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Mirror’s Edge on PC Reimagined with Tweaks Mods: FOV, PhysX, FPS, Textures, Shadows, LOD, Audio, Improved Faith Model & More


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

Mirror’s Edge enthusiasts on PC have developed a series of mods that enhance and transform the gaming experience. These improvements range from field of view (FOV) adjustments and enhanced physics (PhysX) to increased frame rates (FPS), higher-quality textures, improved shadows, level-of-detail (LOD) optimizations, audio enhancements, and a more detailed Faith model.

Screenshot 2024 09 21 155340

Supports base game ( and Origin DLC (​

Tool features:


Allows for a persistent FOV that remains after each level/game restart and doesn't break the skybox (unlike the keybind FOV method). It also prevents the behaviour of the FOV being set to 85 upon dying, and allows for proper affected ADS FOV when using the sniper rifle. The near clipping plane can be optionally compensated based on the applied FOV to minimise camera/viewmodel clipping. FOV-agnostic sensitivity can also be enabled to keep sensitivity scaling consistent across all FOV ranges.

Custom aspect ratios:​

Aspect ratio adjustments can be made by entering your own custom aspect ratio (ratio value or resolution accepted). HOR+ and VERT+ FOV scaling is accounted for when deviating from 16:9. Note: Letterboxing/pillarboxing will occur if the applied aspect ratio does not match the in-game resolution and native aspect ratio of your display.

PhysX simulation FPS:​

Adjustable PhysX FPS value for cloth simulations (flags, construction tarps, strip curtain doors, etc). Cloth simulations in Mirror's Edge are simulated at a rate independent of the game's framerate, otherwise known as time-steps. By default, Mirror's Edge uses a value of 50 FPS for PhysX cloth simulations, which can appear choppy when using reaction time or when running the game above the 62 FPS cap. This tool lets you specify a simulation rate up to 300 FPS.

Graphics tweaks:​

Offers individually adjustable graphical tweaks not normally accessible in-game, such as various post-process effects, lightmaps, render resolution, and more.


  • UE3 console unlocker
  • Cheats and trainer functions
  • TdGame version selector
  • Modded config patch (a nicer alternative to MEMLA)
  • Command keybind manager + speedrun macros
  • High resolution text/UI fix
  • Game language switcher
  • PS3 button prompts
  • Consistent mouse sensitivity
  • Fast start-up
  • OpenAL Soft audio upgrader
  • Various other QoL

Crazy what you can turn a late 2000s game into these days!

New Start Screen (whole game can also have a high resolution UI)


Anti-aliasing tweaked



Faith's Cinematic Model (as opposed to the original in-game model that was much lower quality)


FOV 110


Anyone have any questions/want to get yours like this? I'm happy to help!
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John Bilbo

It's a fun time. I've played it a couple of times on PS3. I bought it some time ago for dirt cheap on Steam. I might be up for another run.

I just played Severed Steel yesterday. It is a shooter game but it has a touch of Mirror's Edge in it's movement system.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Loved the original, the prequel had major flaws but still enjoyed it.
Shame it's stuck on that generation and Catalyst is a blurry mess as it had no PS4 Pro support.
Also probably one of my favourite game songs...well it's up there anyway


there's a cool mod for the first level where it's raining.

the modder however didn't just add a rain effect,
the mod also adds real time planar reflections to the ground, which look great...

and which makes me wonder if we'll ever get that Mirror's Edge RTX that leaked in the Nvidia leaks...


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Would really love a Remake or remaster of this, but I'm honestly too scared they'd fuck it up with some woke inserts.
I do think the general output from that particular year was special even if the hardware wasn't up to scratch to portray them at their best.
Always loved the idea of this game, but never tried it on PC with mouse and keyboard, only on console with controller and there's significant jank in controls associated with that IMO. Should give this another shot, especially with that rain mod up there..


Always thought the idea of a first person parkour game was one of the few perfect fits for an open world environment. AFAI remember Catalyst sort of tried it but not well.


Gold Member
Both titles in the series are among my favorite games. Just such a joy to play.

Something special about them that no other games have.
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Gold Member
Crazy what you can turn a late 2000s game into these days!

New Start Screen (whole game can also have a high resolution UI)


Anti-aliasing tweaked



Faith's Cinematic Model (as opposed to the original in-game model that was much lower quality)


FOV 110


Anyone have any questions/want to get yours like this? I'm happy to help!
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Someone please make VR mods for this game and Catalyst. (I've played through the first one with VorpX, it nearly gets there, but it's fiddly and looking around with your head is not perfectly smooth)
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With the updates, it might as well be a Remaster.
This is what's truly amazing about communities for titles. Even better, the more code they have access to, the more miracles they work. I love how gamers take this stuff into their own hands and forge ahead, publisher or developers be damned (Morrowind's Tamriel Rebuilt, for example).


Gold Member
This is what's truly amazing about communities for titles. Even better, the more code they have access to, the more miracles they work. I love how gamers take this stuff into their own hands and forge ahead, publisher or developers be damned (Morrowind's Tamriel Rebuilt, for example).
Exactly! It's also what keeps PC being the most timeless platform for games!
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