Mortal Kombat X |OT| This is NOT a Brutality. This is a FATALITY

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Did they patch the mobile costume glitch on PS4? I just tried it on PC and got a ton of stuff unlocked, but get nothing after viewing the PS4 leaderboards.

Looks like they did. :/

Would someone with all the currently-available mobile stuff share their WB account with me? Have read that just signing in and getting the costumes, then signing out will keep that stuff permanently-unlocked on a console.


I watched the first part...getting late so ill finish em up tomorrow. What I saw was interesting. A few things I didn't know were that u can cancel his shoulder charge into the sword specials...and that u can cancel sword specials from 1b4. So yay for that! U also seem alot more comfortable with him than I. I don't like to use the f2 after things unless my opponent is in the corner. When I first started KK I went with Sun god and just recently dropped that for War God. I personally like using the b122xxsaw as a punish and if I have meter or get a jump in I use 114xxexgrabb122db1 for 38% easy damage. Ill study more since I know I need to mix my stuff up more.

114 is the best punish string because it's the fastest, but not the most optimal after jump in. You can get like 37% meterless with a jump in with F2. You should try to practice using F2 combos because it really brings his damage up. B14 is really good, too.


Did they patch the mobile costume glitch on PS4? I just tried it on PC and got a ton of stuff unlocked, but get nothing after viewing the PS4 leaderboards.

Glad I did it before the patch has launched hours later, love my Klassic Kitana. Couldn't get Injustice Scorpion though.


Good lordy. Kung Jin vs Sub-Zero(grand master) is like 0-10 in Sub's favor lol.

If sub goes full jerk mode and stays full screen behind a clone and chucks iceballs, then Kung is pretty much locked out. If you have 1 bar with Kung and get close enough you can ex bow swing through a clone to keep going forward, but if it's blocked then you just wasted a bar really.

Anyone know if any of Kung Jin's moves get through the clone without meter to keep hitting Sub if you are close enough? Arrows break clone, but the ice blast behind it will freeze you most likely.

Edit: Just hopped into the Kung Lao combo thread on and had no clue he got mega buffs from the last patch. People are posting TONS of 50%+ combos with him off various starters for 1 meter...

Wow fuck that.
Yeah, I know, but the whole match is a stupid guessing game. Block low, then overhead teleport. Block high, low projectile or ball. It's just tedious.
Low ball is actually a mid. When I learned this I was shocked. Then I lol'd. Then I felt sorry for Mileena players and haven't had much issue since.

Unless... they made it a low in this patch?

Then the nightmares return.


Low ball is actually a mid. When I learned this I was shocked. Then I lol'd. Then I felt sorry for Mileena players and haven't had much issue since.

Unless... they made it a low in this patch?

Then the nightmares return.

No it's still a mid. Always has been. Her really only mixup that gets me is when they start throwing ex roll around in their strings since that's an overhead.


Yeah, I know, but the whole match is a stupid guessing game. Block low, then overhead teleport. Block high, low projectile or ball. It's just tedious.

It doesn't matter who you face, it's a guessing game...

Plus, like it was said before, her 'low' projectile is actually a mid - so she's far easier to out-guess than other characters (Inferno scorp, for example)

Good lordy. Kung Jin vs Sub-Zero(grand master) is like 0-10 in Sub's favor lol.

If sub goes full jerk mode and stays full screen behind a clone and chucks iceballs, then Kung is pretty much locked out. If you have 1 bar with Kung and get close enough you can ex bow swing through a clone to keep going forward, but if it's blocked then you just wasted a bar really.

Anyone know if any of Kung Jin's moves get through the clone without meter to keep hitting Sub if you are close enough? Arrows break clone, but the ice blast behind it will freeze you most likely.

Edit: Just hopped into the Kung Lao combo thread on and had no clue he got mega buffs from the last patch. People are posting TONS of 50%+ combos with him off various starters for 1 meter...

Wow fuck that.

Good. I main Kung Lao and feel like I have to work 10x harder than, for example, Kung Jin players to get any damage. I changed to Jax because it was so much easier.


Anybody else on Xbox One unable to access Jason? It was working fine last week, but now it's all "Press A To Jason" like I'm playing Heavy Rain or something.
Anybody else on Xbox One unable to access Jason? It was working fine last week, but now it's all "Press A To Jason" like I'm playing Heavy Rain or something.
Ironically, that's how you play Jason too.



Good lordy. Kung Jin vs Sub-Zero(grand master) is like 0-10 in Sub's favor lol.

If sub goes full jerk mode and stays full screen behind a clone and chucks iceballs, then Kung is pretty much locked out. If you have 1 bar with Kung and get close enough you can ex bow swing through a clone to keep going forward, but if it's blocked then you just wasted a bar really.

You can poke through the clone with njp, b+1 and f+2 without getting frozen. Unless you get put in the corner the match really isn't too bad.


Anybody else on Xbox One unable to access Jason? It was working fine last week, but now it's all "Press A To Jason" like I'm playing Heavy Rain or something.

Yea I had this yesterday. I had to uninstall and then reinstall Jason from the XBO and after installing I had to do a full power down for him to appear in the game again.


Comics, serious business!
Yeah, I know, but the whole match is a stupid guessing game. Block low, then overhead teleport. Block high, low projectile or ball. It's just tedious.

What! I swear I always get knocked down when blocking high. My life has been changed.


What! I swear I always get knocked down when blocking high. My life has been changed.
Yeah its mid so standing block will keep you safe from the kick and roll. And considering most of her decent combo starters are really high on startup its actually quite difficult to get damage with Mileena against a player who knows what to look for.
As someone who doesn't play online very often (and have had few problems we I did) I can say that my only disappointment with the PC version is that we are so far behind the console update cycle. You guys are all sitting on the Tanya patch, and we won't see it until the tuesday she comes out.

And even then, who knows if it will work...

Whenever Tanya releases.


Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Looks like they did. :/

Would someone with all the currently-available mobile stuff share their WB account with me? Have read that just signing in and getting the costumes, then signing out will keep that stuff permanently-unlocked on a console.

Anyone? T_T


You can poke through the clone with njp, b+1 and f+2 without getting frozen. Unless you get put in the corner the match really isn't too bad.

Thank you for this!

I wish I had known, but I was stuck sitting full screen most of the match trying to advance little by little via run/dash, etc, but he kept me out so damn well.

Edit: Just watched some of those new Kung Lao combos. They didn't involve I'm curious to see if I can execute them. I'll have to experiment, but it probably won't be until later summer. Witcher 3, then Smash Wii U I just got will keep me damn busy for a long while.

I guess I am now a stream monster for MKX going forward. :(


This happened. Finally starting to improve. Took the crown on KOTH


Next stop: 1000 respect points!

So, I just played a couple matches against one of my friends who uses Bojutsu Kung Jin. I won a grand total of one, out of maybe five or six. I can't even get angry anymore. I just get frustrated and lose the will to play whenever I have to face Kung Jin. He's just got so many resources: he can combo from pretty much everywhere, has amazing range, has low and overhead combo starters, he can even nj2 from half a screen away and hit you (and, of course, combo from there.) You can't make a single mistake against him.

I told him I'm just not gonna bother fighting KJ anymore, but he says he will stop using him. I told him he shouldn't stop using him just because I can't beat him, but he says he will. Now I feel kinda bad.


Next stop: 1000 respect points!

So, I just played a couple matches against one of my friends who uses Bojutsu Kung Jin. I won a grand total of one, out of maybe five or six. I can't even get angry anymore. I just get frustrated and lose the will to play whenever I have to face Kung Jin. He's just got so many resources: he can combo from pretty much everywhere, has amazing range, has low and overhead combo starters, he can even nj2 from half a screen away and hit you (and, of course, combo from there.) You can't make a single mistake against him.

I told him I'm just not gonna bother fighting KJ anymore, but he says he will stop using him. I told him he shouldn't stop using him just because I can't beat him, but he says he will. Now I feel kinda bad.

I have to do the same thing with my Kung Jin. My friends refuse to play him. It deflates them of the willingness to play.

It's strange, because I can play Kung Jin mirrors against other intelligent players using him who can do all his combos, and yet I'll still win. Even when I was using Takeda as my main I had no issues beating Kung Jin's.... I feel he's just so damn one dimensional lol.

If I know him down, I beat out the ex bow swing to burn his meter. If he has no meter I assault his ass hard. I play the neutral game to bait out his NJP, Dive kicks, or just mid range normals to be beat out with my better options at the time. I know how to block his one trick pony main combo, and I can react to the variations generally in time. You HAVE to eat some damage from him, and I'd much rather take an ex over head from back down circle from him, then let him ex bow swing me any day as that leads to 30%+.

You have to be ready to take small punishes on him to get the player to do panic button shit. If you block his back 2 1 4, and he doesn't extend it with a special---throw him. If he extends it with one of his other ex specials, block it, then throw him. He's super quick to being safe off ex's and at least throws will get you the knock down or a tech throw situation to reset the neutral game.

I guess I've never played a Kung Jin as solid as my own to ever worry about the character...I'd play Kung Jin's all day over the scary ass shit that Quan Chi's, Scorpion'S, and Kung Lao's can do.


Man I'm still salty about the netcode, I love the fuck out of this game and really need more experience against other characters, instead it's just a shit show.
So yeah. No more invasion boss time wasted for me. Got my 1000 pts trophy and I'm out.

I'm getting MK2 ultra hard flashbacks against the AI now. It's not the 5 hits of armor, it's the SHAMELESS button reading AI code that is full on bullshit.

You jump? Get anti aired.
You block? Get thrown.
You duck? Eat a mid or overhead.
You backdash? Eat a projectile before you can block.
You teleport? Eat an armored attack or watch Goro auto correct and land on your new location with a stomp.

The worst thing is, the AI does this right away. No learning patterns or adapting. Just straight up cheese.

Thanks NRS for this completely pointless mode. Back to the tower. At least there not every fight is recorded as a loss on the W/L record.


Neo Member
I have to do the same thing with my Kung Jin. My friends refuse to play him. It deflates them of the willingness to play.

It's strange, because I can play Kung Jin mirrors against other intelligent players using him who can do all his combos, and yet I'll still win. Even when I was using Takeda as my main I had no issues beating Kung Jin's.... I feel he's just so damn one dimensional lol.

If I know him down, I beat out the ex bow swing to burn his meter. If he has no meter I assault his ass hard. I play the neutral game to bait out his NJP, Dive kicks, or just mid range normals to be beat out with my better options at the time. I know how to block his one trick pony main combo, and I can react to the variations generally in time. You HAVE to eat some damage from him, and I'd much rather take an ex over head from back down circle from him, then let him ex bow swing me any day as that leads to 30%+.

You have to be ready to take small punishes on him to get the player to do panic button shit. If you block his back 2 1 4, and he doesn't extend it with a special---throw him. If he extends it with one of his other ex specials, block it, then throw him. He's super quick to being safe off ex's and at least throws will get you the knock down or a tech throw situation to reset the neutral game.

I guess I've never played a Kung Jin as solid as my own to ever worry about the character...I'd play Kung Jin's all day over the scary ass shit that Quan Chi's, Scorpion'S, and Kung Lao's can do.

I was playing a Kung Jin yesterday (as Takeeeda) and all he did was fjp 111. I couldn't figure out anything to do against it except stand there and block. I'll be the first to admit how mediocre I am at this game (my win/loss is right around 50%), but the (vertical) range on that fjp is nuts.


Hey guys, was thinking to try to max all factions.But according to the internets, I'm gonna loose the Grandmaster icon when I switch factions. Grrr, the koins just started rolling in too!!!!

Invasion Boss Goro is a whole new level of bullshit.

I did my best work against him. I did moderate damage and lasted 18 seconds. Normally I get my arse kicked in less than 10 seconds.


Hey guys, was thinking to try to max all factions.But according to the internets, I'm gonna loose the Grandmaster icon when I switch factions. Grrr, the koins just started rolling in too!!!!.

Yes, you lose access to all the Kombat Kard components associated with that Faction when you leave.

However, the Dragon King Kombat Kard set shames every other configuration for Koin farming and you get that for maxing all 5 factions (as well as a trophy/achievement).

1700 Koins / faction kill in card bonus alone.
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