Can't even upload a demo right. Capcom and Marvel need to be ashamed that its taking them this damn long
A reminder of The Competition:
This game honestly looks like it came before MvsC3.
Guys guys...
It's DmC Dante with a wig!!!!
This is probably one of the best example of how big of an impact artstyle and lighting/shading makes to the game.
The MvC:I characters OBVIOUSLY have better textures and polygons put into them but the combination of bland lightning and shading with a generic artstyle makes them stand out far less.
MVC3 characters pop out at you, MvCI characters kinda just blend into the background in an unimpressive manner.
A reminder of The Competition:
This game honestly looks like it came before MvsC3.
game looks like ass but stop comparing PC screenshots at 1440p to trailer screenshots lol.
Hopefully the "story demo" is proper gameplay, you motherfuckers better update us fast. Im at work cant get it ;_;
For that DMC tease at the end of the trailer, I would like to give a personal fuck you to Capcom.
Still can't believe Capcpom has the balls to put Black Panther in the story mode and even show him off in trailers yet have him locked behind DLC.
Marvel has 13 characters confirmed while Capcom has 10, DLC included. We haven't seen a single newcomer from Capcom besides Sigma, who's DLC, while Marvel has shown 3. I know we all know about the leaks, but does this not bother anyone else? It's very hard to get excited for this game (understatement considering the DLC, art style, and everything else that's wrong with this game) when the Capcom half is barely getting coverage. We couldn't even get a tease of the Monster Hunter character after that "Monster Hunter World" reveal.
What the hell is going on with Gamora's face? Plus, WTF at BP being in the story mode, but not in the base roster.
Chun-Li is not representative of the majority of the models in the game, but of course nobody is taking screenshots of any other characters.
A reminder of The Competition:
This game honestly looks like it came before MvsC3.
A reminder of The Competition:
This game honestly looks like it came before MvsC3.
Guys guys...
It's DmC Dante with a wig!!!!
Got a link so I can add to OP?Demo is up on EU PSN webstore. But I can't download it. Only add it to wishlist
Got a link so I can add to OP?
You could almost believe this is coming from the guys that made this
Wait.... It fucking does
Kof XIV is also more visually appealing at this point. Heck that Code of Princess fighter is almost better looking as far as the models go.
WTF is up with this girl's eyebrows
Budget MVC. What do you expect.
They can't ship it looking like this, no way.
What does that even mean? Is this not a full priced game + paid DLC?
Kof XIV is also more visually appealing at this point. Heck that Code of Princess fighter is almost better looking as far as the models go.
Can't help but remember this picture after seeing your picture.
Demo coming 4am BST PS4 (so five minutes) and 6am BST XB1 (just over two hours), according to my Capcom FG community friend.
Edit: looks like PS4 is already up.