I read your whole exchange, he did read what you said and responded directly to it.
Yes, your post said that you felt that 1% had a legitimate concern. In other words, you were saying that you agree with the position. You reconfirmed this above by saying I still think that. "One reason why someone could think this is a bad thing is this thing I just said that I believe...
You were replied to specifically about this belief and now you are acting as if some sort of communication failure happened on someone else's part.
So you have to be either contradicting yourself, or the communication failure was yours. Maybe reread your own posts?
Clearly you are so far above mere peasant console war discourse. We are nowhere near your level
Yeah, it's a legitimate concern -- in the sense that I can understand it, I can see the reasoning and the warrant for that concern. That doesn't mean I share that concern. That's part of what you aren't getting. Just because I can understand a concern doesn't mean I share it. For example (this is a loose analogy, so don't get too fussy about it), I understand why women are worried about getting jumped when they walk at night. That is a legitimate concern. It is not
my concern, though. I don't worry about walking down the street at night. But I can see why women might. Even if their concerns are exaggerated, I get why they might feel that way.
It's a similar thing here. I'm not concerned about Sony becoming arrogant if they have a monopoly on high-end videogame hardware. Maybe they will become "arrogant Sony" again, and maybe they won't. I don't know. Neither do you.
Whether they do or don't, the point is,
I don't care. It's not something that concerns me. If they don't, great. If they do, no big deal. I am not that big a consumer, I'm not that invested in Sony, I have plenty of disposable income, there is always PC, etc. So I don't particularly care. However, I can understand why other people, in other circumstances (e.g., more dedicated to Sony, less disposable income, bigger consumers of PS games) could be concerned about that. I don't share their concern, but I get it. I can see the reasons.
By the way, this whole mess is a sideshow anyhow. Our disagreement started when he came at me like a dick, saying, "I don't know what you're on about," re. Sony going woke. When I pointed out "what I was on about" (i.e., evidence of Sony going woke), he just changed subjects rather than acknowledging it. Figures. So now we've hopped tracks and are going round in circles about this nonsense, as if it's the central issue. But it wasn't even what started the disagreement. He changed subjects when I contradicted him. I'm guessing you didn't notice that.
Anyway, I've spent enough time on you knuckleheads. I've explained myself twice, or is it three times? Whatever it is, it's too much. I'm going to go eat some lunch. Bacon calls. I'm done here.
Clearly you are so far above mere peasant console war discourse. We are nowhere near your level
Well, you got that part right at least.