A transferable license. Until platform holders allow us to transfer licenses, I am buying discs. I don’t care if any game data is on this disc at this point. I simply want to retain the right to lend/gift/sell the game.
They won't valve made sure of that with rental licenses.
The way they will push for digital only is simple next generation, they will release a PS6 all digital, and have a optional disc player to connect and phase discs out over the generation and blame physical stores like wallmart etc for it, because they are removing the games from there places anyway. Then the end of the PS6 is going to be digital only with a revamp.
Same for xbox but they are going to force it already because shops are already culling there games from the storefront.
What console gamers really have to worry about is the insane overpriced games on sony's and ms storefronts, it could very well mean they price themselves completely out of the market and eventually stagnate hard. Microsoft can dodge this because of gamepass and just dropping a super cheap next gen console that's digital only ( aka gamepass box ).
I would suggest for sony to start making a gamepass competitor.
The reason why steam games aren't 100 bucks by now, is because it has endless content but also because piracy keeps the market in line. U ask to much people aint paying for it or pirate, so u got to ask a price people are willing to pay.