Microsoft Closes Redfall Developer Arkane Austin, HiFi Rush Developer Tango Gameworks, and More in Devastating Cuts at Bethesda


Arkane I understand, but fucking Tango??? I think that's the one that's shocked people the most today because Hi-Fi Rush and their other games were well received and Hi-Fi Rush is still getting pushed, so what the actual fuck.


On one hand, it's not dissimilar to what Sony did in the ps3 era, a huge re-organization of their first party studios that brought both game cancelations and closed studios, but did wonders for them.

On the other, damn the closing of some of those studios really stings.


"It's absolutely mind-blowing. For us, we have never been in a situation like this before, where we've got everything we could possibly ask for. From day one of the studio we have complete financial security for years and years to come. Now, with this partnership with Sony, we can be ourselves. And not only that, when we bring people into the studio, we can promise them that this is our culture. And we can fearlessly create and innovate and be groundbreaking."

Right, Sony had zero do do with them closing.
Of course? They collaborated with Sony for a project that was having a hard time in materializing, which led to Sony stopping production of their game.
They were indie, Sony didn't have any say in their future. Unlike MS with Tango.
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Hi Fi Rush was arguably the biggest bomb of the generation. 3 million players with a horrendous completion rate = taking a dump in the swimming pool.

This kind of a broad statement is probably the perfect example of everything wrong with the gaming industry in one sentence. :messenger_winking_tongue:

Hi Fi Rush wasn't a game with a sky high budget, wasn't in the brightest burning genre (we all know how the rhythm genre is lighting up the sales charts), and it had a experimental launch that didn't give it a runnup.

It's not rocket science that the completion rates lower when games are on a sub service or given as a free game with gold or PS+. That's the natural thing that happens when players that might not have played it otherwise try it because it is there. We'll see how the PS completion rate looks, I'm sure it'll be fine. If we expect the smaller games to hit the numbers of huge AAA games, there won't be any smaller games. The developers have to learn to accept a smaller return in exchange for the lower dev costs.

The rhythm thing seemed to really turn off a lot of players on this one. It's too bad more didn't give it a shot because it is a great game and you can complete the game without being an absolute master of the rhythm genre. No need to put down a good game because it doesn't sell, that will just leave us with nothing but recycled junk that hits all the safest data points.


Can we just take a moment to gasp in awe at just how bad Spencer is.

He has fucked up almost every single IP MS has. Actually, no. Forza is still good. Everything else is a shadow of its former self.

Bloke is a total asshat.
Buying studios and expect results? that's what lazy ambitious workers do, it's 2024 and that segment in the industry will vanish into the abyss, validation takes hardwork, there're no shortcuts.
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It’s a bummer Hi-Fi Rush didn’t come to PS5 sooner. Maybe it could’ve saved the studio.

Seems like that releasing stuff for Gamepass day 1 isn’t a viable business model. It’s only a matter of time until the plug is pulled on Gamepass in its current form.

Not sure if Kinect or Gamepass was a bigger commercial flop.
This is not about gamepass, was about Microsoft's first party studios missing the mark more often than not and the company needing to restructure resources and teams so to make sure that every game they release is top notch.

Is exactly what Sony did during the ps3 era, and the result was an increase in quality, but also a lot of games canceled and Studios closed

It's still a fucking shame because they closed some of the more interesting parts of their portfolio of studios and left Bethesda proper that has been unexciting for a while.
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The shitty thing is even if Sony formed a new studio tomorrow with Tango staff MS would probably never sell them Tango’s franchise IP: not that it’s particularly well known outside of gamer circles. Would imagine the closure will also have a chilling effect on MS’ ability to buy any Japanese studio moving forward.
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Gold Member
Me? Was it the early ABK days or did I not respond? I had the ABK thread and like 50 other acquisition threads on ignore until that circus was over 🫣 Were just tiresome platform warring and people talking in circles.

I kinda think MS have enough money to deal with the costs. Just chop off some Excel team or something. HiFi is one of their highest rated and well-received games among both critics and gamers, seems absurd to close that studio. Give them more money to hire more people and let them do something bigger instead.

Yeh here is what I said:

Some of you are trying hard with this you "oh you just hate xbox" crap, well bad luck. No, I just happen to hate shitty policies and practices, of which xbox has many, but so many of you are willing to turn a blind eye to it because they've fooled you into thinking they are some sort of humanitarian organisation. As a result of this people want them to have control of some of the most important publishers and properties in the industry. That stance is short sighted at best and ignorant at worst.

And this is what you said in response:

I really just want more games for less money. I’ve accepted that I need all platforms going forward since exclusives are everywhere so I couldn’t care less if exclusives happens or not. All I see if this acquisition goes through is games popping up on the Gamepass library that I don’t need to buy to try out, and if it gets blocked I need to buy them.

The consolidation future will happen no matter what and things could get far worse than a company growing who do day 1 console and PC releases with shared licenses and save syncing.

As for the having enough money, they do but it's all an opportunity cost. They've already given a significant amount of money and leeway to the Xbox division over the years. It's totalled well over 80+ billion for acquisitions in recent years alone. Xbox sales are dwindling, the userbase aren't buying software on the platform and gamepass subs have stagnated. Meanwhile they have other divisions that they have been putting money in to and have been seeing near immediate financial results. Something has to give and I don't think we've seen the last of this fallout yet.
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Avoid hate comments for MS. Its a platform holder.

I will copy all hate comments here then when your favourite plastic box company will do this, will paste them there with name changed.

And call you a bootlicker on top.

What the actual hell are you talking about?

"It's absolutely mind-blowing. For us, we have never been in a situation like this before, where we've got everything we could possibly ask for. From day one of the studio we have complete financial security for years and years to come. Now, with this partnership with Sony, we can be ourselves. And not only that, when we bring people into the studio, we can promise them that this is our culture. And we can fearlessly create and innovate and be groundbreaking."

Right, Sony had zero do do with them closing.

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Question: Does it make sense to make this announcement the month before Microsoft's big showcase?

Chances are it would have leaked before the showcase. Probably better they eat the shit sandwich now in one big gulp, and hope enough people will have forgotten about it.
The shitty thing is even if Sony formed a new studio tomorrow with Tango staff MS would probably never sell them Tango’s franchise IP: not that it’s particularly well known outside of gamer circles. Would imagine the closure will also have a chilling effect on MS’ ability to buy any Japanese studio moving forward.

Oh it definitely will. That Sega/Atlus acquisition so many fanatics have been praying for is dead. I imagine Platinum Games could still be on the table though 😂

This is not about gamepass, was about Microsoft's first party studios missing the mark more often than not and the company needing to restructure resources and teams so to make sure that every game they release is top notch.

Is exactly what Sony did during the ps3 era, and the result was an increase in quality, but also a lot of games canceled and Studios closed

It's still a fucking shame because they closed some of the more interesting parts of their portfolio of studios and left Bethesda proper that has been unexciting for a while.

It is partly about Game Pass, though. If Game Pass sub growth hit MS's internal metrics on time, and was bringing in real substantial profits, and had strong projections for future growth...these studio closures and firings wouldn't be happening. It's also interesting how these are coming from the Zenimax side; MS completed that acquisition in early/mid 2021 so it's been a little over 3 years for them to produce results yet so far Zenimax as a whole hasn't done much.

So while it's definitely more at play than just Game Pass, we can't omit Game Pass's failure in growth completely. That is absolutely a component into what we're seeing today, and will be seeing more of over the next 12-18 months 😬
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This is not about gamepass, was about Microsoft's first party studios missing the mark more often than not and the company needing to restructure resources and teams so to make sure that every game they release is top notch.

Is exactly what Sony did during the ps3 era, and the result was an increase in quality, but also a lot of games canceled and Studios closed

It's still a fucking shame because they closed some of the more interesting parts of their portfolio of studios and left Bethesda proper that has been unexciting for a while.
The whole point of gamepass is that the AA and smaller AAA games are supposed to lead to growth for the subscription service. Phil Spencer has been spouting for years about letting studios follow their own unique vision. Gamepass has failed. Microsoft is no longer interested in innovation. They are just trying to make games with the biggest IP's going forward
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Identifies as young
So they can sabotage themselves like always

Feels like they are doing a good job

Chances are it would have leaked before the showcase. Probably better they eat the shit sandwich now in one big gulp, and hope enough people will have forgotten about it.

Yeah, maybe that's the thinking. Just one hell of a downer and Microsoft is going to come out next month pounding their chest?


Nintendo will save 2025!

Name me the last time Nintendo's closed entire multiple studios after spending $80+ billion buying them over a period of just 3 years?

Meanwhile one of the few recent studios SIE have shut down was London Studio. A bit crappy on their part, but London Studio had no noteworthy output for decades. Their last big game was The Getaway 2 way back on the PS2. If anything they probably could've been shut down sooner.

They were basically SIE's Arkane Austin, and you don't see most people upset over the Arkane Austin closure, either. It sucks but that one's rationale. The Tango Gameworks closure is the red flag here.

Except Hellblade II won't be the best game of this year. But it's Imran; of course he will gas up something Xbox-related, even when he's trying to be critical of them.
I don't think Nintendo has closed any studios that I can think of, and they've certainly had opportunities (NST, Retro, Monolith Soft).
My know whats sad? Even I was pretty optimistic about MS future with these teams, but fuck me man, MS back to the same old shit (I can't even say back to, they never left that mindset)

Whats the point of all that money if not to grow those teams? Shit man, Tango? Why not make an Evil With 3 first from em? Even Arkane, I get Redfall flopped, but give Arkane Austin another chance as clearly not all online games will be successes

....Bethesda was better off without MS.

edit. Only good thing about this, is at least those closed studios have a chance to be bought by a publisher that gives a shit hopefully
Who would buy a closed studios?
It's very similar, Sony took action and the results were they were shut down.
Your denial of that doesn't change anything.
Not to mention the many other companies and developers who have closed companies and cut staff over the last 2 years, including Sony and Nintendo. But ok, everyone else gets a free pass!
The layoff situation between Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft is pretty different. And no they don't get a free pass, plenty of people criticised Sony earlier this year.


Identifies as young

link to tweet
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The whole point of gamepass is that the AA and smaller AAA games are supposed to lead to growth for the subscription service. Phil Spencer has been spouting for years about letting studios follow their own unique vision. Gamepass has failed. Microsoft is no longer interested in innovation. They are just trying to make games with the biggest IP's going forward
Again, if gamepass was the issue and they know it, they would have changed the gamepass, not closed studios.

Ms left the studios follow their creative flow but in terms of critical acclaim (since sales count relatively with the gp model), really only hi-fi rush hit the mark... They needed to change something in how they were using their resources, because they certainly don't lack the money nor the time to make great games

My issue is mainly with them going through this by cutting some of the more 'fresh' parts of their portfolio, but hopefully they will absorb the right people into the teams that still survive and gave them the ability to make a difference.


Knew this was coming but I thought they’d start with their other small studios first.
Compulsion, Double Fine, and the Initiative.
Wouldn’t be surprised if Ninja Theory is gone after Hellblade 2 releases as well.

Not to be contrarian, but this is exactly what I thought was going to happen. Zenimax was a $7 billion purchase and it was already commercially struggling before they were bought. Nothing they collectively produced amounted to much in the time Microsoft has owned them. Even Starfield missed the mark. This might have been something that they would have been given more time on. But then the Activision deal happened. It changed everything. The people calling the shots want to see money being made now. Microsoft is shifting to a handful of big franchises and they've little appetite for anything that isn't up there with them. Studios bought as part of a major publisher purchase were almost certainly going to be targeted first if they weren't already producing total bangers commercially.
This kind of a broad statement is probably the perfect example of everything wrong with the gaming industry in one sentence. :messenger_winking_tongue:

Hi Fi Rush wasn't a game with a sky high budget, wasn't in the brightest burning genre (we all know how the rhythm genre is lighting up the sales charts), and it had a experimental launch that didn't give it a runnup.

Here's the credits for Hi Fi Rush...

Doesn't look like a cheap indie game to me. Again, 3 million players (on GamePass no less) with a laughable completion rate is a Suicide Squad level bomb. We didn't want to act like it because some of us enjoyed the game.


Oh it definitely will. That Sega/Atlus acquisition so many fanatics have been praying for is dead. I imagine Platinum Games could still be on the table though 😂

It is partly about Game Pass, though. If Game Pass sub growth hit MS's internal metrics on time, and was bringing in real substantial profits, and had strong projections for future growth...these studio closures and firings wouldn't be happening. It's also interesting how these are coming from the Zenimax side; MS completed that acquisition in early/mid 2021 so it's been a little over 3 years for them to produce results yet so far Zenimax as a whole hasn't done much.

So while it's definitely more at play than just Game Pass, we can't omit Game Pass's failure in growth completely. That is absolutely a component into what we're seeing today, and will be seeing more of over the next 12-18 months 😬
Gamepass would be the issue if those games were critical darlings but still didn't bring new people into the ecosystem, but other than hi-fi rush, that it's still a new franchise from a relatively small studio in a genre that doesn't sell gang busters anyway, all the other games have been met as either a complete failure or just 'meh'.
It's unsurprising Tha games like redfall, or starfield didn't bring a peak of subscription when they have been met by most gamers either as a failure or as a disappointment.

That's what needed to change in general, because regardless if the business model is gamepass or a more traditional killer app based one like Sony, all it counts is that you have good first party games on your system, and Microsoft was not making many at the moment.
BUT GUYS... Phil is still trying to repair the damage from Mattricks fuck up from...

<checks notes>


Every CEO needs like 20 years to turn a ship around. This is an internet fact.

Extend that mother fucker's contract and give him a raise to acquire and kill more studios so finally... we can solve the problems of 2013.

We can't fire someone when they are just starting to initiate their own policies... after a decade... finally, everything coming out now will be Phil's golden touch.
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Arrested Development Eye Roll GIF

Bro be quiet. You were up in here vehemently defending and promoting Redfall, so much so that you even managed to get yourself banned over it.

Give it a rest.
God, I always try to have level-headed discussions with Miku, but his pseudo-elitism over the slop produced by one of the biggest corporations in the entire world is so damn fucking cringe.
He always treats shit like Redfall and Starfield akin to some JP-only avant-garde Dreamcast exclusives. It's so laughable.


Yeh here is what I said:

And this is what you said in response:

As for the having enough money, they do but it's all an opportunity cost. They've already given a significant amount of money and leeway to the Xbox division over the years. It's totalled well over 80+ billion for acquisitions in recent years alone. Xbox sales are dwindling, the userbase aren't buying software on the platform and gamepass subs have stagnated. Meanwhile they have other divisions that they have been putting money in to and have been seeing near immediate financial results. Something has to give and I don't think we've seen the last of this fallout yet.
Yeah okay, I still think that way but much have changed to both the Xbox brand and Gamepass since then. I’m really just in shock right now. Can’t really think now so sorry if I’m rambling. I used to have a clear view of what Microsoft will likely do in gaming, but today I have no clue. They’ve completely lost their way if they think they can go hunt for big money from small studios while still trying to build a subscription service future with wide appeal. It’ll just end up with a CoD scenario and support studios for big IP sequels.

I’d say that a game like HiFi Rush is more important for a service and the industry at large than a new Forza Horizon, and I say this as someone who loves FH and has barely even played HiFi.

The whole point of having smaller studios with odd ideas is to build a diverse library of games so people of all ages and with all interests can find something to play.

MS just made sure they’ll have a less diverse library with less games for all ages made mostly for people with samey interests.
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The closure of Tango pisses me off so fucking bad like you can't imagine.

The Evil Within is one of my favorite games from the last decade, I was always rooting for them, always knew it was a longshot, but everything seemed like it was going to be ok because of Hi Fi Gravity Rush.

FUCK Microsoft.


Again, if gamepass was the issue and they know it, they would have changed the gamepass, not closed studios.

The reason they haven’t done more sweeping changes to Game Pass yet is because they have painted themselves into a corner with Game Pass by committing, repeatedly, to put all first party games on the service “day one” and spending the last 6 years conditioning their most hard core fans to expect certain benefits from Game Pass.

If they try to make sweeping changes to it, they will face significant backlash, probably more than they get from closing developers. We saw how many torches and pitchforks came out when the price increase rumor of Xbox Live Gold came to light. Imagine what would happen if they came out and said “Game Pass Ultimate will remain the same price but you won’t get first party games day one and we’re ditching EA Play.”
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