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Metroid: Samus Returns' Ending Teases the Future of Metroid (MASSIVE SPOILERS)


I just 100%'d this game...god fucking damn.

When the last memory started going red and blurry holy SHIIIIIIIT...

A Chozo in a suit similar to Samus's potentially starting a civil war. Man I am excited for the future of Metroid.

As I understood it:

The chozo harvested the life energy from the creatures on SR388. This was the Aeion, and also eventually because the X with the mutations. The X and Aeion are a form of life energy. Which Metroids feed on. They created the Metroids to do away with the X since they knew what the X were. The Metroids turned since they still needed sustenance and could get it from the Chozo.


To a poster on a previous page who mentioned that perhaps the Baby Metroid didn't think of Samus as his mother at all, I was just reading the new Super Metroid interview and saw this, which seems to further confirm (to me) that Sakamoto still sees their relationship this way:

Sakamoto: For example, after the baby Metroid swoops at Samus and you realize that it thinks of her as its mother, it makes an uneasy sound like "Pwee! Pwee!" And when it gets shot, it makes a pained sound like "Pweeeee!" They're all "pwee" sounds, but I wanted them to convey different emotions depending on the situation.



Just one Metroid left.

Or maybe not? I don't remember well this part from the original game, but I have the feeling it was a bait of the Queen Metroid.


Just one Metroid left.

Or maybe not? I don't remember well this part from the original game, but I have the feeling it was a bait of the Queen Metroid.

Regarding what the original did:
You get to Area 8 and the counter goes up from 1 to 9, there's 8 regular Metroids, then the queen.


Regarding what the original did:
You get to Area 8 and the counter goes up from 1 to 9, there's 8 regular Metroids, then the queen.

Oh, that was then.

By the way, yesterday bought the Samus and Metroid amiibo and they are AWESOME. My first and (I hope) only amiibo I will buy beside the Inkling girl from Splatoon 2 because she looks too cute


Oh, that was then.

By the way, yesterday bought the Samus and Metroid amiibo and they are AWESOME. My first and (I hope) only amiibo I will buy beside the Inkling girl from Splatoon 2 because she looks too cute

That's what they all say, then they have like 50+ amiibo like me. I got the Metroid and Samus amiibo, and also bought the Alm & Celica FE amiibo.


100%'d it last night. What a fantastic game. Definitely a bit derivative, but it's what I (and I suspect "we") needed at this point, a fresh 2D Metroid game that hits all the right notes and makes us hearken back to what we love most about this series. The new stuff fit really well with the old, and it was the right amount of challenging. I always love going back to earlier areas in a Metroid game with all the power-ups and just laying waste to guys that gave you such a hard time in the beginning.

As others have said, it did feel a little less balanced in terms of the non-linearity (in that sometimes it felt like more of a nuisance than anything else to see an item/area you couldn't get to yet but knowing exactly what you needed), and sometimes it was a little too on the nose of "here are all these doors, here's the item you need!" - but it's a small critique.

I'll also say that I wish more important things were kept in places that you had to backpedal for. Maybe I'm remembering incorrectly, but I feel like Super and Prime for instance had you go back to older areas and discover the next area you had to get to by going through a door you couldn't go in before. What I mean is, right at the beginning of both Super and Prime there are doors you can't go in that actually lead to a completely different area of the game, and you have to come back eventually to move forward in the "story". This game didn't really have any of that. I kept expecting there to be a metroid or a new weapon through a door in an area I had already passed through behind a door I couldn't get through at the time, you know? I feel like that would've made the hunt for the metroids a bit more fun.

Also, love all the story stuff that's been being discussed. I avoided this thread until today, but yeah, the post-credits scene and ESPECIALLY that transition when looking at the gallery were pretty mind-blowing. I love that this is seemingly a franchise that Nintendo wants to start moving forward with again.


So the Chozo maybe have a hand in the creation of the X in the first place ? Now we just need Prime 4 revealing that Phaaze appeared because them trying to ascend in a higher plan of existence, and then we can resume the whole series as Samus cleaning the mess of her foster bird parent.


Neo Member
I can't understand this thinking.

Game I like and thread title says massive spoilers.
Click on link.
Get pissed that game is spoiled and blame op.

Sound logic.


I can't see the Chozo wanting to cure Samus if what happened on SR388 is punishable by death. Here is this non-Chozo planet destroyer that is injected with Chozo DNA and is biologically fused with our greatest weapons, she is also part Metroid, she feast on X parasites for power, and if anything is left of the space pirates they fear her like Hell fears the Doom Slayer.

Seems like she is a threat to the galaxy.


I can't see the Chozo wanting to cure Samus if what happened on SR388 is punishable by death. Here is this non-Chozo planet destroyer that is injected with Chozo DNA and is biologically fused with our greatest weapons, she is also part Metroid, she feast on X parasites for power, and if anything is left of the space pirates they fear her like Hell fears the Doom Slayer.

Seems like she is a threat to the galaxy.

Samus' DNA reverts back to normal after Fusion. She is not part-Metroid anymore.
The more I look at the memories the more I think the Chozo may have accidentally released the X, not that they accidentally created them. The third memory seems to be glossed over, but the presence of the digging robots seems significant--and in the bottom of the picture you can see one of the digging robots digging into rock that has yellow light pouring through the cracks. And then the fourth memory, to me it seems like the X are coming from the walls of the cave itself. My theory is that the X were something that was sealed away underneath the surface of SR388 by something prior to the Chozo arriving and they accidentally dug their way into their holding grounds.

Which could be an interesting way to approach Fusion sequels--perhaps the X weren't all exterminated by destroying SR388--perhaps there are caches of X sealed away in hidden caves across the galaxy.


The more I look at the memories the more I think the Chozo may have accidentally released the X, not that they accidentally created them. The third memory seems to be glossed over, but the presence of the digging robots seems significant--and in the bottom of the picture you can see one of the digging robots digging into rock that has yellow light pouring through the cracks. And then the fourth memory, to me it seems like the X are coming from the walls of the cave itself. My theory is that the X were something that was sealed away underneath the surface of SR388 by something prior to the Chozo arriving and they accidentally dug their way into their holding grounds.

Which could be an interesting way to approach Fusion sequels--perhaps the X weren't all exterminated by destroying SR388--perhaps there are caches of X sealed away in hidden caves across the galaxy.
"Moria! Moria! Wonder of the Northern world. Too deep we delved there, and woke the nameless fear."

I could definitely see that being a thing.


So, is aeion connected to the X? In the second image it looks like they're extracting aeion, not X parasites, from the monsters.


I wish that in Prime 4 the chozo play a bigger role, or in Metroid 5 on the Switch, I don't evn care. Give it to meee.

So what they're saying is we might get a new iteration of the SA-X?


Yes please.

The most horror this series ever had. So good. Yes please indeed.


I wonder if one of the insinuations from the Chozo Lore in this game is supposed to be that the life energy that Metroids feed on is Aeion?


I wonder if one of the insinuations from the Chozo Lore in this game is supposed to be that the life energy that Metroids feed on is Aeion?

That was my initial thought while going through most of the game, though it's made a little bit shaky in the Ridley battle when the Metroid drains him and produces normal suit-energy (health) for Samus. That either means that the energy the Metroid feeds on is the normal non-aeion energy and the Chozo just have a different way to extract aeion, or Metroids are able to absorb aeion and convert and release it into other energy types.

Hopefully a theoretical future Metroid 5 actually covers this in a little more detail, because as it stands currently the differences between aeion and the "life energy" that powers Samus' suit and the larval Metroids supposedly feed on is really muddled.


Confirmed by Sakamoto in an interview. The SA-X provided Samus's original genotype.

That's really disappointing. Samus being part Metroid and possibly gaining new abilities because of that was an interesting avenue they could have gone down.


Finally finished the game at 100%, when the last pic appeared I got some shivers, because of the screen suddenly turning red with weird sounds.
Now we really need a game set after Fusion!


That's really disappointing. Samus being part Metroid and possibly gaining new abilities because of that was an interesting avenue they could have gone down.
Fusion shut down basically any interesting possibility it created by the end of the game.

The X? Dead.

Ridley? Deader than dead.

Samus with Metroid DNA? Gone.


I just beat it.

Holy. Shit. That reveal of the last picture at the end with the “2d/11”. Unbelievable. I made sure not to click on this thread until I beat it and I’m so happy I didn’t get spoiled. That glitch with the final picture messed me up.

I am SO hyped for the next 2D Metroid and where the story is going to go next.
I just beat it.

Holy. Shit. That reveal of the last picture at the end with the “2d/11”. Unbelievable. I made sure not to click on this thread until I beat it and I’m so happy I didn’t get spoiled. That glitch with the final picture messed me up.

I am SO hyped for the next 2D Metroid and where the story is going to go next.

random observation:

the next brand-new Metroid game would technically be the 11th non-Pinball, non-remake franchise title

Metroid/Zero Mission
Metroid II/Samus Returns
Super Metroid
Metroid Fusion
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2
Metroid Prime Hunters
Metroid Prime 3
Metroid Other M
Metroid Prime Federation Force
Metroid Prime 4


Fusion shut down basically any interesting possibility it created by the end of the game.

The X? Dead.

Ridley? Deader than dead.

Samus with Metroid DNA? Gone.

If the Chozo Memories were implying that the Chozo inadvertently created the X too, then that door is still open.

Since there is likely a faction of hostile Chozo out there, chances are, they know how to make Metroids, and are likely to do so.


Fusion shut down basically any interesting possibility it created by the end of the game.

The X? Dead.

Ridley? Deader than dead.

Samus with Metroid DNA? Gone.

That's because Fusion was probably made to be the end of the classic franchise. It tied all the titles together (even Other M, which didn't exist at the time) and the stakes were at its highest.

They have to start anew. A new storyline with new settings, plot devices, characters, enemies and factions arising from the foundations of the original series.
Fusion shut down basically any interesting possibility it created by the end of the game.

The X? Dead.

Ridley? Deader than dead.

Samus with Metroid DNA? Gone.

Samus on the run from the Federation? That is the thread I expected Metroid 5 to follow since I finished Fusion.


I wouldn't say it'd be too crazy of an idea for the Chozo to start recreating X or Metroids again after the end of the Chozo Memories. Keep fueling the cycle, shift their image of the kind peaceful intelligent species into a race looking for galactic domination in hopes of "peace in the galaxy" by creating more Metroids or X (or both!). That 2d/11 image is very telling about the Chozo and the future. It's awesome.
Just got 100% and reposting my question in this thread:

2d in red. 2d red . 2 d r e d. Is this teasing what I think it is, or am I just overanalyzing it?


Just got 100% and reposting my question in this thread:

2d in red. 2d red . 2 d r e d. Is this teasing what I think it is, or am I just overanalyzing it?
Piecing together everything people have said I figure it means the 11th game will be Metroid Dread? The 2 I assume means it's 2d or the second attempt since the project was cancelled.

*edit And when I say 2d I just mean sidescroller not necessarily pixel art.


Prime 4 will be about Sylux, the Chozo thing is definitely Metroid 5.
I wonder if Sakamoto has changed his mind about Prime being separate, if so we could see another Metroid 5 tease at the end of Prime 4.

I thought Fusion was Metroid 4 and Other M was Metroid 5? I'm not an expert on Metroid lore so I might be mistaking some placement but, I was pretty sure the Metroid series had 5 mainline entries.
I thought Fusion was Metroid 4 and Other M was Metroid 5? I'm not an expert on Metroid lore so I might be mistaking some placement but, I was pretty sure the Metroid series had 5 mainline entries.

Other M takes place before Fusion, so it would really be "Metroid 3.5", if anything.


Ywhen you first see the completed memories, the tenth memory gets corrupted, turns into the las tone and the counter goes from 10/10 to 2d/11, with the 2d in red
Couldn't that just make Fusion "Metroid 5" in turn? I doubt there will ever be an actual game called Metroid 5 (or 6) but yeah.

The thing is metroid Fusion is called Metroid IV in the beginning cutscene of that game (the only entry numbered officially apart from the game boy game), so Other M is basically Metroid 3.5 Also its made like a bridge to close all the lose ends from Super to Fusion, expalining stuff like Ridley freezed in the GF station, and the Nightmare project.


Just got 100% and reposting my question in this thread:

2d in red. 2d red . 2 d r e d. Is this teasing what I think it is, or am I just overanalyzing it?

Seemed too specific and with a lot of focus to be nothing, I think it's teasing something.

I saw someone suggest "To Dread" and I'm all for that.


The thing is metroid Fusion is called Metroid IV in the beginning cutscene of that game (the only entry numbered officially apart from the game boy game), so Other M is basically Metroid 3.5 Also its made like a bridge to close all the lose ends from Super to Fusion, expalining stuff like Ridley freezed in the GF station, and the Nightmare project.

Just a minor nitpick, but Super Metroid is also officially numbered as Metroid 3. You see it in the opening when you boot up the game. Your actual point still stands though.
What the hell am I missing with "2d" / "2d/11"? Y'all just mean the 11th image in the gallery or?

The word 2d being the only red text in the Chozo Gallery made me wonder if it's supposed to be read as "2d red" or "2dred."

My first thought was that it might be saying "to dread."

Also as LegendofLex said, the 11 could refer to the 11th brand new Metroid game. If you don't count the remakes separately or Prime Pinball, then there have been 10 Metroid entries so far.
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