Major Williams said:Is it just me, or is the Council Asari one of the hottest Asari?
They all look the same to me.
Major Williams said:Is it just me, or is the Council Asari one of the hottest Asari?
ExtraKr1spy said:Nah
1. Aria
2.Council Asari
3.Thorian Asari
4. Samara5.Some of the boss merc Asari'sMorinth
Liara probably wouldn't be in the top 15![]()
Collector Assault RiflePankaks said:Doesn't have the DLC weapons but regardless very useful, thanks.
I might respec and try the kamikaze drone out.Dresden said:Hell yes.
I prefer the Explosive Drone, though.
I also think the engineer is easier to play through Insanity than the Infiltrator or the Sentinel, just because of the drone. While lesser enemies often ignore it, the big hitters--YMIR mechs, Geth destroyers, etc, etc--will ALWAYS target it first. I've gotten cornered with my shields down, only to pop my drone and run as they do a 180 turn to blast away the drone. Scions will stop bombarding you to take the drone out (and the drone's shock pulse will stagger it). So useful.
Do you have the comparative damage of the other rifles?K.Jack said:Collector Assault Rifle
Damage 17.4
Rate 500
MagSize 28
Spare Ammo 280
Accuracy Sweet
Recoil Sweet
Incisor Sniper Rifle
Damage 53.6
Rate 600
MagSize 15
Spare Ammo 30
Burst Rounds = 3
Minimum RefireTime = Very fast
Accuracy Sweet
Recoil Sweet
K.Jack said:Damn Combat Drone owns. Engineer deserves more love.
Assault Rifles:Major Williams said:Do you have the comparative damage of the other rifles?
K.Jack said:Assault Rifles:
M-8 Avenger
damage 10.8
penetration light
rate of fire 850/min
clip size 40
spare ammo 400
Collector Assault Rifle
Damage 17.4
Rate 500
MagSize 28
Spare Ammo 280
Accuracy Sweet
Recoil Sweet
Geth Pulse Rifle
damage 3.7
penetration very light
rate of fire 1000/min
clip size 40
spare ammo 480
M-15 Vindicator
damage 36.8
penetration light
rate of fire 900/min
burst rounds 3
burst refire time 0.625
clip size 24
spare ammo 96
Jamesfrom818 said:I want to violate the only rule on Omega.
Oops, missed one...Major Williams said:Do you have the last one? The awesome red one? I think its called the Revenant.
So, so true. I'm really happy about Jacob.sportzhead said:This has probably been said already in this huge thread, but it is so awesome to finally see a normal lead supporting black character in a big budget, high profile game. Jacob Taylor is just a normal guy that happens to be black, like a lot of us black people in the world. Big up BioWare.
Alucrid said:Saren was, as was the entire game, laughable on insanity.
Tomasooie said:You better be talking about the first game...
You need to find the mission complete sound and use that as the shut down sound.MisterAnderson said:Does anyone know where I might be able to find EDI soundbytes like..."Welcome Shepard" (don't even know if she says that) or "Logging you out, Shepard" (I know she says that). I'm looking to make an EDI/Normandy theme for my PC. Here's what I've got so far:
Major Williams said:Is it just me, or is the Council Asari one of the hottest Asari?
SpectreFire said:Spoilers up ahead!
I made a little guide for anyone who wants to know how to save their entire crew for the final mission.
Do all the side missions you need to do before you go for the IFF mission. Once you start that mission, then you've entered the point of no return for a perfect ending. Once you finish the IFF mission, head straight to the AI Core and activate Legion, once he gives you his loyalty mission, you have a one mission window before the crew kidnapping triggers, take that window and do his loyalty mission. Once that's done, EDI will inform you that the IFF is being integrated and you should take a shuttle to your next mission. After the crew gets kidnap, head straight for the Omega 4 Relay. Don't do any side-quests, don't mine any minerals, don't go to any planets. Make a b-line for the Omega 4 Relay, anything detour will end with half your crew being killed.
sportzhead said:This has probably been said already in this huge thread, but it is so awesome to finally see a normal lead supporting black character in a big budget, high profile game. Jacob Taylor is just a normal guy that happens to be black, like a lot of us black people in the world. Big up BioWare.
notworksafe said:Damn. I was hoping to takeI guess there's extra dialogue if you do. Maybe I'll just do it on a different save to at least see it.Legion on Tali's loyalty quest.
Kholdstare101 said:There is. And it's totally awesome.
I think we decided in the Spoilers thread that if you don't side with the person in the vents if they get in an argument with another team member, they'll die.SpectreFire said:Spoilers up ahead!
I made a little guide for anyone who wants to know how to save their entire crew for the final mission.
OMG Aero said:You need to find the mission complete sound and use that as the shut down sound.
I love that sound so much.
Doytch said:I think we decided in the Spoilers thread that if you don't side with the person in the vents if they get in an argument with another team member, they'll die.
If there is something I really dislike about Mass Effect 2 it is the loading screens. Not because they are bad, but because they feel like they last forever...MisterAnderson said:Does anyone know where I might be able to find EDI soundbytes like..."Welcome Shepard" (don't even know if she says that) or "Logging you out, Shepard" (I know she says that). I'm looking to make an EDI/Normandy theme for my PC. Here's what I've got so far:
SpectreFire said:Spoilers up ahead!
I made a little guide for anyone who wants to know how to save their entire crew for the final mission.
gregor7777 said:Yeah, Jacob's a good character. I get that some people think he's boring, but I like that they included a few characters who aren't over the top.
ExtraKr1spy said:Nah
1. Aria
2.Council Asari
3.Thorian Asari
4. Samara5.Some of the boss merc Asari'sMorinth
Liara probably wouldn't be in the top 15![]()
roman2003h said:If there is something I really dislike about Mass Effect 2 it is the loading screens. Not because they are bad, but because they feel like they last forever...
Kolgar said:I ran into an annoying sound dropout last night during the mission on Disc 2 where you go afterSamara's daughter.
It happened twice; anybody know what the problem is? Is it something that can be fixed with a patch? I suppose next time I'll just have to turn on subtitles, but man--it's a jarring blemish on an otherwise sublime game.
Kolgar said:I ran into an annoying sound dropout last night during the mission on Disc 2 where you go afterSamara's daughter.
It happened twice; anybody know what the problem is? Is it something that can be fixed with a patch? I suppose next time I'll just have to turn on subtitles, but man--it's a jarring blemish on an otherwise sublime game.
SpectreFire said:Spoilers up ahead!
I made a little guide for anyone who wants to know how to save their entire crew for the final mission.
Get all your teammates and make sure you have loyalty for all of them. This is really important.
Do all the side missions you need to do before you go for the IFF mission. Once you start that mission, then you've entered the point of no return for a perfect ending. Once you finish the IFF mission, head straight to the AI Core and activate Legion, once he gives you his loyalty mission, you have a one mission window before the crew kidnapping triggers, take that window and do his loyalty mission. Once that's done, EDI will inform you that the IFF is being integrated and you should take a shuttle to your next mission. After the crew gets kidnap, head straight for the Omega 4 Relay. Don't do any side-quests, don't mine any minerals, don't go to any planets. Make a b-line for the Omega 4 Relay, anything detour will end with half your crew being killed.
If you haven't already, get all the ship upgrades
- Shields
- Armour
- Weapons
For every upgrade you lack, you lose one team member killed on board the Normandy during the space fight.
Once onboard, you have to choose a specialist and a fire team leader. The right choices are pretty obvious, pick the best people for the job.
Legion/Tali for specialist, as they're clearly the best tech experts.
Garus/Miranda for team leader, as they're both the best leaders you have on your team.
Once you've rescued your crew, you need to pick someone to escort them back. Pick someone who's combat worthy, but I suggest Mordin for this mission. I'll explain later on why he's the best choice.
Once that's done, you have to choose a biotic for escort and another fire team leader.
Choose either Samara or Jack as they're the most powerful biotic. This is important as if you pick a weak biotic, they'll collapse at the end and you'll lose one of your accompanying team members.
For the fire team leader, again, Miranda or Garus will do.
Finally, you get to pick your team once more as you leave everyone else behind to distract the collectors. It's important who you keep on your team, because if you choose the wrong people and leave them with the distraction group, they might end up dying. I had Tali die on me when I left her with the other team, even though she had full loyalty, so I expect that the members of the distraction group need to be combat worthy. This is why I suggested earlier to have Mordin escort the survivor's back. He's good enough to make sure the survivors get back to the Normandy, but he's weak enough that he might not survive the final battle holding the line against the collector. I took Miranda and Tali with me on the final mission, as they seemed like the most likely to die if left to distract the collectors. The rest are all seasoned combat experts and seem to be capable of handling the collectors. Again, loyalty matters in this as well, as an unloyal teammate may likely die holding the line.
After you defeat the final boss and you get knocked out, you'll see both your teammates collapse. Their survival depends on their loyalty. If they're loyal, they won't die, if they aren't, they'll die.
And that's pretty much everything. If you managed to get that far with no one dying, then you've just accomplished a perfect ending.
Tomasooie said:
Skilotonn said:See, this is why I keep coming back to the thread dodging spoilers here and there till I finally beat the game - thanks a million for this man!
I'm not in the US now, so since I missed out on the Marketplace mix up, there was no other way I could get this stuff - all I'm missing now are the two pre-order armors & that sniper rifle, which no one knows how to get normally...
AzureRequiem said:Been salivating over the Dr. Pepper codes but don't have the cash to buy your own bottles? Do you hate the drink and do not want to buy it just for free DLC? Do you live in the United Kingdom and aren't even eligible for this DLC? Well, I'm here to solve all your problems! Below are four Dr. Pepper codes and instructions on how to use them!
All four codes are re-usable, which means that everyone on these forums can get in on this free DLC!
The codes are:
You only need one to get all the DLC, however. Now
1) Visit the Dr. Pepper website and sign three accounts up. You can put a fake email for all three, as the website doesn't verify the accounts. You will also input a fake city, state, and phone number as well. IMPORTANT! If you live outside the US, you can still get this DLC! Just put random numbers for the zip, a random city and state, and boom! No sweat! Put fake info in all three accounts.
2) Input the code.
3) It will say to click to pick your prize. Make sure that you have an EA and BioWare account, and that the two are linked together. I'm not going to go into detail on how to do this, however. Just Google it.
4) When you click on the Select Prize button, pick Mass Effect 2, and then whichever DLC you want. Be sure to pick a different one for all three accounts.
5) It will say that it has been redeemed, then link you to BioWare's website for final verification. Sign in there, and you'll see your new item sitting there waiting for you!
I hope you guys enjoyed this guide, and I hope you get good use out of the DLC. Thanks for reading!
Macmanus said:Cute edit. Every character in the game says eezo at least once, and about half a dozen codex entries bring it up with that terminology. Take your ADHD meds and maybe you'll catch it next play through. Or simply read a little bit.
SPEA said:Hmm.. I didn't see anything there. The Med Bay is where the Dr. Lady is who you bring the brandy to in the beginning?
yeah its kind of confusing at first, the heat sinks are just universal ammo clipsKittonwy said:I'm like 1 hr into the game and I already hate the decryption bullshit, both types of them I found disgusting. Shooting reticle is WAY better than before though, I don't get the whole "heatsink" ammo thing, they might as well just have an ammo system instead of "heatsinks" being ammo, the player basically runs out of heatsinks instead of ammo, which is kind of stupid. Cover system is better but still really not all that flexible, a bit like Gears now but a lot of places I can't take cover behind. Not really feeling the epicness yet, once again the codex is very well-done. Graphically it's better than the first game performance-wise but lacking effects like SSAO or tone-mapping, shadow quality is excellent though. Still don't get the whole "you are the only one qualified to save the entire galaxy" thing.
yeah i went with the geth shield, was pretty nice with the shield and weapon dmg increase for the one of the lvl 4sJtyettis said:Yea I went with barrier as I could prety much take the big hits and keep on moving.
Tomasooie said:Posting again for the new page!
Thanks to AzureRequiem on GameFAQs for this:
Psychotext said:Jesus... Insane difficulty really aint fucking around. :lol