Yeah, and it sucks too because Xbox 360 humbled PlayStation and taught Sony a lesson about their own arrogance in trying to push a $600 into the market just because they could. ...
I think you can look at that another way, and maybe see it in the same light as Microsoft trying to spend $70b here.
In an optimal situation the PS3 would have cost just slightly more than a launch PS2, absent the blue diode shortage, absent the poor yields of Cell BE and pressure from IBM getting first dibs on chips for Roadrunner, etc, and absent the console coming out 12months too soon for Sony, forcing them to re-design, losing the 2nd Cell BE plan, and losing the cost effective Toshiba Reality Synth GPU, losing the cost and performance benefits of 512GB of XDR, and instead got screwed by Nvidia for the RSX and end up with half XDR and half GDDR3.
But because Microsoft had blown a huge wad on the original Xbox 2years after PS2 released and with higher storage and RAM specs that they flat out subsidized, the very expensive HDD - which was absent from the base 360 - and the expensive RAM and integrated network adapter were all beyond the realms of lesser companies than Microsoft could afford for a console, never mind selling the box as low £100 at time.
So for Xbox to fail quickly, and then them double down on losses and launch a known flawed Xenon chip console to market two years or more before PlayStation was ready, the arrogant stance by Sony wasn't by choice, but a necessity to project marketing strength from a very uncertain and weak position against a company that was burning money to gain market share. The timing for PlayStation was brutal in regards of RAM and high speed persistent storage, because while the PS2 was having Wii/Switch level success, the short turn around for losing billions by Microsoft on OG Xbox and 360 meant PlayStation were massively out of position without their originally intended PS3 design, timeline and BoM.
Had the RRoD situation not occurred Microsoft could have potentially put PlayStation completely out of business that gen with just two massively subsidized loss console investments IMO.
edit: Sony getting caught out of position so badly is probably why a Pro design happened, and is probably always going to be in the works even if they don't release it some gens.