
I keep looking at this game and am just constantly impressed with the talent and capabilities of Asobo Studios here. I know MS doesn't own them as a studio, but they should seriously consider doing so, because this type of tech would be such a great asset for their other internal studios to use (such as 343i, who honestly need all the help they can get :S). Ninja Theory, Playground Games and The Coalition I really think they'll be MS's heavy-hitter studios in terms of setting visual standards for next-gen, and whether MS actually buys Asobo or develops an even deeper collaborative partnership with them similar to Sony with Bluepoint Studios, I would easily add Asobo in that mix as well. Hell, FS2020 is already setting the bar in many ways.

But I digress; MS's July show wasn't a smash hit (let's be honest; it was a bit of a fail outside of some of the game announcements), but one of the things they did get right was indicating a willingness to bring back some classic IP of theirs. Mainly referring to Fable here, but who says it has to stop there. Some teases of MechWarrior have been had; whether they will amount to anything is anyone's guess. But another well-received IP of theirs back in the day was Crimson Skies, and I think leveraging talent like Asobo would be very useful in bringing that IP back in a big way.

Anyhow tho, what do you all think? Would you like a next-gen reboot of something like Crimson Skies with FS2020's graphics engine? No reason for MS to not tap into the OG Xbox well; those IP may not have the resonance of Nintendo's or some of Sony's, but they're still fun games with dedicated communities and potential to be successfully iterated upon with modern technologies.