Dude just move on, i even said multiple times that their blood effects are super mild in world and a bit larger but more cartoony in rise, nobody said that the amount of blood can compete with freaking tlou2
I went through my playlist on YouTube because I used to speedrun world and watched a bunch of different videos, there’s no blood and that little hit effect from bow is barely visible *unless* you take screen shot. In actual gameplay it will be nigh invisible. I think you all are on drugs lol
I like Monster Hunter, racing games, RPGs, and anime.
This is my channel, feel free to show me where the blood is in any of these videos.
I didn’t run Rise at all so I can’t check right now, but I will when I get home.
Saying there is blood in World is a STRETCH
As I said, GU was the last to have actual blood marks/slashes when you hit the enemy. Don’t see anything here contradicting that except words from people.
And ya I don’t care that much, but it’s extremely annoying when someone tries to correct you and they don’t know what the fuck they are talking about.