoever goes running through the vents will die anyways
Finished it off yesterday at 33 hours, but I lost some crew towards the end. Looking back, most were avoidable, but...
I sent my specialist (Jacob) in on the first segment of the Suicide Mission and he got popped as a door was closing in a cut scene. Does this part just depend on who you send as your specialist or what? I have no idea how to avoid it.
Fuck you Bioware.
I did a paragon completionist walkthrough in Mass Effect 1 for Mass Effect 2. I dindt want to romance anyone so, as Paragon as I am I talked with both ladies like a good man, so it triggered the Liara sex scene, but at that moment I said to her fuck you, I dont want to have sex, so I didnt had sex with her. I though that doing this you didnt trigger the liara's romance in Mass Effect 2 so I could fuck my true Mass Effect 1 love in 2
Tali :lol
. Oh boy I was wrong.
I start Mass Effect 2 and Liara is the one that wants to save me in the SR1 Normandy, then I go to my new room and there I have a photo of her, what the fuck! I thought my ex wouldnt have a freaking photo of her in my room. And who the hell put it in there?! Fuck you Illussive Man!
Well, maybe is a photo of good friends, I wanted to think...
I get to Ilium and
Liara kisses me! Fuck you! Tali was near me when that occured!
So then Bioware says they will be complications in Mass Effect 3 if you fucked to differnt persons in both games...
I hope that doesnt mean one of them will go out of my squad because I cheated her. OR BOTH! I dont want to complete again Mass Effect 1 to change that, having been playing 2, playing the first has to be a chore.
And I surely hope I dont have an asari baby in the third game, we didnt even touch the extresensorial sex thing. If that bitch has a baby it will mean that when she read mi mind to look the reapers thing, she fucked me in secret! Bitch! :lol
I find it amusing to read how so many people have their teammates die on them in the final suicide mission.
Seriously, the game goes out of its way to tell you what kind of person you should send for each job. Aren't you people paying attention when you play :lol
Im about 9 hours in now, im really loving the game.
Sort of regret playing on insanity now though. Whilst the combat is fun, its becoming somewhat relentless. I think after my current mission, im going to the citadel to take a break from it for a while.
I find it amusing to read how so many people have their teammates die on them in the final suicide mission.
Seriously, the game goes out of its way to tell you what kind of person you should send for each job. Aren't you people paying attention when you play :lol
Finished it this afternoon, In 35 hrs. It was fantastic, But I was so pissed i lost someone at the end.
Miranda died, She was a total bitch, so honestly i didn't really care about losing the character, But i really wanted to finish with everyone alive. She was the only member who wasn't loyal. Despite completeing her loyalty mission, I sided with Jack during their argument, And didn't have enough paragon points to turn her round before the final mission, I tried both taking her into the boss fight, And leaving her to defend while i went in with a differen't team, Both resulted in her dying. I wonder if i did anything different'ly would she survive, Or is it already decided because she is not loyal?
I find it amusing to read how so many people have their teammates die on them in the final suicide mission.
Seriously, the game goes out of its way to tell you what kind of person you should send for each job. Aren't you people paying attention when you play :lol
I find it amusing to read how so many people have their teammates die on them in the final suicide mission.
Seriously, the game goes out of its way to tell you what kind of person you should send for each job. Aren't you people paying attention when you play :lol
But I guess he has the highest random chance of just buying it. Almost sounds like no matter what, you have something like a 1 out of 3 chance of him dying, so
It really sucks that for some reason I didn't have a completion save from ME1. I saved the council there and would've wanted to see the effects. Oh well, I'll probably play 1 and 2 back to back someday....
Surprised by how decent my Vanguard seems to be on Insanity. Switched the difficulty and Area Reave-Area Charge pretty much wipes entire groups out. Might start my third run through the game as a Vanguard then.
Vanguard starts off weak but becomes walking death later in the game. His particular set of abilities are weak at lower levels but combine to make him utterly dominant after you've leveled them up some, especially if you pick a bonus weapon like Sniper and a bonus power like Reave or Fortification.
Vanguard starts off weak but becomes walking death later in the game. His particular set of abilities are weak at lower levels but combine to make him utterly dominant after you've leveled them up some, especially if you pick a bonus weapon like Sniper and a bonus power like Reave or Fortification.
Picked slam for mine - guess on the replace I'll pick reave. Slam was just awesome against waves of husks - just target 1shot everything thats hp only.
Wow the Normandy crash site is completely usless, it was not worth the download. And the the looks to be gimped in size, does it open up later in the game? I'd love to explore something like this ...maybe in ME3.
The soundtrack - they should've just imported all the tracks from the first game...this game has the most unmemorable soundtrack or all time.