Mortal Kombat X |OT| This is NOT a Brutality. This is a FATALITY


I was playing a Kung Jin yesterday (as Takeeeda) and all he did was fjp 111. I couldn't figure out anything to do against it except stand there and block. I'll be the first to admit how mediocre I am at this game (my win/loss is right around 50%), but the (vertical) range on that fjp is nuts.

I think I had this issue as Takeda once where I lost a ton to a guy just doing jump over punch loops.

Gaf told me to try a crouching 3 or 4 as he jumps so he whiffs. Also back dash or run out of there. However Kung can catch you with auto correct dive kicks.


Yes, you lose access to all the Kombat Kard components associated with that Faction when you leave.

However, the Dragon King Kombat Kard set shames every other configuration for Koin farming and you get that for maxing all 5 factions (as well as a trophy/achievement).

1700 Koins / faction kill in card bonus alone.

Yeah I should keep my eyes on the prize. Aight, faction switched. Going for the big $$


I think I had this issue as Takeda once where I lost a ton to a guy just doing jump over punch loops.

Gaf told me to try a crouching 3 or 4 as he jumps so he whiffs. Also back dash or run out of there. However Kung can catch you with auto correct dive kicks.

Low profiling KJ's jip is really risky though, the hitbox on that thing is pretty huge. The last patch on ps4 made it so that you have to slightly delay a jumping attack off the ground but still not sure if it will hit a crouching opponent or not. If he's on xbox one or pc though I wouldn't really try to low profile it.



And Kold War Scorpion is not included in the Kold War Pack either.

gg WB.

Well shit that sucks. I guess I'll prob get em' anyways but man its annoying that they haven't communicated exactly what skin packs are going to be free for kombat pack owners. Unless somehow I missed that memo?


Well shit that sucks. I guess I'll prob get em' anyways but man its annoying that they haven't communicated exactly what skin packs are going to be free for kombat pack owners. Unless somehow I missed that memo?

Supposedly there were 5 costume packs so I'm guessing the Samurai pack + one pack for each DLC character.

We got the horror pack with Jason. I guess Tanya will come with either the Brazil pack or the MK1 classic pack.


Yeah would be nice to know which packs we get with the Kombat pass. I went ahead and purchased Kold War for my man Kano

Made a video of Revolution Kano (new skin from Kold War pack) fighting Goro. Lasted 25 seconds and did massive damage by constantly knocking him down and x-rays


I'd don't like Kano and I rarely use Sonya but I kinda want the Subzero skin even though he has more than enough already....
Supposedly there were 5 costume packs so I'm guessing the Samurai pack + one pack for each DLC character.

We got the horror pack with Jason. I guess Tanya will come with either the Brazil pack or the MK1 classic pack.
The Ultimate Horror Pack:
Playable character Jason Voorhees
Horror skins Vampiress Mileena, Kraken Reptile and Pharaoh Ermac

The Klassic Pack #1:
Playable character Tanya
Klassic skins for Kano, Sonya and Liu Kang

The Predator / Prey Pack:
Playable character Predator
Predator-themed skins Commando Johnny, Infrared Scorpion and Carl Weathers as Jax

The Klassic Pack #2:
Playable character, Tremor
Klassic skins for Quan Chi, Jax and Kung Lao



I see. Cool.

Although I hope that when they say "Classic Quan Chi" they mean:


and not:


They've already recycled that look enough.
Oh, so it was Jax? Interesting.

My guesses are:

- MK4 Quan Chi
- MK2 Jax
- MK2 Kung Lao

What would end up happening:

- MK4 Quan Chi (He's saved! Lol)
- MKDA Jax
- MK3 Kung Lao


What's shinooks best variation? I'm digging bone shaper atm, seems like imposter is?

I beat story mode in 1 1/2 hours just for shinook lmao. I will never have to touch story mode again thank fucking god.
Shot up Invasion Goro a bit with Jacqui in full auto.

Worked, but boring as hell, and he blocks a lot more than scorpion ever did. Zzz.

Still lame that even surviving 30 seconds counts as a loss on your record though. Dumb mode.


Bought the Kold War Pack. Kano looks freaking awesome. Vampiress Mileena and Revolution Kano are probably my favorite DLC skins right now. Can't say I'm excited for the Brazil Pack. Hopefully Tanya is next week or the week after.

Question to those who bought the Kold War Pack. When you confirmed purchase, did it show up as Rent instead of Add-On? Everything seems fine, it shows as an Add-On everywhere else. Probably just the PSN Store being funky after the update.

Still getting N/A for Global Standing when completing Towers every now and then. Can't figure out if it's just me or what.

All of the talk going on today about fighting game graphics and art styles made me think about the idea of MKX looking like a classic MK game, and go looking for it.
That's looks freaking awesome! I'd definitely play that.
Is it supposed to take forever to find a match? Im on PS4 and I tried both ranked and unranked for minutes and found no matches. Well I did find one match and I accepted but still nothing. It just had the option to decline or exit to the main menu.


Bought the Kold War Pack. Kano looks freaking awesome. Vampiress Mileena and Revolution Kano are probably my favorite DLC skins right now. Can't say I'm excited for the Brazil Pack. Hopefully Tanya is next week or the week after.

Question to those who bought the Kold War Pack. When you confirmed purchase, did it show up as Rent instead of Add-On? Everything seems fine, it shows as an Add-On everywhere else. Probably just the PSN Store being funky after the update.

Still getting N/A for Global Standing when completing Towers every now and then. Can't figure out if it's just me or what.

That's looks freaking awesome! I'd definitely play that.

Yeah I noticed that it said "rent' as well weird.


Is it supposed to take forever to find a match? Im on PS4 and I tried both ranked and unranked for minutes and found no matches. Well I did find one match and I accepted but still nothing. It just had the option to decline or exit to the main menu.

idk I normally just do KOTH. Something bout being King... Although I'm mostly an offline carebear
Ha! Aris was so salty on his loss in the WNF tourney, excuses came flying.

Word to the wise, gamers especially FGC people are super thin skinned. Best not to tease them when they lose or you can get banned.

I'm still laughing over here. 30+ year olds throwing fits and banning chatters. Lmao


Ha! Aris was so salty on his loss in the WNF tourney, excuses came flying.

Word to the wise, gamers especially FGC people are super thin skinned. Best not to tease them when they lose or you can get banned.

I'm still laughing over here. 30+ year olds throwing fits and banning chatters. Lmao

I hope that makes its way to YouTube. I love when pros rage.
So has this been discussed? What's the point of a Brazilian costume pack? With the Kold War Pack are we just to assume that they're doing these for International appeal?


The Russian pack sounds to me like they liked the idea of the Red Son costumes in Injustice and they said "we should do that for MK."


Finally got a chance to play this on my friend's PC. Sucks for him cuz he likes Quan Chi, but doesn't have access to the buffs from the patch.

I tried a lot of characters, but Kung Lao clicked instantly. Feels good to have him as a main after not really touching him since MK2 and MK3


Been playing around with Cybernetic Kano. He is a ton of fun and the only real downfall I can see with him is no overheads except for a NJP. So he can be pretty safely crouch blocked. Although, I wonder how many players actually know that fact. And even then you can just throw them if they like to turtle you.


Comics, serious business!
Been playing around with Cybernetic Kano. He is a ton of fun and the only real downfall I can see with him is no overheads except for a NJP. So he can be pretty safely crouch blocked. Although, I wonder how many players actually know that fact. And even then you can just throw them if they like to turtle you.

Cutthroat has an overhead right?
I feel like I'm being tested harder and harder every time I play another match.

And then I get the "there are many different characters, don't get stuck on just one" protip in the corner.

Perhaps it's finally time to let the Kenshi dream die and learn someone viable?
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